Overnight Sunday into Monday, the Mars-Neptune square is exact. Mars is in Sagittarius, making a square to Neptune in Pisces. In Thursday’s subscriber edition I covered a number of manifestations of Mars square Neptune, with ideas how to work constructively with the energy.

One of my long-term subscribers wrote to me this weekend and said, “I was surprised that you did not (for once) mention the sexual aspects. Would there not be a lack of integration/confusion, etc. of the masculine energy, so that it is either augmented or as [astrologer Frank Clifford] says ‘lame duck that has to bow to the forces greater than himself`?
“The only solution seems to be a spiritual approach or motivation regarding what is implied by the aspect.”
Actually, I woke up Friday morning thinking something similar — that I had left the sex angle out of my article from the evening before, and that it would have made an obvious point to include. I tend to trust this kind of error, and this one seemed to have a purpose akin to sparking that particular angle of the discussion without mentioning it.
Here are a few thoughts. Mars often illustrates the attribute of physical desire, not the passive yearning and longing kind but the kind that takes action and wants to get what it wants. Neptune often illustrates the fantasy aspect of sex, if anything, as well as the creative-artistic attribute.