New Territory of Aquarius: All Of Us Here and An Aquarian Era, 2021 Annuals
Aquarius is the sign of “we’re all in this together.” I take this to heart. It is the truth. We are not alone on our planet, nor can we do anything much if we think we are.
It’s been a long time since there have been slow-moving planets in Aquarius. There have been a few spells, but the last one ended in 2012, and that was Neptune, which was impossible to grasp — and was mainly connected with the takeover of smart phone technology.
Now we are about to have Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, the two most massive planets: solar systems of their own. This is a transitional period that lasts through 2023. Within a few weeks of Saturn leaving Aquarius that year, Pluto enters Aquarius, where it will stay through 2044.
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Saturn in Aquarius
As mentioned many times, we are entering what I’m calling an Aquarian era.
One of the most influential and potent influences in all of classical astrology, as of Thursday morning, Saturn has entered Aquarius to stay. This will help reveal the true nature of both elements, Saturn and Aquarius. Contemporary astrologers tend to associate Aquarius with Uranus (often leaving out Saturn entirely). Much is missed by doing so.
Remember that classical astrology held Saturn as the bottom line and final arbiter; there were no known planets beyond it. Though Saturn has two signs of classical rulership, Capricorn and Aquarius, the latter stands out as the diurnal ruler, that is, by day, where everyone can see and experience its effects. Capricorn is Saturn as yin: earthy and maternal. Aquarius is Saturn as yang: assertive, organized and decisive.
I would propose that Saturn in Aquarius will serve as a stabilizing influence in a time when we need that dearly. I also propose that it’s time to do the work of Saturn: of individuating and learning how to stand apart from the group.
Saturn was briefly in Aquarius in the spring, from March 21 through July 1. It then retrograded back into Capricorn between then and today. Saturn spends a little under two-and-a-half-years in each sign during its 29-year orbit. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7, 2023. This is a direct, one-time exit: there is not a retrograde back into Aquarius.
On Saturday, Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius, and on Monday, the two meet up for the Great Conjunction of the two largest planets, which occurs once per 20 year cycle. I’ll have more ideas about what this might mean on Friday’s Planet Waves FM. — efc
Friday, December 18 — The Day of Mammoth Projects
If today is your birthday: You were stamped at birth with an ability to intuitively grasp wisdom of a higher order, and the hunger to reach for more. Touch base with that inner spark, and remember it in the year ahead — for you’re entering a new era in terms of how you conceive the world, and your role within it. Prepare to learn, and set your sights high. You’re being called to expand your mind, and for that to happen you must allow for flexibility as your mental infrastructure undergoes a period of renovation. Release notions of what should be, and gradually you’ll begin to see with new eyes. Trust this is a natural process; necessary in order to further develop your creative voice. All you really need is enough inner quiet so you can focus clearly. A lot is incoming right now; sort through the noise, and organize your thoughts. Proceed with deliberation and intent, and let wonder find you. — Victoria Emory
Thursday, December 17 — The Day of Earthly Chemistry
If today is your birthday: What’s the word about town? That’s for you to decide. You are entering a phase where you will have a hand in determining what topics are of importance and should take precedence, among your compatriots. You set the agenda. The key to handling this lies in pushing ahead and expanding beyond any notions of limitation that might guide your decision making. That is whether the sense of limitation stems from past experience in lacking material possessions, or bouts of doubting your own self worth. The past is no more. It is time to talk business. Whatever business matters to you. — Spencer
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Wednesday, Dec. 16 — The Day of Soaring Imagination
If today is your birthday: It is possible to let go of the past and still remain faithful to yourself. Recent events are offering you a fresh start, and as long as you meet this with awareness, the present situation is infinitely workable. Go on, take a risk — communicate your reality, and do so with your own particular flair. It may shake things up, and that’s alright. What is an artist if not an instigator? Such creative experiments can keep you agile in the midst of any chaos. If old questions surface regarding your inner resources, now could be the time to get clear about your needs. Focus your efforts, and allow support to arrive from unexpected places. Once you release your loyalty to limiting thought patterns, you can manifest the hidden power that is all your own. — Anna & Spencer
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Tuesday Notes: Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction Begins Today in Capricorn
While exactly aligned in Aquarius on Dec. 21, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is now within one degree in the sign Capricorn — so we are now getting that version of the event. On Thursday, Saturn enters Aquarius, so the conjunction will be split between two signs; this will be followed by Jupiter entering Aquarius on Saturday, and then the exact alignment Monday, the day of the Southern Solstice. That is when the Sun aligns with the Tropic of Capricorn and moves into the sign by the same name.
