The perfect day for Occupy Monsanto

Hi all —

There’s an eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius tonight, and Saturday is Occupy Monsanto Day. I’ve spent the past six months researching the astrology of Monsanto, including getting the time of the company’s chart right (with the assistance of two astrologers better trained in that skill). Then I looked at a diversity of events in the company’s history, most of them patents involved in their whole GMO enterprise.

One of the most sensitive lines in Monsanto’s chart is exactly where the eclipse of the Moon is about to happen — coincidental with the first global anti-Monsanto protest. This cannot be timed by astrology since I haven’t published the chart data yet — it’s just another example of astrological synchronicity.

Monsanto and in particular its reputation are vulnerable under this astrology, and while the company does at times seem to be invulnerable, able to withstand anything, nothing in this world is. They don’t like this kind of protest — for a good reason: it calls attention to the very thing they want to hide. This was the perfect day to choose for this direct action, it helps confirm that we got the chart of the company right, and I am eager to see what happens.

— efc