Under Pressure: Mars Square Saturn

Today among other aspects, Mars forms an exact square to Saturn. This is Mars, relatively newly in Aquarius, square Saturn, recently arrived in Scorpio. Given that both planets are in new signs, nothing like this has happened for quite a while. We described this aspect last week, though as it’s exact today at 2:33 pm EST, it’s worth one last consideration.

Simplified chart section showing Mars (red ‘male’ symbol) in Aquarius square Saturn (gold squiggle) in Scorpio.

To give the Astro 101 here, Saturn tends to represent structures. Mars represents will power and energy. Put the two together in a square and you can have a stuck situation; a kind of deadlock or impasse.

Both planets are in fixed signs, that is, the kind of sign that likes things stable, sturdy and built on a large concrete slab. Mars is exerting its will against Saturn, and we shall see if it gets anywhere. Saturn, though, is in a sign ruled by Mars. it’s almost like Mars is exerting its energy onto itself — which might manifest as frustration, anger or some shade of guilt.

Some will experience today’s exact square a release point; for others, it will be a peak of the challenges associated with it, which may extend back for two weeks or more. How you respond depends in part on your natal chart. Anything you have at between 8 and 12 degrees of the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius is going to be ‘picking up’ this square.

If your Moon is there, you may be feeling it on the level of your emotional needs not being met. If your Venus is there, your relationships might be in a stormy state. If you have your Neptune there, you may be feeling like the walls are closing in.

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