Dear Friend and Reader:
The world is in an interesting and delicate place as we approach the Aquarian Era. In three weeks, Jupiter and Saturn form a conjunction in the sign Aquarius for the first time since 1405. I’ve had to research that several times just to make sure I was seeing it right.
What is called the Great Conjunction, the one between the two largest planets, happens ever 20 years. It bounces all over the zodiac, running in little trends over the centuries. Two conjunctions in Aquarius (March 24, 1345, and Jan. 16, 1405) seem to ring in the Renaissance, and that’s all we get for the conjunction in Aquarius until Dec. 21, 2020.
This is the second rare conjunction of 2020. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction which took place on Jan. 12, 2020 last occurred in 1982, 1947 and 1915. However, none were in Capricorn; the most recent Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn occurred in 1518.
We have had a suitably strange year — a watershed year in the history of civilization, with many unprecedented events still unfolding. And where exactly do we stand? I will catch you up on the events of the past week or so, leading into the Gemini eclipse of the Moon that took place early Monday morning.
These developments tell us one thing: on the cusp of the Aquarian era, we have a lot to think about, particularly the information we use to make our decisions. As always, ask yourself how you know what you think you know.

Bifurcated Consciousness of 2020: The Big Split
This year we have all been dealt about as much as we can handle, maybe a lot more. Many people were exhausted before all that has happened, and have been pushed to the edge.
The world has not just experienced what we are told is a pandemic but many related events, and many ways of perceiving it. Most people are feeling the economic impact of entire economies reshaped, school districts shut down, industries vanished, and tens of millions newly unemployed or out of business, nearly overnight.
Yet there seems to be little agreement on what is happening. People I know who posited themselves as radicals both on the left and the right are arguing that we should trust the government. (And what was that AK-47 for anyway?)
I have covered this split in consciousness in a new article called Which Pandemic Are You Living Through? The article contrasts the pandemic we were promised with the one that we actually got.
The world has seemed to split into parts. People are divided between those who are terrified of a novel virus (which means, of death from some new, uncontrolled cause), those who are taking it in stride or are a bit skeptical, and those who are tracking the official narrative falling apart day by day.
Over Thanksgiving week, three of the most scientifically relevant developments of the year took place, all involving the official scientific establishment. These developments demand an actual inquiry into why people are getting sick, and the true nature of any outbreak(s) that are happening.
I have never seen such disparity between what is reported in the official news media, and what I know to be true from my own journalistic efforts. There is always some disparity, but sometimes it feels like CNN is on one planet and I am on another.
These splits constitute true cognitive dissonance, and I’m wondering how long it can hold up. None of the facts I am about to report can be reconciled against the official narrative or what we are seeing broadcast on television 24 by 7. I recognize that what you’re about to read raises more questions than it offers answers — but we deserve honest answers and have a right to seek out honest information.
Over Thanksgiving week, three of the most scientifically relevant developments of the year took place, all involving the official scientific establishment. These developments demand an actual inquiry into why people are getting sick, and the true nature of any outbreak(s) that are happening.
In truth they are all positive developments. But they will make some people angry — very angry. We might ask why that is. I think it’s time to consider our relationship to fear. It’s time to consider that someone cannot be reasoned out of what they were shocked and terrified into believing. We might consider carefully the words of those who try to do so, and demand the data to back up their claims.

Johns Hopkins Study Says There were No Excess Deaths in 2020
First, Johns Hopkins University, in an official newsletter (founded 1896, and stylized News-Letter), reported that by its independent review of CDC data, there are no excess deaths in 2020.
Johns Hopkins is a pillar of the medical and academic establishments and has been one of the official voices on the Covid issue. In fact they are so involved that the university hosted Event 201, which essentially planned out the entire coronavirus “pandemic” six or so weeks before it was known to exist, complete with market crashes, lockdowns, internet censorship, new reports, expert comments and the rest.
The notion of excess deaths is at the foundation of the claim that there is a pandemic happening. (Another foundation is that a disease be new — this is why plenty of people die of heart disease and cancer, and those are not considered pandemics.)
Any other year, this scenario would have made headlines and there would have been follow-up by the national press corps.
“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same,” the University published in its official newsletter.
“These data analyses suggest that in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States,” the article continues.
