Mars conjunct Uranus: Get a grip (and watch for sparks)

We’re in a week of turning points and possible tipping points; one where it will count for a lot if you can get a grip and keep it — emotionally and literally: slippery surfaces, inappropriate footwear and outbursts are things to be avoided through the weekend.

Simplified chart section showing Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries on Friday, two days after the Sun and Venus join the Aries stellium. Also shown: Mercury slowly advancing from Neptune to Chiron. See glyph key here.

Mercury is slowly working itself forward, providing the backdrop to events. In the foreground, the Sun (and Venus) are entering Aries on Wednesday telling us to ‘go’, while Mars conjoining Uranus in Aries is telling us to be very careful and extra conscious of how we step and what we say.

If you’re at all like me, in moments like these you find it invaluable to have solid, intuitive, thought-provoking horoscopes at your fingertips. So I thought I’d take a moment to point readers toward the premium content that makes up a Planet Waves membership.

The stars of the show are the weekly and monthly horoscopes by Eric. Not only are they cumulative in the stories they weave (meaning that they evolve as you do: with continuity and narrative and context) but they always provide solid footing from which to encounter and work with the astrological floods and fireworks we encounter — and there are multiple sign-up options here.

Speaking of fireworks: back to Mars and Uranus. Eric wrote this about the aspect in the members’ edition on Friday:

Mars makes a conjunction to Uranus in Aries on Friday, March 22 [at 2:17 pm, though you can be sure Mars and Uranus will begin sparking things up earlier in the week]. This is an aspect to watch with some caution, as it has a militant quality to it. Mars-Uranus can be accident-prone. Remember that as the week develops. This is not the week to do things like balance on top of a ladder, stroll around on the roof or wear slippers while standing on top of a wet pile of hay bales. This is the week to drive the speed limit and to use substances with respect and awareness.

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