How relevant this astrology is depends on what you’re paying attention to. The Capricorn side of this event describes a vast transfer of resources (principally, money), a secret business plan, and the most astonishing exercise in government control of a massive population since the 1930s. What we are seeing today makes the 1930s seem modest.
This last degree of Capricorn comes with the symbol about the cabal of men who control the world. We are certainly seeing evidence of that. They are so few you can name them. The last degrees of any sign have special power, though by the last degree, it is diminishing. (This is known as the anaretic degree.)
The beginning of a new sign is another story — that’s what the new sign means. Aquarius is a collective sign: one of its themes is groups. The symbol for the first degree of Aquarius, where this conjunction is exact, is about “an old Adobe mission in California.” Not the software company but rather the system of 21 missions that went up the coast from near Mexico up to Davis, many built in the 18th century and some before.
While the missions were in part the work of the Spanish Empire (which was powerful, if you consider how many countries of the world speak that language), the symbol is about people getting together to do something of lasting value. While there is some potential for individual humans to advance our lives and purpose here (particularly by artists, writers and musicians), there is another level where only collective efforts matter. This first degree of Aquarius is about what we can accomplish together.
The question of this degree is, what is our collective legacy? But Aquarius has a personal question: to what extent are you willing to stand up and stand out from those around you? Many aware of the situation cannot say a word to their friends and family for fear of being outcast. What, exactly, is that about? And what do you plan to do about it? — efc
Planet Waves is supported by our Core Community and has been since we began in 1998. Our astrology and news coverage comes to you without commercial sponsorship of any kind. Find out about our Core Community here.
Tuesday, December 15 — The Day of Expansion
If today is your birthday: If matters of your material survival have felt slightly shaky of late, hold on for just a while longer. This last bit of turbulence is serving to knock loose emotions and sensibilities within you that you were previously unaware of. Understandably, you may make contact with some anxiety. However, try to reach the pleasure beneath the nervous energy. That is, feel into the expanding sense of well-being that stems from knowing and appreciating what you truly value. Then, as you start to come back to solid ground, allow this lust for life to pervade your awareness. It’s here that your focus will shift from seeking security to exploring your joy. What joys are waiting for you on the other side of fear? — Spencer
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Monday, Dec. 14 — The Day of the Selective Exhibitionist
If today is your birthday: Your life may be a confrontation of the old and the new, though if you look closely, and moreover, if you experiment, you’ll see that they are not equal values. What is new is coming on strong; what is old has no more substance than a Chinese wall or the facade of a town in an old movie. It is an edifice and a weak one, that you can go around, go behind, push through, or take apart and build something else. Yet you may be called to go aeons and megaparsecs beyond where you are today; in truth, anything is possible, as long as you don’t graft yourself onto your personal history. Let it go! So much more is possible. So much more is real. — efc
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
More on Monday’s solar eclipse is below the video
Sagittarius Eclipse: The Venturi Effect by Eric Francis
Dear Friend and Reader:
In my years of covering eclipses, I’ve discovered many ways to describe how they feel and how to handle them. We have an impressive total solar eclipse in Sagittarius set up for Monday, Dec. 14th. This occurs in the final hours of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, before they make their ingress into Aquarius the 17th through the 19th and form their once per generation conjunction on the 21st.
This is all such remarkable astrology — coming on the heels of two conjunctions this year involving Pluto — that we might get the clue that something unusual is happening in the course of human events. It surely is. Though as Bob Dylan said of Mr. Jones (who was a reporter for Time magazine) there are a good few people aware that something is happening, but they don’t know what it is. And the problem with that is this: not knowing usually means not knowing when you don’t know.