This caused such an uproar that five days later, the administration tried to walk back the article, claiming it was issuing the retraction “to stop the spread of misinformation, as we noted on social media.” They revert to the authority of the same CDC whose data the paper’s authors analyzed, ignoring their own findings and declaring 300,000 dead Americans over the norm*.
It is impossible to dismiss this as a conspiracy theory, or to say it’s the result of some oversight. It was a statistical study by one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.
The Johns Hopkins administration did not say that the article was wrong, only that other sources should also be considered. What exactly happened? Is nobody vetting official publications of Johns Hopkins, or did they get heat from political actors for “minimizing” the pandemic? Any other year, this scenario would have made headlines and there would have been follow-up by the national press corps.
It is impossible to dismiss this as a conspiracy theory, or to say it’s the result of some oversight. It was a statistical study published by one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.

Ten Million People Studied: No Asymptomatic Spread
Second, on Nov. 20, 2020, the eminent British journal Nature (founded in 1869) published a new study of nearly 10 million people in one city demonstrating that there is no asymptomatic spread of the virus. This is not based only on who “tested positive” but who rather tested positive and actually got sick — and what happened next.
The study involved testing every person in the city of Wuhan, where the outbreak is said to have begun. The notion of the lockdowns, of social distancing, of masking, and closing the economic and social life of entire societies is based solely on the notion of asymptomatic spread. It would be easy enough to have sick people stay home.
While the “asymptomatic spread” concept has never had a solid foundation, and is based on presumptions and also computer models, and was denied by a top official of the World Health Organization in the spring, studying every person in a massive city provides insight into what is really going on.
The study used extremely stringent protocols. For example, “All asymptomatic positive cases, repositive [reinfection] cases and their close contacts were isolated for at least 2 weeks until the results of nucleic acid testing were negative. None of the detected positive cases or their close contacts became symptomatic or newly confirmed with COVID-19 during the isolation period.”
If there is no asymptomatic spread, then there is no need for isolating older people from their families, for shuttering businesses, for closing school districts, for quarantines lasting longer than the planned vacation, for plexiglass dividers, for a vaccine, or for a climate of general terror. But it gets better.

Consortium of European Scientists Calls for Retraction of PCR
Test Specifications as Flawed and Fraudulent
Finally, as if all of that were not enough, a consortium of European scientists has conducted an analysis of the specifications for the PCR test being used to create the case count, the death count, and to conduct nearly all other research. The test is the only device being used as a diagnostic tool for Covid, which is not in the device’s capabilities.
The group demanded, in a letter dated Nov. 28, the retraction of a paper published on Jan. 23 by Eurosurveillance. This paper established the entire scientific basis for the pandemic: that there was proof of a novel virus, proof of causation of Covid disease, and a valid test protocol. You may read a very short summary here in an unrolled Twitter thread.
The authors conclude that the problems they detail “render the entire test-protocol useless with regards to delivering accurate test-results of real significance in an ongoing pandemic.”
The retraction demand, co-signed by 22 scientists, outlines fatal flaws and evidence of fraud in test methods being used involving a device called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This is a machine that can find individual molecules, a procedure which is now claimed to diagnose a disease on its authority alone. The independent review found 10 categories of major scientific flaws in the design and use of the test protocol.
The protocols were primarily designed by Christian Drosten. They were not peer reviewed before being published in a publication for which he sits on the editorial board — one of many conflicts of interest cited by the European scientists. The analysis includes a detailed look at the consequences of false positives.
“Over one hundred governments have used these results to apply unprecedented measures to control transmission; such as lockdowns which have irreparably impacted millions of lives and livelihoods and direct attacks on people’s basic rights and personal freedoms, further resulting in catastrophic damages for entire economies,” the consortium writes in its report.
“These are severe design errors, since the test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. The test cannot be used as a diagnostic for SARS-viruses,” the authors wrote.
The Nov. 28 demand for retraction by European scientists is the first technical analysis by molecular biologists and doctors that explains why so many false positives happen, and why they are worse in the case of the Covid version of the PCR.
“These are severe design errors, since the test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. The test cannot be used as a diagnostic for SARS-viruses,” the authors wrote.
The authors conclude that the problems they detail “render the entire test-protocol useless with regards to delivering accurate test-results of real significance in an ongoing pandemic.”
