Capricorn Moon and the Uranus Pluto Square

Last week while I was researching the Citizen Hearing on ET Disclosure taking place today (Monday) in Washington DC, I noticed that the Moon ingresses Capricorn at 8:21 am EDT, less than an hour before the proceedings begin.

Simplified chart showing the Capricorn Moon entering a conjunction to Pluto (red golf tee) and a square to Uranus (blue ‘H’) in Aries. It is also sextiling Neptune (blue trident) and Chiron (orange key) in Pisces.

This happens with a magnificent Taurus stellium developing (Mercury arrives Wednesday). At the moment, the Sun, Venus, Mars, Pallas and the South Node are in Taurus, and we’re fast heading for an eclipse of the Sun that takes place May 9, covered in detail in Friday’s member edition of Planet Waves.

As for Monday: the Moon in Capricorn is a focusing influence. It may not be thought of as fun, though plenty of fun is possible — including the satisfaction of a job well done, and some of the more devilish things that Capricorn is famous for. It’s a ‘work hard, play hard’ Moon — though there’s also an element of spiritual depth to today’s astrology.

When the Moon gets to this sign, there will soon be a conjunction with Pluto and a square with Uranus — these two slow-movers are in a loonnng square aspect that lasts into 2015. On a fairly regular basis, sometimes with more energy than others, faster moving planets pass through the square and we find out what’s going on behind the scenes.

As we’ve written before, when the Moon makes a conjunction to Pluto in our era of history, it’s actually an eclipse-like event. If I recall correctly there are 19 of these, one per month, and we’re currently around the middle of the cycle. Pluto is too far away to see (a fancy spacecraft called New Horizons is on the way, and we’ll eventually have photographs), but this conjunction can have an astrological effect. The aspect is described as Moon occulting Pluto, meaning that it passes directly in Pluto’s path, in effect, hiding it. But an aspect where a planet is ‘hidden’ can translate into revealed.

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