Were I to offer a motto for the Aquarian Era, it would be, “Know when you don’t know.”
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Monday Notes: Total Solar Eclipse and Final Approach to the Great Conjunction
The Sagittarius eclipse is an opening to something much greater than we can currently see.
We are looking ahead at one of the most unusual weeks of astrology that I’ve ever seen. We know that 2020 has been a year of highly unusual and era-defining events. We are now experiencing the closing sequence for 2020, which also begins a major new era in astrology that lasts through 2044. It’s difficult for the human mind to think in these terms, particularly in an era where it’s difficult to remember last week, or to have any concept of the future at all.
However, the future is upon us. Today’s total solar eclipse is a point of acceleration. It also describes conclusively an ending to the influences of 2020 and a radical point of embarking on the future.
That future is described by the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius — the beginning of the Aquarian Era (not the Aquarian Age, that’s another topic, though they are related).
They have one thing in common, which is the pattern-forming property of Aquarius, its involvement with technology, and how this will shape the human experience. I cover that at length in this article, called On the Cusp of the Aquarian Era. The bottom line issue is preserving our humanity from the now-constant attempts to merge humans with computers, and to have all natural human DNA essentially become the property of “science,” which means the government.
This is a spiritual matter, and the eclipse in Sagittarius describes an opening to something greater by which I mean a wider vision, more spiritually grounded. That would translate to a state of curiosity, openness and love in the form of respect for the unknown. How we handle this event, personally and collectively, will have much influence on how we develop our future in the Aquarian era. We are choosing what kind of world and what kind of society we want to live in, which will determine who we get to be living in whatever we create.
I am not fond of making distinctions between “ego” and “spiritual,” though one is called for today. Ego is an extremely limited viewpoint and it is grounded in guilt and fear. When you see people frantic about anything, en masse, identifying with disease and death, and attacking others, you can be sure something is way out of tune. That kind of obsession with anxiety and panic is not what it means to be alive. Yes, it’s ‘safe’ in its own way, and many people thrive on it, though it’s a dance of death and we are watching that unfold right now.
It’s dangerous to try to talk people out of their fears. That’s because many people build their whole personality on them. Or, they construct a reality that cannot be challenged, lest their whole mind fall apart. Let that house of cards crumble. Let yourself live on the solid ground of the honest search for the truth, and being open to the unknown. — efc
Planet Waves is supported by our Core Community and has been since we began in 1998. Our astrology and news coverage comes to you without commercial sponsorship of any kind. Find out about our Core Community here.
Sunday, December 13 — The Day of Exacting Craft
If today is your birthday: The spoken word can never express the totality of what is felt, and often the truth lies more in what goes unsaid. That can be particularly challenging when it comes to key relationships. Yet it’s essential that you get clear about what needs to be communicated to someone close, and broach that conversation. Note the sequence – first clarify what you think is going on, what you feel, before opening that door. You may not have the full story, imagine motives or feelings in another that are really more about you, or be insecure about delving into a long-standing situation at home that’s been swept under the carpet. However this resonates for you personally, the time has come to deal with it. What’s at stake is fundamentally about honesty with yourself — your own perception of the world, and how you want to live in it. –– Victoria Emory
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Saturday, December 12 — The Day of Body Language
If today is your birthday: These days, though the world’s reserves of optimism are low, you can discover a well of positivity within. This will allow you to travel far into expansive realms of future possibilities. And yet, another urge — to tackle a difficult task at work, or to devote yourself to the collective good — may have you feeling you need to make a personal sacrifice. There’s enough time to both adventure into your potential and tend your creative fire for the benefit of society. In the mental realm, take risks imagining who you want to be; explore whatever offers you plenty of space. When it comes to your professional work, set time aside to reorganize, so you can care for the elemental force that fuels you. Don’t burn the midnight oil either way, and you’ll get the job done perfectly. — Anna Ball
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Friday Notes: Balsamic, Scorpio Pre-Eclipse Moon; Sun Conjunct South Node and Trine Mars
Last night the Moon slid into Scorpio for the final days of the lunar cycle. This is known as a Balsamic Moon, for the soothing fragrance conducive to rest and recuperation. It is the Dark Moon, a psychically sensitive time of the month; a time to withdraw and dream, in preparation for the rebirth at the New Moon ahead. In Scorpio, and in advance of a Total Solar Eclipse, attunement to subtle frequencies is even more palpable.