This is the same protocol endorsed by the World Health Organization and which is being used in nearly every country. For what it’s worth, the Supreme Court of Portugal ruled that the test is so unreliable it cannot be used to quarantine people.

PCR Misuse and False Positives Have Been Documented All Year — and as Far Back as the Early 1990s
Since the spring, smaller publications have been documenting problems with the PCR device, beginning with Jon Rappoport’s analysis in late March of government documents about use of PCR for 2019-n-CoV, which say that the test cannot be used to diagnose disease or infection status — other factors must be taken into account.
Then a week or so later, Celia Farber published an investigative report about whether the device was ever meant to find a virus. She has covered the PCR issue since the 1990s.
On June 27, Off-Guardian published its report, COVID-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless — which is exactly what the consortium of European scientists concluded six months later.
On July 22, Planet Waves published our version of the PCR analysis based on four months of independent research into the matter, bringing in the 2006 Dartmouth-Hitchcock incident demonstrating the potential for 100% false positives, that is, every single positive test being incorrect.
The test is not based on a real virus found in nature, but on theoretical sequences composed on a computer. Nobody can have the virus that is being tested for because it does not exist in nature.
Then finally in August, The New York Times published the first of several articles indicating that because the cycle threshold of the PCR is set too high, the test may be getting up to 90% false positives. It did not quote Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s virus czar, who warned of the same thing in an interview a month earlier.
The Times reporting a 90% false positive rate represented an improvement from the 100% false positive rate that the Times previously documented in 2007, after a false alarm caused by the PCR at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. The article warned that relying on the PCR could create pseudo epidemics, which according to one source in the article, “happen all the time.”
This news comes on the heels of the revelation that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has no clinical samples of the virus it claims has killed 300,000 Americans. The test is not based on a real virus found in nature, but on theoretical sequences composed on a computer. (Here is how that looks. The digital virus is then turned into synthetic virus, which has a word: the vaccine.)
Nobody in the population can have the virus that is being tested for because it does not exist in nature. Said another way, the test cannot find 2019-nCoV (also called SARS-CoV-2) because it’s not told to look for that — it’s told to look for something else.
This issue is discussed in detail by the European scientists. It is worth reading even if you have to gloss over some of the technicalities.
You may ask how that — or any of this — is possible, or why it’s not on CNN. I am asking the same questions every day.
SPECIAL NOTE — I will have one of the co-authors of the retraction study as my guest on Friday’s Planet Waves FM.

The Future is Upon Us. How do We Proceed?
Most of what we have learned about the pandemic we have taken on authority. This is consistent with so much activity happening in the sign Capricorn, including the presence of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. It turns out that the authority figures we listened to didn’t really have a clue what was going on, or how to handle it.
Now all of those planets are heading for Aquarius, which is a very different energy field from Capricorn. Aquarius is the sign of science. It demands that thought proceed using a method, rather than suppositions and assumptions. But this requires something that would seem to be rather special: people exercising independent thought.
The essence of Aquarius is the relationship between the group and the individual. Yes, Aquarius is said to be the sign of groups, but what does that mean? Bailey says that a group is made of individuals. If people are not individuated, that is a mass, and not a group.
Notice how you are responding to what you read above. Could you discuss it with another person? Do you know enough to formulate your own questions?
How is your fear level these days? Most significantly, how do you think we should proceed into the future, based on what is now known about the Covid situation, which has been used as an excuse to reshape the world?
If I had to say just one thing about the nature of the sign Aquarius as we venture into this new era in history, it would be from the teachings of Alice A. Bailey. This I think gets to the essence of the times we are embarking on.
The essence of Aquarius is the relationship between the group and the individual. Yes, Aquarius is said to be the sign of groups, but what does that mean? Bailey says that a group is made of individuals. If people are not individuated, that is a mass, and not a group.
Masses are dangerous. It is mass-thinking that is responsible for the insanity of religion, of cults, of wars, of holocausts, and of many of society’s worst problems. Mass consciousness means that people are not thinking for themselves. They are letting others think for them. And we certainly see plenty of that in the lower vibrations of Aquarius.

