Breathe Into It – Sun square Chiron

By Len Wallick

And I’ll tell and think it and and speak it and breathe it.
-Bob Dylan

The Gemini Sun squares Chiron later today. It fits. The latest prediction of a rapture has not manifested. It has since been re-scheduled from the first day of Gemini to the first day of Scorpio. We don’t have Osama bin Laden to kick around anymore. Pro football is on hold and The Donald is down for the count. The course of events has cleared away some distractions. Fewer distractions mean more time for action. In the context of this astrology that’s an opportunity get in touch with and unlock some discrepancies between how you think and how you feel.

Action is what a square is about. It is nothing to be afraid of. Graphically, it is at least two objects at a right angle to each other. Besides that, there are three things to remember about the aspect. First, the signs involved have their quality in common — that is, cardinal, fixed or mutable. We cycle through each quality in a season, which means that to act is to be in harmony with that process.

In addition, a square implies tension. Not between you and somebody else, rather on the inside. That is good news. The source is under your control. In this case, the interior tension is usually felt as stress. The key is to act. The hard part is that the action must be directed and not projected. That requires being self-aware as opposed to self-involved. It takes some practice.

Finally, on top of placing you in accord with the cosmos and relieving the physical manifestations of emotional strain, a square properly addressed will promote growth. You end up stronger, wiser, and with improved aptitude for acting on the next challenge. What a wonderful thing to get relief and get better in one swell foop. The important thing is to act consciously.

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