Energetic tides are naturally low during this phase. But we have a somewhat strange combination of diffuse and retiring, yet energized vibrations today — augmented by the accelerated time-warp and raised antennae that accompany an eclipse.
The Sun in Sagittarius is now trine Mars, a very fiery and action-oriented dynamic. At the same time, it still carries a whiff of the otherworldly Neptune square from a few days ago. Mercury is also approaching a square to Neptune, exact Sunday, and will trine Mars Monday night, after the New Moon and Eclipse.
The combination of Neptunian and Martial energies colors this eclipse window, suggesting a need to Proceed with Caution. It can register as agitation, misdirected efforts or confusion, hyper-sensitivity, impulses arising from unconscious programming, or just spinning your wheels. A word to the wise: what is really called for right now is slowing down entirely.
There is a way to navigate these disparate influences in order to actually tap the rich potential of this Dark, Scorpio, pre-eclipse Moon. Invest in actions that will clear space. Concentrate on getting necessary work out of the way so as to create, with intent, an environment in which to let go, turn off the world, and focus inwardly. Reverently. Monday’s eclipse is conjunct the South Node; the notion of coming to terms with the past in order to move forward becomes something of an imperative. Today, Friday, the Sun exactly conjoins that South Node of the Moon.
The body stores emotion, and habitual tension helps to keep mental thought-loops on repeat, making it a lot harder to connect with the inner self. A hot bath and stretching tense muscles alone can help open psychic doors and alter fixed patterns. The idea is to allow emotion to move; allow your consciousness to shift. This is a weekend for a dream lodge retreat. Use these days to tune in, reflect, and empty out as much as possible. — Victoria Emory
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December 11 — The Day of Intensity
If today is your birthday: You’re poised at a very significant threshold: one leading from a phase of your life that’s concluding into what amounts to a new chapter in the Book of You. If torn between feeling confident and ready to forge ahead, and the need to withdraw and get your bearings, you’re right on schedule. Take time alone to consciously prepare for changes that lie ahead through some form of honest recapitulation of unresolved issues from the past. You need to bring all you’ve developed through lifetimes of effort and learning into the future with as little old agenda as possible. You may be called to draw upon established leadership skills and creativity, particularly in terms of work. Consider the possibility that freedom, independence and relationship are not mutually exclusive. On the job and personally, you will need others and they’ll need you. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Thursday, December 10 — The Day of Inner Fervor
If today is your birthday: It’s funny how who we think ourselves to be can have far reaching implications in our lives that aren’t always easy to spot. And how much more complicated if you’re entertaining two mutually exclusive notions of who you are. If you begin to feel pulled around by concepts or forces larger than you, remember that self understanding does not come through intellect alone. As well, recent events may have taught you that though you have possessions, you are not wholly defined by them either. So the question remains: who are you? As heroic as it may seem to think through and solve this ever present riddle, you would be just as well served to feel into the conundrum, and open yourself up to receive the answer you seek. — Spencer
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Wednesday Notes: Moon in Libra; Sun square Neptune
The Moon is currently cruising through Libra and, overnight, made aspects to Pholus, Quaoar, and Chiron. Then, this evening, it will make a sextile to Mercury at 4:13 pm EST. If you feel inspired to pick up a colorful bouquet for your kitchen table, or to pause and catch up with friends, take an hour for these feel-good activities. The sextile to Mercury suggests that your conversations may lean toward “big picture” topics, or wax philosophical. Keep the discussions as lighthearted as you can.
The Moon makes a number of aspects late in the day and overnight. Moon opposite Mars (exact at 3:3o am EST on Dec. 10) calls for caution, and understanding if you’re feeling irritated. This may not be so difficult to sort out as it seems, and you can falsely ascribe blame if you don’t proceed slowly. This could have the feeling of a disagreement lurking under the surface.