This is About You Individuating
Therefore, the message of Aquarius is to individuate, which is a fancy way of learning how to stand up to the pressure and be yourself, think your own thoughts, and make your own decisions. Based on nearly a year of research into Covid and therefore the medical establishment, the vaccine business and government policy, here is what I can tell you: there is much momentum to take away your right to make your own medical and health choices.
The trend toward having absolutely no privacy has gone beyond your credit account being hacked five times. Now there are many different plans to inject nanotechnology into the human body, including the Covid vaccine, which contains “messenger RNA.”
The issue has even been discussed by Boris Johnson, prime minister of the UK, in a speech delivered to the General Assembly of the United Nations. I have read many articles confirming what he is saying here. Some of Johnson’s more menacing observations were cut from this version.
Yet the power to stand up to any of this depends on people who are individuated, and in command of their own intelligence. Most people will succumb to pressure from their families, friends, and coworkers, and coercion by government and business, to adopt a point of view.
Being an individual means doing the work to make your own observations. It means making informed choices for yourself and your family for which you are wholly responsible. It means fully owning your vision of what it means to be a person, or a non-person.
Under Aquarian conditions, that is especially dangerous. Cult mentalities can take shape quickly under the influence of Aquarius. Patterns of thought take hold and do not let go so easily. The idea that “you do not have a right to be an individual” is the first, and worst, of them, and we are seeing that plenty these days.
Most significantly, we are seeing an onslaught of digital technologies that have the power to invade our cells, our thoughts, and our feelings. There is constant discussion of who will not be allowed where, without a “Covid test” or worse, proof of “immunization.”

What Does it Mean to Be a Person?
I recognize that there are people who don’t want to take any chances. They walk around with terror in their eyes, standing apart from others, or not leaving their homes. I hear from them every day. However, you take a lot of chances with that viewpoint, particularly when you submit yourself to others selling you their idea of “safe,” which is entirely detached from reality and has no basis in this thing called science that we claim to revere.
Life involves risk. It is inherent in our existence. It also takes doing the work of raising your own consciousness.
Being an individual means doing the work to make your own observations. It means making informed choices for yourself and your family for which you are wholly responsible. It means fully owning your vision of what it means to be a person, or a non-person.
It means noticing what is not being said. For example, not once have I heard a single public official say we must address the problem of the virus without destroying our society, our culture and our economy. Not once! You could watch TV around the clock for a month and not hear one word about how to take care of yourself. The answer is always more control, more drugs, more vaccines, more fear and more confusion.
You have the power to rise above that. But you will have to be strong, and rise above any fear you may be feeling. In the words of Thom Yorke, “Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention, pay attention.”
On the cusp of the Aquarian Era, we might ask: What is the value of truth? What is the real definition of science? What does it mean to be a person?
With love,

All Of Us Here – Astrology for Our Moment
In honor of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, the 2021 Planet Waves annual readings are called ALL OF US HERE. These are audio readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs.

For the next few days, we will be offering all 12 signs of ALL OF US HERE for $88.These extended audio readings will synchronize you with the astrology of the forthcoming year.
They include a video introduction wherein I describe the charts — done by Dec. 21, the day of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
There is also a separate written reading called AN AQUARIAN ERA for $88, which covers Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Aquarius from 2021-2024 – this is available for pre-order for all 12 signs. It is your best introduction to Pluto in Aquarius (2023-2044).

Now Playing on Planet Waves FM: Full-Day Workshop with Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andy Kaufman
Listen on Planet Waves FM
Chiron Return, our nonprofit arm, publishes Covid19 News every day, in fact several times a day. We have updated about 1,000 times since we began daily publishing on March 3. This old-style news weblog takes a panoramic view of the virus situation. We offer news and viewpoints from a wide diversity of sources, science news, international reporting, videos and other resources to help you see the wide diversity of information not making it onto television or major websites. We are tracking the vaccine and testing issues carefully.
Each Friday night, Chiron Return publishes Planet Waves FM. Running since 2010, with roots into Radio Woodstock in the 1990s, Planet Waves FM covers current events, current astrology, science history, personal growth and other themes. Includes music by Vision Quest, the in-house Planet Waves orchestra.
Planet Waves publishes daily astrology and birthdays through the week. This feature includes a daily extended birthday reading and ongoing commentaries on developing astrology as it happens. Check in whenever you want — no password required.
