Venus in Cancer; Grand Water Trine Filling Up

Late Sunday, Venus ingressed Cancer. Planets have been traveling close to the Sun all year, and Mercury and Venus are a little ahead of it right now. As planets ingress Cancer, they make trines to Saturn, Chiron and Neptune, currently also in water signs. When all three water signs are going at once, that’s called a ‘grand water trine’, though the fancy term doesn’t tell you much about how it feels.

Photo by Eric Francis.

People who are more comfortable experiencing their emotions will probably like this astrology. Those who are less comfortable or confident with their feelings, or who are dependent on rationality for everything, may find this extended moment disorienting. All these water planets indicate that your mind may be less reliable than your intuition as a source of information.

Mercury and Venus in Cancer are just the beginning of the grand water trine. The Sun and Jupiter are on their way (in about three weeks from now) and Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer at the end of the month. This suggests the current moment is designed to make decisions based on what feels right, rather than what you think is right. Language tends to follow the mind rather than the feelings, so it would be good to reckon what you’re saying with what you’re feeling.

These placements indicate that we will all be taken into deeper water. If that’s uncomfortable I suggest looking within for what might be the root of that sensation. Somehow, though, I have a notion that many people have been experimenting with going deeper or exploring in there. Having planets in water signs on this kind of scale is like a deepening capacity for empathy, reflected in the cosmic signs.

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