Sandy Hook School Massacre: Connecting Cause and Effect

The astrology for Friday’s mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut is as strange and as complicated as the event itself. [View chart.]

Olivia Engel, age 6.

There is no possible solace for the loss of 20 little kids and the adults who tried to protect them. There is no way to comfort every parent in the country who will put their kid on the school bus, wondering what will happen that day. For those near the incident and far away, the question now shifts to why this happened.

There appears to be no motive for the alleged gunman, Adam Lanza [see his charts here, set for noon], to have done what he did: shoot his mother some time before 9:30 am Friday, then proceed to a nearby elementary school, somehow gain access, and then shoot 26 people and then himself. Note that the only notion of what happened we’re being given by government and mainstream media is the ‘lone gunman theory’, which with rare exceptions has been used to explain everything from the assassination of JFK forward.

Many reports from surviving relatives and people who knew him confirm that Lanza suffered from some form of autism, possibly a high-functioning kind known as Asperger syndrome. Still, his mother, a gun collector, is reported to have regularly taken him to the shooting range. Yet we have to ask ourselves how he could orchestrate murdering the school’s administration and 20 students in a matter of minutes — all of it spontaneously, that is, without extensive planning. I spent much of the night Saturday into Sunday trying to suss out the possibility of additional shooters.

Charlotte Bacon, age 6.

You can see that extensive discussion on my Facebook timeline. I was not able to confirm or deny this, nor can I account for what seem to be two or three additional possible suspects or subjects — people who may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time, or who may have been involved. They are omitted from discussion in the media.

Absent a motive, the search for answers seems to have shifted to a wider scale, particularly given that what happened Friday was the 16th mass shooting in the United States this year alone. The ones that stand out are the movie theater massacre in Aurora, CO, the shooting in the Sikh temple in Milwaukee, WI a month later, and the mall shooting in Portland,OR last week. There are many others that you may not have heard of; The Nation has prepared a chronology.

If our choices for 2012 were revolution, revelation or reality check, we seem to be doing the latter.

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