Echoes of Reality

Full Moon setting in Centennial Mountains of Montana. Photo is from My Public Lands Flickr stream.

This is a truly interesting moment of astrology and we’re hearing echoes of that in the world around us. The Full Moon and the solstice are still vibrating like a bell that’s just been rung. Mercury is slowly moving toward its retrograde phase and Jupiter is about to ingress Cancer.

Driving home over the mountain from dinner in New Paltz, my friend noticed that a crowd had gathered on the lookout just above the hairpin curve, to watch the Capricorn Moon rise over the horizon. It did beautifully, fat and orange, looking down on our valley.

The Moon was at perigee as full phase peaked — its closest to the Earth. Directly behind it, far, far away, is Pluto in Capricorn, which means that overnight Sunday to Monday, the Moon is passing through the Uranus-Pluto square. The Sun will be doing the same thing this week and into next. A personal reading of the astrology suggests reaching for improvements: in your health, in your emotional state, in your family life. What was inaccessible last week or last year may be right within reach now.

In case you’ve missed the latest developments in the status of NSA whistleblower Ed Snowden (whose chart I will be doing on Monday evening’s blog of The Mountain Astrologer), Snowden left Hong Kong some time this weekend, reportedly en route for Moscow. From there, most reports are saying that he will be headed for Ecuador via Cuba.

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