The Sun will be under the influence of Neptune, as these planets are set to make a square aspect at 2:41 pm EST. This is caution against self-deception, and acting on bad information. The Sun-Neptune square happens aligned with the lunar nodes. The bigger aspect here is Neptune square the Nodes, a long event that is telling us everything turns on the matter of truth and lies.
Any square to the nodes tell you what you must do, or nothing happens. Neptune says that “must do” is be real with yourself.
As you navigate your social environments today, notice if you’re feeling pulled in many directions. Recognize when you don’t know, be careful not to indulge your delusions, and look for ways to tap into trust. Now is the time to address your fears, and those of others, with kindness and honesty. Don’t let yourself stay confused. — Spencer & Anna + efc
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Wednesday, December 9 — The Day of Flamboyance
If today is your birthday: There’s a chance you’re doubting a recent breakthrough in your vision of where you want to go. A cloud seems to be passing over the target you’re aiming for, or perhaps there’s suddenly more than one bullseye. To complicate matters, you may feel pressure to clarify your trajectory now, before a heavier mist rolls in. You can resist rooting yourself in one limiting point of view, though stay grounded enough to not get swept up in the current climate of anxiety. Think back to your bigger plans — back to who you’re learning to be. Don’t fool yourself: you know what you want. You are in a position to decide how to define the spirit of this pivotal era for yourself. Find some clarity in listening for what your soul craves. Lean back, and lift that arrow to the stars. — Anna Ball
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Tuesday Notes
Last night we published the new weekly horoscope. If you like what you see on Planet Waves, please sign up for a Core Community Membership, or support our efforts by offering a one-time or monthly donation to Chiron Return, our nonprofit organization.
The feeling of our moment involves two conjunctions rapidly approaching: a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius in under one week, and a conjunction of the two largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in just over one week.
Together, these events describe a potentially chaotic moment of rapid transition that I described in an article published last night called The Venturi Effect.
The feeling is the sensation of a chaotic rush from one zone in the landscape of time into the next, which is what the next two weeks are about. This is all made more dramatic for happening as the Sun reaches the solstice point: here in the North, we feel an extreme time compression. In the South, we feel the stretch of seemingly endless days.
In local news, today the Virgo Moon is approaching trines to Jupiter and Saturn in late Capricorn. Trines say: let easy be easy. Trines also don’t happen automatically; you must plan, reach, stretch, and act consciously. Trines make it easy to tell ‘white’ lies and make excuses; get over that, if you might be prone to do so.
The Moon enters Libra at 7:01 pm EST, which begins a whole new phase of the week. The Moon will first oppose Chiron in Aries overnight Tuesday to Wednesday. Keep a handle on your fear. There is a lot going around, and the powers that be are making it national policy to be terrified. Please don’t fall for that. Fear eats the soul.
Tuesday, December 8 — The Day of Abandon
If today is your birthday: With all of the instability currently in the world, how about a couple of seismic shifts in your favor? What’s being presented to you is the opportunity to sidestep any fears that recently may have surfaced regarding your resources. Instead, unearth the ambitions beneath your fears and apply your talents toward fully taking your place in the world. Said another way, you are moving toward greater public service and into greater responsibility. So aim for what you want. Your key to managing the details, and maintaining an impeccable reputation is this: watch out for self-deception. No need to let the past nor any outmoded thought patterns con you out of the best ideas you have for yourself. — Spencer & Anna
If you like what you see on Planet Waves, please sign up for a Core Community Membership, or support our efforts by offering a one-time or monthly donation to Chiron Return, our nonprofit organization.
Listen to Free Readings by Eric Francis Any Time. Find out about the newest readings available here.
Monday Notes: Moon in Virgo; Midpoint Between Eclipses
The Moon entered Virgo yesterday afternoon, and will square the Sun in Sagittarius Monday evening at 7:37 pm EST. This is the fourth quarter phase of the lunar cycle, and a special one. We’re at the mid-point between the Full Moon lunar eclipse on November 30th, and the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse on December 14th. There’s a liminal, between-worlds quality to an eclipse window; a feeling of destiny or karma unfolding. After the epic events of the pivotal year that’s ending, that tone rings even louder.
