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Melanie Reinhart is my guest in tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM. We cover Nessus in Aquarius, the discovery of the centaurs and the healing messages of these planets. We will be talking about the centaur planets and in particular Nessus in Aquarius, which has been big news the past few weeks. This is a breakthrough discussion on the understanding of the centaurs.
Melanie is the author of Chiron and the Healing Journey, the most comprehensive book on Chiron, as well as Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs: To the Edge and Beyond and Incarnation: The Four Angles and the Moon’s Nodes. She is a leading figure in contemporary astrology, and people travel from around the world to attend her classes and seminars. She’s a good friend of mine and has offered many interviews.
Chiron and the Healing Journey is now available as an eBook for kindle and other formats. Melanie is offering Planet Waves a substantial discount. Entering the coupon MM28X will give readers a 30% discount. The coupon is valid until the next Full Moon (Feb. 25).
Here is that movie Melanie references, featuring many centaurs — Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
I also mention an article about Gabrielle Giffords and Jared Loughner.
Here is your program in the Old Player. Note, you can download a compressed file of the program on the Old Player page, which also includes a full archive of Planet Waves FM going back to 2010. More recent programs are collected in the category listing at the top of the blog frame.
With love,
Did you know that Planet Waves offers you astrological readings for every sign in audio format including birthday reports? You’re invited to check out my other products in our audio store. If you’d like experience my weekly and monthly horoscopes, visit this link to access your free trial to our premium twice-weekly astrology service.
Thank you Eric and Melanie for your fascinating and inspiring conversation. I’m about to begin reading Chiron and the Healing Journey and I’m looking forward to it. Also, the kind offer on the book is much appreciated.
Thanks again for the wonderful teachings that you both bring to the world.
Eric, Melanie – thank you so much for sharing this conversation. When entering this kind of experience (this PW FM) I tend to go slowly and chart myself (that is, frequently run astro charts), taking notes as I go. There is far too much that I learned (not yet condensed) so I have nothing specific to share here, but suffice to say the enlightenment is great; past present future.
Yeti – thank you for your additional thoughts as well as your own aspects and chakra connection. Very helpful. Namaste’.
Thank you again, Eric for all you do here. You are augmenting great healing in this world.
This is one of the most incredible things I’ve ever heard. Just totally blew my mind. It felt like going into a deep deep cave as I listened. I can’t thank you enough for this Eric and Melanie, so valuable for the place I’m in at the moment.
Just the other day I became aware of my worrying worrying mind, and I suddenly understood how my mind was totally addicted to worrying and that my life had always been shaped by that addiction (the Buddha was right!). And I realized how this worried mind was my family’s mind, that went back generations (many generations of kvetching!), and for the first time ever I was able to see the way out. But this was just one of the many things that this talk touched on. Thank you so very much.
On Nessus: I tend to see the Nessus story in the context of the war that Hercules set loose. That brings revenge into the mix, and trickery. The trick involved Nessus telling Deniera that the potion he gave her was to make Hercules faithful. Her motive was to possess her husband. She ended up killing him. What I take from this is that you kill what you try to hold too forcefully. It also has the blow back from Hercules insisting on uncorking the wine he had no business drinking. Nessus was supposed to be his getaway but ended up being his demise, with help from his wife. Hercules killed himself with audacity in one way of seeing the Nessus transaction. The war of the centaurs could be seen as a representation of the social chaos erupting from the actions of a few warmongers in the context of a group of emotional human animals. But then Pholus is responsible too. Without the bards caving in to the demands of the warriors wars would have a harder time getting going.
Pholus as bardic spirit? Interesting. Chiron is near my Pholus, 5th modern, 6th equal house. Progressed Mercury is in the neighborhood too. Healing myself with my voice…it’s got the lid coming off the pot aspect too. My throat and C7 points are central to my upper body emotional tension so healing my voice is resonating on levels more fundamental than aesthetic effect. It’s like vibrating the stuck demons from their hiding places to get a clear shot at dissolving them. Cleaning out long stuck patterns can often release a cloud of yuck as all the nightmares come unstuck. I’m glad I have internal martial arts to ground the current and the music to give it expression. Carrying it around in silence has been such a drag.
No problem with attentions spans on this site I’m sure. At times finding time to listen for a period of time perhaps.
thank you!
Amazing discussion with Melanie Reinhart! Such an honor to listen in, she’s one of my guitar heroes of astrology. 🙂 Thanks for bringing this to us Eric!
I add to all the comments here. PW is just amazing – and I have such gratitude towards all of you. Haven’t had time to listen yet – so look forward to it.
I just finished listening in prime time, waited too late to get far last night.
Melanie and Eric, a huge Wow and thank you for this metalogue. I received some information through your conversation that made a lot of stuff clear to me, about family, father, my own personal healing, and how it all fits together, so thank you.
Loved how the centaurs show up in politics too. Well I love hearing you two talk about it!
Yes Planet Waves is a great service. All of you provide so much juice, because it is important that this message go out. My life has changed since I started following you a year ago. I am forever grateful. I urge my clients and friends to subscribe. So worth it!
One more thing about PW – the “free” stuff is awesome, too. Thank you to Eric, Amanda, Len, Fe, Jude, Sarah, Elise, Maria and the other contributors (including the “commenting contributor” be).
Thank you, Eric, for the great discussion between Melanie and you. I truly appreciate the connections that both of you draw from the mythology to the astrology to the real life. Not just connections, but more of the weaving of a brocade tapestry.
PS: PW membership is the best Solar Return present you can give yourself.
i am simply astounded at the quality of free programming that PW offers, this interview being a case in point. This is why i’m a subscriber so that i can support this beautiful essential work…Eric thank you for this wonderful breathtaking piece! i’ve listened to it three times since its been up on the site …
Thank you Eric..what a gift this discussion is!
It had me searching through serennu and revisiting charts I thought were familiar to me.
To hear your own experiences and those of clients was particularly illuminating
Diva Carla..I have 2 crystals with fossilized water in them. I think they are called elysian quartz. They look a little like smokey quartz
i am *definitely* looking forward to listening to this! eric, i’m grateful that you’ve been able to cultivate such rich associations with other astrologers (and so many others) and can offer it all to us here.
Another fixed or fossilized water is the gemstone opal. The rainbow colors are made by water trapped in the crystal.
This was such a great discussion with Melanie. I’m always amazed at how layered astrology is and have a lot of appreciation for all who can describe how so many pieces of the puzzle relate back to a complex whole. Thanks – I really enjoyed listening to this one!