Figure Out How You Really Feel

That is, if you can. Today Venus forms an exact square to Neptune. This aspect has been brewing through the weekend, though it comes into focus at 4:47 pm EDT.

Venus-Neptune aspects can have the flavor of universal love or easygoing compassion that can overlook many things you might normally find annoying. They can also represent overindulgence in wine, women and song, not to mention a diversity of things that can alter consciousness.

The Moon will make a diversity of aspects in early Cancer before making a conjunction to Vesta and a trine to Saturn.

And there can be a question of whether you really know what you feel. Venus is in Gemini and Neptune is in Pisces. Both of these are considered dualistic signs, that is, energies where there are distinctly two facets. Actually there are more than two for each — and together they can multiply one another.

When you factor in the feelgood qualities of both Venus and Neptune, that can add up to not being sure what you feel. It might take you a while to figure it out, or it might sneak up on you. It would probably be a good idea to use some discernment today, and either tell the truth or refrain from speaking about anything you’re still trying to figure out.

The thing is, you might not have figured out that you’re trying to figure it out.

Neptune also potentially implies the willingness to sacrifice. You might want to check any such impulse — check as in pause, and check as in verify. This is highlighted by the Moon, which ingresses Cancer at 5:56 am EDT.

The Moon treks across a few unusual, even obscure points early in that sign (Hades, Apollo, Kronos) which imply a possible state of emotional self-doubt. If you’re questioning something, let it be a question for a while rather than a conclusion.

The Moon arrives at familiar territory later in the evening when it makes a conjunction to Vesta. Where there is Vesta there’s always the question of whether any sacrifice is appropriate.

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