Squares denote action, a turning of the wheel. The final week of the cycle is the time to wrap things up, clear the decks and prepare for the next phase. A few stand-out features in today’s chart offer clues as to what might help that along.
For one thing, the Moon conjoins the asteroid Vesta when the fourth quarter is exact. Vesta resonates strongly with Virgo; this aspect speaks of selfless devotion, service and sacrifice of the lesser for the greater. A few hours later, the Moon opposes Neptune in Pisces (10:45 pm), creating what’s called a Grand Cross pattern. The Moon and Neptune are square the North and South Nodes of the Moon – the eclipse points.
Given the fourth quarter need for endings, letting go, making way for a rebirth and, with the eclipse next week, a re-set, I suggest a deep-dive, tuning all-the-way-in to what you’re ready to surrender. What needs release? It might be related to patterns of escape, habitual fears, pent-up grief or feelings of unworthiness (all of which are related). Look at what calls for order, for healing, and what specific actions will get that ball rolling in earnest. What has to go in order to serve something higher? What needs to get organized, seriously? Literally clearing crap out from where you live can be an especially powerful ritual right now. Consider this all as preparation of your temple.
This is also a time for ‘power-dreaming.’ Visioning. Reconnecting with Spirit. A key phrase for eclipse season is: Look Where You Want to Be.
— Victoria Emory
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Monday, December 7 — The Day of Idiosyncrasy
If today is your birthday: A crossroads is a sacred place. It represents the realm between worlds, where prayer offerings are left to higher forces. You are standing at such a power spot, and if in question about which direction to take — trust the path that leads to greater visibility in the world. Train your sights on career-related matters. Approach that work in the spirit of dedicated service, for you will learn much and expand your circle. Long-standing instability or uncertainty on the home-front has been a catalyst propelling you into a wider, busier future. Now the focus is on you, your keen intelligence and talent as a communicator. There is a natural rhythm underneath these developments. Don’t try to force it, or resist it. Let it carry you like a gentle wave, instead. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Sunday, December 6 — The Day of Extraction
If today is your birthday: You may find yourself knee-deep in a vivid domestic fantasy, one that casts a soft glow out past the garden. As you gaze out the window today, notice if you’re feeling slightly on edge. Perhaps a wrinkle has appeared in the vision you’ve been nurturing: maybe your partner’s bold experiments are rubbing you the wrong way; maybe the kids keep drumming on the pots and pans. If a bit of chaos leaves the home life you’re aspiring to just out of reach, make peace with that. This irritation is here to bring that ideal destination into sharper focus. Remember: our view of the horizon will change as we approach it. Don’t miss the beauty on the path there. — Anna Ball
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
The most exuberant astrology reading ever.
Astrology Studio for Sagittarius, 2020-2021
Dear Friend and Sagittarius Sun, Moon, or Rising:
Without Sagittarius, we would all be lost. Home of the two centers of our local universe (the Galactic Core and the Great Attractor), Sagittarius is the homing signal in the zodiac. It reminds us of our cosmic origins, and this is a role you serve in the lives of many.
Sagittarius season is particularly exciting this year, with two eclipses involving your sign, including the Dec. 14 eclipse conjunct a planet named for the Goddess of the Stars.
The image above is as close of an image as we can get to the Galactic Core, which is packed with millions of whipping stars jammed so close that it’s light out all the time, in every direction.
And you are invited to view this new video on why I think that Sagittarius is the most interesting sign.
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,
PS — This reading is included with the Backstage Pass. If you have questions about that, please give us a ring at (845) 481-5616.
Here is a sample of your Sagittarius reading — Live from the Galactic Center
Weekend Notes: Moon trine Mars, Venus trine Neptune
This weekend the Moon is traveling through Leo, on its way into Virgo on Sunday afternoon. Today it trines the Sun (9:41 am), the Great Attractor (10:15 am), and squares Venus (4:47 pm), before forming another helpful trine to Mars at 5:28 pm EST.