Every week or so, I do a new edition of Planet Waves TV. Usually these focus an astrological topic or chart in detail. After initially being resistant to video, I now love doing these. The more people click on them the more I will do — and I am interested in your suggestions. The link to PlanetWaves.TV redirects to our YouTube channel for easy access. We also post to Facebook, to our front page, and include one with the weekly newsletter.
Going back to February, I’ve developed a portfolio of essays, investigative articles, videos and audio presentations on the Covid situation. These include articles about the astrology of the situation, hand sanitizer, holistic care, social critique and a wide diversity of other topics. We’ve recently added a selection of my satires, such as CDC guidance on blowing kisses. This is a truly comprehensive look at the issues, written from a worldly, nonpolitical standpoint. Here is the link.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscope for December is published below in this issue. We also counted it as the weekly horoscope for Nov. 30. We published your extended monthly horoscope for November on Thursday, Oct. 29. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Monday Evening Horoscope #255 for November 30, 2020
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — For the past few years, Chiron in your sign has been pushing you to individuate. This is a phase where you emerge into your own psyche and the world as a distinct being who is unwilling to compromise your values due to pressure from others. The drive to do so is always there. Society seems designed to make sure that nobody gets to be too special (except for a few celebrities who don’t do too much of any real note). For you, this is not about being noticed. It’s about having oxygen to breathe, only available if you’re being truly and genuinely yourself. The way you know you’re doing that is you feel the resistance around you and the necessity within you. You will feel vulnerable, and wonder if you’re doing the right thing. More than anything, you will feel like you’re in unfamiliar situations where you have to think on your feet. As Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius, your involvement with community and various circles of friends is likely to shift, and increase radically. Notice the emphasis on Aquarius — the sign of groups, which also happens to occupy your 11th solar house of groups — on the heels of all these attempts to shape social society and drive people apart from one another. The universe is a large place, though you can only see what your filters allow you to see. Your filters are about to show you not just how complex and beautiful the social life of humanity is, but where you may have a new part in a new world that you get to help shape. This is very much about thinking globally and acting locally — and having a vision that exceeds yourself and your needs.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — When it comes to the professional adventure, many are called, and few respond. Many who are in an interesting place neglect to see the potential in what they are doing now. Yet with Jupiter and Saturn moving into the career and reputation angle of your chart, one way or another, that is about to change. Your possibilities are far greater than you might imagine. Yet this is all about people, people, people. Taurus is one of the signs whose natives can have a tendency to pull back and isolate themselves, or to stick to a small and limited circle of contacts. Yet your world is rapidly growing larger. This began with the ingress of Uranus into your birth sign or rising sign back in the spring of 2018. Uranus is the kind of influence that will push you out of your shell, and bring new people into your life. It will push you to take some chances with yourself and your ideas about who you are. That was the first step. Now, the world is about to get larger. Or maybe smaller, in the sense that you have access to more people, and greater influence with them. We live in a time when leadership is among the few greatest needs we experience. For you, that means exploring social reality as it influences professional reality. The real action at conferences is in the lobby, not the lecture room, and that is the approach to take. Your own accomplishments, which also describe your fulfillment with the work that you do, will be directly related to who you choose to work with. Let your motto going forward be, “We are all in this together.”
