Focus: Mars Square Saturn

The aspect to watch at the moment is Mars in Aquarius building up to a square to Saturn. This is a high-pressure aspect, as if Mars by its sheer force of will is trying to move something much larger than itself. This could be the source of considerable frustration if it’s not handled right. The exact date of this aspect is Monday, Jan. 7, and it’s in full effect up to and a little beyond that time.

Saturn as seen from Hubble Space Telescope.

The square is one in a category of aspects, which astrologers call “hard aspects” — that’s a pun, because they do tend to be mentally or emotionally challenging, though the “hard” reference means they are of the 90-degree type: conjunction (two or more planets in the same place), square (two planets at a right angle), opposition (two planets facing one another). They are similar, though with different modes of expression. There are other derivatives of these (such as the semi-square); no need to go into them now.

Mars makes a square to Saturn about once a year. This is the first time it’s making a square to Saturn newly in Scorpio. (Note, the last Mars-Saturn square was Aug. 25, 2011, and there was a long gap because of the Mars retrograde of early 2012.) One distinctive property of this square is that Saturn is in a sign ruled by Mars; so in a sense, Mars is up against some of its own inner psychological resistance. This is a challenging setup.

This aspect is an invitation to think things through carefully, especially if they involve the assertion of will, the use of energy or force, and even the focusing of intentions. It’s not an accident that this aspect is happening the way that it’s happening; the role of Saturn in Scorpio involves finding places where there are emotional blockages and working them free. Think of Saturn in Scorpio as dredging out the bottom of a navigation channel in a river.

Full-disk image of Mars; photo by NASA/JPL.

The channel is there; it’s just become filled with silt and debris, making it unsafe for boats to pass. Now some extra work has to be done to clear the way. Think of Mars as something that’s getting stuck in the too-shallow channel.

Mars might be able to push free, but there’s an added dimension to this. Saturn in Scorpio is conjunct a Neptune-like point called Poseidon. This is making Saturn slippery. It’s also frustrating Mars, whose energy is getting dissipated in Poseidon.

They key here is to be realistic, and to use intelligence and intuition rather than pure force. Mars is in Aquarius, the sign of groups. Where groups are concerned, the whole group has to focus its intentions and work together, or nothing is going to get done. Bottom line here: this is about focusing group intelligence into tangible action.

One other note: check your natal chart for what you have at 7 to 11 degrees of the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius — those planets and points are involved for you personally.

13 thoughts on “Focus: Mars Square Saturn”

  1. Len, thanks very much for your reply; it is very helpful and resonates a great deal. Play has been the furthest thing from my mind lately, and it is probably a good idea to bring a little of that back into the picture to help balance things out. Thanks again, and happy new year to you!

  2. Thank you Len, I take this advice too.
    Actually ‘play, have fun, do what gives you joy’ are not things that I usulally associate with releasing this kind of tension, so this is a great new advice.

  3. lickydriver: Please accept my service in answer to your question. The short answer is “yes”.
    It is intense. It need not be a volcano, however. If you act to relieve the pressure, your actions will, in turn, receive energetic support. The key is in selecting your action. Physical action is good if you choose wisely so as to minimize the chance of energy. For example, carry wood (small amounts many times) rather than chopping wood. If you choose action that is not physical, please attempt to avoid initiating confrontation. As basketball players sometimes say “play within yourself”. As a matter of fact, play is the key word. Have fun. Be patient. Do what gives you joy until you get tired enough to sleep peacefully. Please, how does that work for you?

  4. I have a question that I’m going to throw out there in case anyone has the answer….is this square relationship between Mars and Saturn intensified if one has lots of Scorpio and Aquarius in their personal chart? I ask because I am a Scorpio with Aquarius rising and an Aquarius moon, and the last few days have felt a bit like an emotional volcano. Then I read this post today, and I have to wonder!

  5. This is so interesting. I’ve felt a distinct shift in the way whole fields of emotional detritus are presenting themselves to me over the past few days, and your putting it into words this way brings up so much possibility. Is there a chance the slipperiness of Saturn could mean that once you get the right leverage on the emotional baggage (something like pull vs. push, acceptance, openness, allowing–even when it comes to Mars’ fiery just-get-over-it-already baggage), it slips out of place more readily? It’s certainly what I’ve been feeling. The empowerment of this is so sublime. <3

  6. Thank you Eric. I especially like these words: ‘the role of Saturn in Scorpio involves finding places where there are emotional blockages and working them free’. Working them free is a wonderful expression.

    I see myself a lot in what you say. After some days full of inner pain, I feel outbursts of rage. I am also working with shiatsu on my body and this is probably liberating liver energy, words, feelings. But I almost don’t recognize myself, so bitter things I am thinking and saying – by myself only fortunately.

    I feel very attracted – very – by ‘breaking up’ with two of my best friends. Especially one. And also here, I don’t recognize myself.
    (Saturn is making many aspects).

  7. Love the synchronicity……. Chain of Rocks Canal is already in use allowing barges to pass around St. Louis. The Mississippi is in crisis right now, suggesting that the issue of drought and water is definitely a theme for 2013. The metaphor is truly apt! Perhaps getting some of New Orleans finest musicians to relocate back from California, and head North and reinvigorate the American psyche may well be fit for purpose! A sort of “Music while you Paddle!”

    Hard aspects … a hard time. If you were playing in a Jazz Quartet, and I asked you to play Madison Square Gardens, will you give me a hard time. ” a one …two… a one two three four…” for example Charlie Parker and Dizzie Gillespie … Salt Peanuts. Cogito Ergo Sum … as and when you are asked to dig deep into your watery emotional conscious, as the 3 Mercury retrogrades snuggle up to an already full agenda of Water sign activity, including Neptune, Chiron and the Saturn Mars square…. 2013 will reward your courage in the face of emotional brouhaha … if you can match that depth of emotion and hang on to the kind of rhythmic discipline that I last saw when Herbie Hancock met Elvis Costello.

    Christian McBride played bass on this tune. “Edith and the Kingpin” which Hancock wrote with Joni Mitchell. When all around were losing their heads, and hearts, Mcbride played such a tender, gentle hard time that the structure of Saturn took on a whole new meaning! This guy with his rings and moons is a benefic! Period!

    Hang on to your discipline … and don’t beat yourself up when you lose it … even for a moment! It takes a lifetime to appreciate one single moment!

    Back to the lost continent of Pisces for me.

    What cliff … ?


  8. Eric: Thank you so very much. This piece on the applying square from Mars to Saturn is a flawless gem. The timing is perfect, the analysis profound, and the conclusion masterfully wrought. Makes me want to give you a standing ovation. Yay!

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