The Moon’s trine to Mars is asking that you dial in your strength — get a sense of what remains for you to accomplish, then take charge, be steadfast, and wrap things up. After, it’ll be time to relax.
Late Saturday, Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces float into an energizing aspect. This trine, exact at 11:53 pm EST, presents a window for tapping into an ideal, perhaps a romantic vision of some kind. It’s an opening, lasting through Sunday, to recharge emotionally. While you can, take this rare chance to luxuriate, and to connect with the ease in your relationships. The watery quality may lend an undercurrent of seduction or secrecy. If you feel any dissonance between your desire and your reality, think of the natural pearl, which comes into existence only after an irritant has worked its way in.
So take a break, tune in to beauty, and trust that there are wonders in the making. This will go a long way to restore your peace of mind. — Spencer, Anna & Victoria
Planet Waves is ad-free and supported by our Core Community. If you appreciate and benefit from our work, please sign up.
Saturday, December 5 — The Day of Confidence
If today is your birthday: You know that feeling when you walk around your house late at night? It’s profoundly quiet, you’re headed to bed, and you feel you could almost step into your forthcoming dreams. And not those unpredictable, nonsensical dreams, but those where colors are brighter, and love feels deeper — those dreams you have a hand in guiding. Imagine your entire life taking on that tone, of lucid play somewhere between the dreamtime and the waking world. You’re being gifted the creative potential to shape your life as you please. Stay honest, and the growing passion you feel will hold fast once the reverie starts to fade. — Spencer
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Friday Notes: Grand Fire Trine — Moon trine Mercury trine Chiron
Today the Moon enters Leo at 7:33 am EST and forms a grand trine with Mercury and Chiron. Beyond this smoldering trio, there is much else going on in the fire signs — the Sun, South Node, Mars and Eris are in the mix, too. That’s a lot of fire, and a good amount of leverage to initiate a release of some kind.
Like a spark catching in a combustion engine, you may find yourself in a situation that quickly builds momentum — a situation that will not be easy to shift. But small, directed effort has the potential to power your long journey down the road of your choosing. The important thing is to keep a positive mindset and, as always, look where you want to go.
Meanwhile, exact at 7:40 pm, Mercury trines Chiron and asks: what do you want to have a real conversation about? Tune in to your emotions. Observe how they support your ideas about healing, and allow this to guide your interactions. You’ll know you’re doing it right when you feel a fire in your belly — that pleasure of being alive.
Whatever it is you talk about, even if you feel you don’t have all the information, have a genuine conversation where everything can be brought to the table. Take care to get your point across, but not at the expense of another person. Instead, guide this with your most generous vision possible, hold that intention steady, and everything else will fall into place. — Spencer & Anna
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Friday, December 4 — The Day of Fortitude
If today is your birthday: Life is offering endless possibilities, though don’t be so fast to commit until you have an idea of what the possibilities actually are. There are more than you think, and if you pause, they may come along in an interesting succession. However, what you choose may be the thing that chooses you, potentially through some alteration of your plans. Given the option, make your decision on the basis of what you want the most, because you’re likely to be doing a lot of it. Whatever you do, whatever course you pick, you will have the option to stand out or lay back. You will have the option to stay close to home, or to journey far and wide. The options are abundant. — efc
Also if today is your birthday: To create is to heal. To create is to learn; to explore; to travel both inward and beyond the self. And when approached with courage, the creator gives something of themselves to the world, and in the giving grows into more of who they truly are. This is a path available to you in the coming year. You have a voice, and much to express, some of which has not been easy or perhaps even fully conscious. Even care-givers need nurturing; yet that may feel like a dilemma. If you feel bound by responsibilities at home, unable to put into words what you need from others, or perhaps unsure how to deal with a loss of some kind, you must write yourself a permission slip. You need some creative play-time. Children are all artists, and genius is – to borrow from Rimbaud – “The recovery of childhood at will.” Regardless of whether you consider yourself ‘a creative person’ or not – you are. This is the year to discover what that means. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Thursday Notes
The Moon is passing through the emotionally-based sign Cancer. It will form a square to Mars at 8:21 am EST, and a square to Eris at 7:47:47 pm (interesting numerical pattern there). This can be a wild ride emotionally, with rumbling, crackling storm clouds of anger lingering around. The Cancer Moon makes this all the more sensitive and palpable in-body rather than as an idea.
