Planetary Yoga and the Quest for Integrity

Astrology for the weekend of May 9 thru 11, 2014 by Eric Francis

Before I offer a map to the unusual astrology of this weekend, I have a reminder. If you’re looking for deeper insight into your experience of the current astrology, I have two affordably priced, spiritually generous offerings for you. Those born under the sign Taurus or Taurus rising have available a current, extended astrology and tarot reading. Your 2014 Spring Reading for all 12 signs (also offered individually) is still relevant and immediate, especially with Mars about to station direct. The links describe the readings in some detail.

225+web-daily-iconThis weekend the three personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, are involved in aspects that are likely to show up as events on your personal radar. Both are exact Sunday and have been building intensity all week. The first is Venus opposite Mars, which you might think of as the maximum expression of sexual tension. Two factors make this especially interesting. One is that Venus and Mars are occupying one another’s signs. There’s a role reversal of some kind going on. Second is that Mars is still retrograde, and seems to be containing its energy. That will shift in about 10 days when Mars finally stations direct after being retrograde since March 1. This aspect urges you to see the world from the viewpoint of ‘the other’, especially if that means the other sex or gender.

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