Sagittarius Moon, Waxing Toward Full

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The Moon is void of course in Scorpio until it ingresses Sagittarius at 6:18 am EDT (10:18 UTC), where it picks up on a grand fire trine. The Moon will be full in Aquarius on Aug. 10. The grand trine consists of the Uranus-South Node-Eris group in Aries; Jupiter, Mercury the Sun and the lunar apogee in Leo; and the Moon and a cluster of minor planets plus deep space points in Sagittarius. This is an exciting aspect pattern that I managed not to notice and name until about 20 seconds ago, but it’s been that kind of evening.

What’s with all this fiery energy? Well, fire is versatile, and it comes in many varieties, and we seem to have an abundance of all of them available to use right now. There is the fire of initiative and originality of Aries, in several forms. There is the physical, materializing fire of Leo waiting to be tapped into. There is the cosmic fire of Sagittarius, expressing itself as Karma, Ixion, Pholus, Orpheus, Hylonome, Eros and many other points. Of these, note that Eros is closest to the Galactic Core, the homing signal, conjunct revolutionary Hidalgo (a fabulous centaur-like long-period asteroid, the first discovery of its kind).

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