All that remains unsaid, unquestioned, ungrounded

Among the many events of the sky this week, two stand out: One is Mercury in Leo opposing Juno in Aquarius on Tuesday, Aug. 13, and the other is Venus ingressing Libra on Aug. 16.

Before we go there, however, the Moon will be void of course (done making major aspects to major planets in its current sign, Libra) all day until it ingresses Scorpio Monday at 4:17 pm EDT. Two ideas apply to this state of affairs: one is to avoid making firm commitments till the Moon has changed signs. What is decided or begun might not count, as things done under a void of course Moon often end up seeming like they were in an alternate reality once the Moon enters the new sign.

The road barely ever traveled -- ancient wood road in the labyrinth of Lot 1 on the Grandmother Land. Photo by Eric Francis.
The road barely ever traveled — ancient wood road in the labyrinth of Lot 1 on the Grandmother Land, heading back down toward Clove Road. Photo by Eric Francis.

It is therefore a good time to sort yourself out, reflect, and wrap up old business. Fulfill prior commitments, or get ready for what you’re going to do next, rather than just plunging in. The Moon makes two useful aspects to minor planets — an opposition to Eris, a version of the wild side, and a trine to Nessus, which could help open a dialog that is not hindered by the rampant sex-o-phobia that our society is soaking in.

Once the Moon ingresses Scorpio, the tone becomes more serious, but there is also some firm power of commitment (Moon conjunct Saturn in Scorpio) and a clairvoyant property (Moon trine Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron, all in the water signs).

As for those two interesting events: there is a subtle grand cross in the sky forming, in the fixed signs: Mercury in Leo is about to oppose Juno in Aquarius, and this is square the lunar nodes in Scorpio and Taurus.

Here’s my take on that. Remembering what we learned about Juno around the end of last year, which I covered in two articles in the subscriber series (Something about Juno, and The Mayans, Juno and the Abyss), we have a chart element that represents what typically goes unsaid and gets mired in jealousy and resentment. Juno is currently retrograde in Aquarius, suggesting that there is an impediment based on what you think others will think you will think, if you say something that’s true — especially about your ideas of relationship.

I suggest you take an inventory of everything you don’t say because you think you’ll be out of one gang or another, or be met with the disapproval of society, and ask yourself the cost of that choice. Consider the group dynamics you fear the most. Remember, your family and the expectations it set up are the most important group there is.

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