The Zimmerman Verdict and Mars in Cancer

Many people are wondering what astrology could have been behind Zimmerman being exonerated in the death of Trayvon Martin. I have to say it took me by surprise that he was cleared, even though I was tipped off weeks ago that he would be. I watched much of the trial, and while I thought that attorneys for both sides were amateurish, the prosecutors at least got as far as establishing the burden of proof for a manslaughter conviction.

For me, it was murder from the time I heard the words “those assholes.”

Chart for the announcement of the verdict in the Zimmerman case. The verdict was reached 10 to 15 minutes earlier depending on your source. I prefer to have the chart of something’s actual outer manifestation in the world, when possible. That said, the chart for a few minutes earlier (the time of the decision) emphasizes Juno in Aquarius just a bit more than the chart for the announcement, which calls into focus a perceived theme of social justice. I know it’s a twisted kind of social justice to acquit Zimmerman, but that’s what the chart says the jurors were IMO thinking about. His acquittal makes the Second Amendment more meaningful in the eyes of gun rights advocates.

That said, I was contemplating the fact that Juno is rising in the chart for the verdict, and Juno has a prominent theme of social justice. It may be difficult for those who are in some shock that Zimmerman has walked — at least for now — to consider that there are many people who consider this a social justice issue.

Advocates for self-defense that is rooted in the Second Amendment (Article II of the Bill of Rights) understand that “the right to bear arms” is meaningless if one can be convicted of murder or manslaughter for defending oneself, one’s family or one’s ‘castle’. The fact that Zimmerman was cleared is for them reassurance that their right to a gun actually has legal meaning.

I say for them. I don’t think that the personal self defense premise of the Second Amendment is a valid argument; I don’t think that the ‘stand up against the government’ argument holds any water either. However, I do recognize that there are many, many people in the United States and elsewhere, perhaps some of your neighbors, who think of Zimmerman getting cleared as a good thing for them.

And to their credit, there are also many people who can see right through this, who are appalled by the verdict, and who are not swayed by the racial issues.

To me, one of the most stunning things was what a bad liar Zimmerman is, and the fact that the jury chose to believe those lies.

As for the astrology: the main thing that changed in the last few hours of deliberation before the verdict is that Mars ingressed Cancer. This is meaningful for about five different pretty big reasons: for one thing, Mars was (and is) square the Aries Point that it rules, indicating a public event with broad emotional impact.

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