No Hunkering Down! This is an adventure.

This week, you will be hearing from a diversity of Planet Waves writers and staff, explaining to our readers that this is a member-supported website. You get to read these posts ‘for free’ and we do not accept advertising. The way Planet Waves works, the way we provide our amazing content and all the behind-the-scenes support is through the readers who contribute their energy as members. We’ll be running a campaign for a week or so, on all channels. We’ll have an attractive first-time subscription option for you, to make it easy to get involved — as an energy contributor and participant on our journey. And now for your Daily Astrology.

Fire spinning in Krakow, Poland. Photo by Eric.

I was having dinner with a friend last night, who mentioned that a take-away from my recent coverage was: there’s a storm coming, batten down the hatches. It’s true that there is a lot and I do mean a whole bunch of Aries in the sky now — one planet after the next is crossing the Aries Point, making a conjunction to Uranus and then a square to Pluto. We are all bound to feel that in some way.

This is a week when the generational astrology — Uranus square Pluto — comes out to the forefront of our experience. We actually get to see what this aspect is about. Expect the unexpected. Among many other aspects, the Sun makes a conjunction to Uranus, synchronous with the Libra Full Moon, then makes a square to Pluto. I’ll come back to that story in a moment.

First, to focus my message: it is not hunker down. My intended message is: our current astrology, involving the Uranus-Pluto square (approx. 2011-2017, with a wide margin on either side) is a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the patterns of your life, to grow, to set yourself free and to take part in the upheavals of society, in a productive way. That is not easy for everyone. To some extent we are all attached to whatever stability we have. At the moment, that’s only going to get you so far. Under the current astrology, any situation that cannot flex is likely to snap.

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