The Window Within – Gemini Solar Eclipse

Little by little the night turns around.

– Pink Floyd, “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun”

On the first day of June we have a New Moon. It’s also a partial solar eclipse at 11+ Gemini just after 5:00 pm EDT. This event opens a month-long cycle of three eclipses that will conclude with another partial solar eclipse in Cancer on July 1. Precisely in between, we have a Full Moon and total lunar eclipse on June 15.

In addition to opening a calendar month and a lunation, Wednesday’s conjunction of the Sun and Moon initiates a flurry of astrological activity. We will see a whole heaping handful of planets changing sign or direction before we see July. Most importantly, this merger of luminary energy also reveals a window within a window that will give you a glimpse at where we all are going.

First, there is a window of opportunity where space (length, width and depth) and time come together in four dimensions. The frame starts with the lunar nodes. The Moon’s orbit around our planet is at an angle to our path around the Sun. The nodes are the two points where the Moon’s monthly lap around the Earth intersects with the plane carved out by our annual circuit of the Sun. That plane is the ecliptic. The North Node is the name for the moving point where the Moon enters the hemisphere above the ecliptic. Conversely, the South Node is the spot where the lunar loop plunges below for the other half of its journey.

In terms of space, solar eclipses occur when the luminaries and one of the lunar nodes are conjoined. The nodal conjunction does not have to be exact. There is a lot of slack, also called orb. Put the Moon between the Earth and Sun. Then, line the three up within about 18 degrees of a node and you have a some sort of solar eclipse. Such wide tolerances are normally accorded only to federal defense contractors. In the case of what we are about to experience, the orb between the luminaries and the South Node, all in Gemini, is just over 12 degrees of separation.

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