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your God-concept is all about the intelligence of humanity. You do not need an authority figure. You do not need a savior. You do not need complicated rules, dogmas or theology. What you need is faith in people. That more than anything else brings you into contact with not just your God-concept but also your relationship with spirit. Yes, people are squirrely, and have weird habits, and are not all so friendly. They can become extremely mean when they are in groups. However, your faith must rise above past performance and exist on the level of a vision, of trust, and of embracing human potential. And what exactly is that? We all know that people can shape their own reality, if they take the opportunity to do so. We know that our intelligence has the power to solve any problem, if we choose to solve it. We know that we have the ability to take care of one another, and to grow. We can, if we want, design a society that serves the people rather than merely serving massive interests that tend to think of us as consumers or as slaves. Jupiter and Saturn ingressing Aquarius is not so much about you having a vision for the world, or solving the world’s problems. Rather, it’s about you embracing your own spiritual calling. This is about taking part in what people can do when they cooperate, communicate and share ideas. To put this simply, your source of faith is in people, which translates to you as “higher power” or divinity. Regardless of whether there is an old man in the sky, at this time, human potential is all we have. And that is quite enough.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — For such a private person, you lead a very open life. This is, in part, through necessity: you are central to whatever concept of family you have, and that requires transparency. You may not feel too important or meaningful, though you are what I would describe as the focus of orientation for many. With Jupiter and Saturn changing signs this month, the environment of your relationships is about to take a step forward. This includes anyone with whom you have an agreement, commitment or investment of some kind. For you, Aquarius is the 8th house, and it’s all about your transactions with others — a most significant part of any person’s life. And this is what comes into focus for you now. Note the change in your human environment. Long stuck matters will give way and start to move. There will be shifts in your environment that redefine involvement and investment. You may have a lot more to work with than you have in the recent past, or the distant past for that matter. So much may open up that you will need to filter carefully who comes into your life. Learn to say yes, no and maybe. Maybe means you’re thinking about it and want to leave your options open. There are also relationships that will come to an end. Saturn has a clearing function, though there are unlikely to be any surprises: you learned all you need to know over the past 12 months. You have learned how to set goals, and how to make them happen. Mostly, you learned the difference between necessity and desire — and this knowledge will serve you well, if you use it wisely.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Whatever you’ve been through the past few years, I’m sure you don’t want to go through it again. And you will get your wish, as long as you live in the present, rather than lingering in the past — including the habits of the past. This is the great challenge that stands between all of us and happiness: the ability to let go of, and go beyond, some long challenge or struggle. Your world is about to take on new shapes and forms. You will soon meet people you never knew you were expecting. You will also need to confront certain limits that you will benefit greatly from accepting, as they will provide structure and give you a foothold where before you had none. If there is a lesson or message to all that you’ve been through, it is to have faith in yourself and your abilities. For it is your faith that carries you when your abilities seem to fail. It is your faith that sees possibilities that the eye cannot behold. No matter how much you are able to trust this lesson for yourself, there are some people who will be moved, and others who will not. The crucial thing is that you never let another person take away or diminish your faith in yourself. Because you are an affable and sensitive person, you may feel that it’s unfriendly or insensitive not to at least consider the point of view of another person. But I suggest you learn how to brush off both praise and blame. This is for the sake of being swayed by neither, and holding to your inner compass. There are compelling forces at work in the world, and in your world — but none so compelling as your conscience, and your love.
Tailored for Virgo Sun and rising, this new audio reading by Eric Francis introduces you to your astrology through the autumn of 2021. We will take maximum advantage of the power you are drawing from the Earth signs at the time of your solar return: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as Uranus in Taurus. This is a grand earth trine, and the thing to do is gather momentum in the direction you want to go, and then point yourself there. Eric describes the influence of Jupiter and Saturn ingressing Aquarius later this year. The reading looks closely at Chiron in Aries, accompanied by Mars retrograde in Aries — your most important relationship house. Now with full transcript. Order now for instant access. This reading is included with the Backstage Pass.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Make certain that what you’re mixed up in is truly yours. It might be; it might not be. Something needs to be verified, without prejudice. That means held to a truth standard that also factors in for your own potential bias. More hinges on this than you may believe. The matter, in one word, is trust. Once the trust of a child has been injured, it’s easy for repeated injuries to happen, and for you to defeat your own reasoning and judgment. Fear can slip in, which would manifest as some notion that you’re going to avoid future pain in some way by withdrawing, withholding love, or refusing to offer your blessing. Take solace that the truth exists irrespective of your judgments. You can, therefore, strive for understanding and realization in spite of them, in spite of your fears, and despite anything that may have occurred in the past. Two developments this month can guide you to a place of greater awareness. One is that you’ve reached a release point about your early history. Eclipses involving the sign Sagittarius will serve to shift the context of the past, so that you may see it for what it is, and remember your deeper origins and true nature. Borrowing a bit from modern literature, one underlying theme of Harry Potter is that his family did not understand him. Second, the true power of your mind is coming into focus. You are a kind of scientist, in the form of an inventor. Inventors may be excellent researchers and historians. Then you go an extra few orders of magnitude into seeing something that does not exist yet, and bringing it into manifestation. This includes your cognitive abilities, and the beauty of your mind.