The thing about squares is that they tend to have an inwardly focused quality, when they need to be expressed. So this is classic astrology for taking things out on yourself. That, however, could turn into projection — that is, blaming others for your feelings. The best thing you can do is not try to sort this out today. Invest your time working out what’s going on, and finding some creative expression of your feelings.
If you can do that for a day, you might find yourself in a different place on Friday, though that too is a complex day as the Moon opposes Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. That is another kind of story — I’ll get to it in the next edition.
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Thursday, Dec. 3 — The Day of Ingenuity
If today is your birthday: How do you handle a battle of the wills in a relationship? Do you go blow for blow? Do you submit? Do you negotiate? Do you walk away? This depends on the quality of communication between you and close partners in your life. And that, in turn, may depend on your self-confidence — and your sense of what you have to offer. One of the essential questions to ask yourself is: do you feel there is a balance of exchange in your relationships? And perhaps more significantly, does that matter to you? Events this year will challenge you to face those questions. As you do, maintain your optimism and faith in others, challenging though it may be. And maintain your faith in yourself, challenging as that may be. You will need to find a creative use of your anger. Your tendency will be to turn it on yourself, in the form of guilt and resentment. If you feel those emotions, stop, and find a different approach. That will take creativity, optimism and courage — all of which you have in abundance. — efc
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Wednesday, Dec. 2 — The Day of Larger-Than-Life
If today is your birthday: Ideas are like stories – they come to those who are able and willing to give them form. Your mental faculties will be running on high voltage in the year ahead, and with skill, you can pluck one or two ideas from the abundance available and put them to work for tangible rewards. Your priorities in terms of financial security have matured. Challenges have that benefit. Hopefully, you’ve to come to appreciate your own talents as your greatest resource. For with discipline, you’re well-positioned to channel your innate creative intelligence toward practical, material benefit. Keep a notebook handy. Think strategically. The Force is with you, so use it. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Mercury Enters Sagittarius, Many Fire Sign Planets
Today Mercury joins the Sun in fire sign Sagittarius. This is about thinking big thoughts, and seeing outside your usual snow-globe.
Mercury in Sagittarius has an idealistic feeling, what you might think of as a “see no evil” approach to the world. The question to ask in every situation is, is your optimism warranted? It just might be, though it’s worth checking for potential issues in any plan, particularly any business plan.
There are many planets in the fire signs right now: The Sun and the South Node (solar eclipse coming!), Chiron, Mars still newly in direct motion, and Eris. Mercury will be talking to all of these points. But any time you see a trine (particularly involving Mercury), don’t just think “easy.” Think, we need to verify this.
Mercury trine Chiron is exact Friday. We could all use a real discussion with Chiron, and that is available. What are your actual values and priorities when it comes to wellness and healing? What injuries from the past (including mental and emotional wounds) are influencing you now?
Who can you trust for honest talk about matters of health — that is, a discussion not driven by fear? Who do you actually trust, who is not getting their information from CNN? There are many dedicated practitioners, though you will need to know something yourself if you want to make the most of the opportunity of working with them.
In lunar news, the Moon enters Cancer at 10:33 pm EST on Tuesday. — efc
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Tuesday, December 1 — The Day of Mirthful License
If today is your birthday: You’re embarking on a quest to conceive a new self-concept. Or rather, to reconceive yourself. In the coming year, ideas may arise about who you are, for you to try on. Try them on. If there are any residual family patterns that have persisted in clouding, or seemingly wounding, your sense of self, then now is the time to identify those patterns. Take the time you need to fully comprehend your situation, and focus on what is calling out to be addressed once and for all — the buck stops with you. Then, as your self-understanding grows, you’ll come to find your sense of security where you are. That is, in who you are. Truth be told, there is a lot of room for you to be you. The more you trust this, and the more you come to enjoy this, the more room there will be. — Spencer & Anna
You may order your Sagittarius reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.