Notes to Myself is Ready | Astrology Studio for Libra
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Let’s consider the notion of risk. It’s about to become one of the central guiding forces of your life. And it’s also something that the world is fixated on, in a way that rivals the utterly astonishing mania over baseball at the turn of the last century. Due to the movement of Jupiter and Saturn, many good things are poised to come into your life: people, opportunities, ideas, experiences, and responsibilities. Yet the thing that activates any potential available to you is the willingness to take a chance, which means the willingness to fail, to sustain some loss or injury, and the possibility to do some harm. Those are not the outcomes you want, though they are possibilities that you need to be honest about if you want to aspire to the greater challenges and rewards of this life. Fortunately, you’re unlikely to do things that could result in blowing up a city block. Most of the supposed danger is to your own belief structure, and your sense of your potential. Many experience shock and even dismay when they observe what they are capable of, and quickly retreat. We’ve all had this happen at least once: you do what you thought was “impossible,” and then the notion disappears for a moment. In order to experience the benefits, rewards and potential that you are your earned karma and your birth right, you will need to take the risk of changing your mind. The risk of embracing the possibility that you are far greater than you ever imagined. This is not about ego, or arrogance, or superiority. Rather, I am describing your humble origins as a child of the universe who has arrived on Earth to do your work. You came here with a mission. You came here to learn. The rest is up to you.
The Scorpio File: Astrology Studio 2020
What’s in the Scorpio file? Does anyone really know? This year for your solar return, Mercury is retrograde in your sign. Adding to the mystery, Mars, your classical ruling planet, is retrograde in Aries, about to station direct. Then Jupiter forms a conjunction with Pluto, which takes the story to the level of your soul’s mission on Earth. In this 76-minute astrology reading, Eric Francis unravels the secrets of your sign, and helps you guide yourself through this strange new time we are living in. Price is $44. Original music by Vision Quest. Get instant access here!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If financial progress has been bogged down lately, you need to take leadership. Yet that will largely involve guiding things in a direction supported by a much wider landscape around you, to which you are now tuning in. One will generally not build an igloo in the tropics or live in a tent in Antarctica. Also do your part to ensure that your financial plans are not driven by fear. You need a less destructive, more creative source of motivation. Your actual ideas about money connect to the notion of cosmic abundance. They relate to your spiritual resources, and your sense of connection to all that is larger than yourself. When you’re financially on your game, you’re tapping into something, rather than making something happen. Now is the time to tap in. Work with the concept of growth, and the related concept of service. Said another way, your financial plans need a purpose, which must be one and the same as your purpose. That, in summary, would be the thing to invest your energy into considering. Now, addressing those who struggle to find their purpose, that is, to know for sure whether they’re thinking along the correct lines: you’re getting there if it makes you nervous. You’re approaching the territory if you think you might fail, or if you think something is above your abilities, or if you feel undeserving. All of these things are invitations. They are summoning you to your destiny, even though you might get some other message. We live in a world where many think their job is to be small and not threaten anyone. That is not your destiny.
The most exuberant astrology reading ever.
Astrology Studio for Sagittarius, 2020-2021
Dear Friend and Sagittarius Sun, Moon, or Rising:
Without Sagittarius, we would all be lost. Home of the two centers of our local universe (the Galactic Core and the Great Attractor), Sagittarius is the homing signal in the zodiac. It reminds us of our cosmic origins, and this is a role you serve in the lives of many.

Sagittarius season is particularly exciting this year, with two eclipses involving your sign, including the Dec. 14 eclipse conjunct a planet named for the Goddess of the Stars.
The image above is as close of an image as we can get to the Galactic Core, which is packed with millions of whipping stars jammed so close that it’s light out all the time, in every direction.
And you are invited to view this new video on why I think that Sagittarius is the most interesting sign.
You may order here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,

PS — This reading is included with the Backstage Pass. If you have questions about that, please give us a ring at (845) 481-5616.
Here is a sample of your Sagittarius reading — Live from the Galactic Center
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may think you’re coming unhinged or undone. You may think you’re slipping. If so, stick with the feeling. It’s true: something is shaking loose. This is not about the future, it’s about right now. However, let’s consider the past for a moment. What you are working with, addressing or confronted by right now has an element of the past to it. The word for this is legacy. This is what enters your life not just from your own experience but that of others as well. Often it will masquerade as your own stuff, your own fault, or your own problem, when really it is the property of someone else. It’s easy to be fooled into thinking that it’s your problem, and at that point, it is. Yet the solution is not to fix things. The solution is to understand what happened, and then to consciously sort out what belongs to you and what belongs to others. Often this takes little more than the calm recognition of what is so, for example, the idea, “That is my mother’s fear. It’s not my fear.” Or, “My father felt guilty about that; it’s his problem.” Work with this equation and see if you can gain some clarity. You do not need to push or force the issue right now. There is considerable momentum guiding your progress; to me that is a sign that your spirit is ready to move, and to move on from what has held you down. This could take any form: the past manifests in strange ways. The forward-facing present begins with a moment of clarity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you are wondering when the madness is going to let up, the answer is, when you want it to. You do not need to be caught in the drama of the world, or the lives of others; that is a choice, though it’s one that calls for discipline. Most of the necessary boundaries have been demolished, and you need to establish new ones. One thing that will help is if you vent some of the internal pressure you’ve been living with as a silent counterpart to the outer dynamics of your life. There is a reason things get to you, which is a buildup of some internal vapor that must be let off, potentially having built up for years. In a sense this is the result of fermentation, and whatever you had brewing is now ready. The next phase of your learning could be reduced to one idea: learning how to stay in alignment with yourself, by which I mean what is true for you regardless of what anyone else thinks. It’s in your makeup to be subject to pressure from others to get in line with some acceptable idea. The struggle you face is, are you strong enough within yourself to stand up to that? This is the essence of your journey of becoming. Where it manifests is right on that line between, “This is what we think” and, “This is what I think.” That crucial boundary is about to take on new clarity. If you feel resistance to accepting what is yours, remember that it’s not about ideas, or theories, or material objects: it’s about you embracing your reality as an autonomous person. And the beauty of that is, once you do so, you will be able to relate to others from a place of true strength.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The shape of your life is about to change. The patterns of your mind are poised to transform into something else, something they have never been. In a sense, you will become someone else, from the inside out. It’s not merely patterns but rather the way that you create and then follow them. You are at your best when this becomes a wholly conscious process. It might originate with something you observe; it might commence when you notice something inside yourself that you either want to change, or want to emulate and develop. Later this month, Jupiter and Saturn enter your birth sign or rising sign, close to simultaneously. This has never happened, in living history or furthermore: in the history of the modern world. I just searched again, and the most recent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in your sign was in 1405, when you were very, very young. This will affect all of us; Aquarius has vital resonances with the shape of society itself, and of our collective social reality. The theme of your sign is where the individual meets the collective. It is also about this thing that has emerged in the centuries since the last conjunction in your sign, called individuation. When we consider the evolution of consciousness, this ability to be oneself, to think for oneself, and to relate to others as yourself — and nobody else — may be the number one priority. There are factors acting in society that would crush us all back into primordial ooze, or worse, some form of technological existence with human awareness all but blotted out. We all stand on the cusp of great change, when things will go one way, or the other. You decide for yourself first, and foremost.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are an intensely private person, despite what you’ve been through the past few years (which has been anything but private). You’re about to get some relief from that, in the form of a vast, new inner realm opening up to your own awareness, and becoming the most dependable factor in your life. This is going against the grain of nearly all of society, where the supposed rewards are dangled in front of those willing to be like everyone else, and have no inner life — and to participate in forcing everyone to do the same. This is not your thing. You are way too laid back. You are sufficiently connected to the mysteries of life and death to understand that there is nothing to be afraid of. Yet more than that, you are a person with an interior orientation. Your awareness of the world originates within you, not outside of you, and you are about to receive the supreme gift for someone with this orientation. That said, you also participate in the world, and may find yourself doing so in the coming few years more than you ever have. These inner and outer qualities are not at odds, as long as you remember which comes first. If you feel disoriented, or dispirited, turn your awareness inward and seek your truth there. Meanwhile, the coming few weeks are likely to come with some quickly moving developments in your professional life, perhaps the most significant since the 1990s. Look at the world in such a way that everything is an opportunity, and that everything and everyone is offering you an idea. Remember you are blessed with a gift that much of the world would be envious of: awareness of your purpose. Let your commitment take you where it will.