Sun trine Saturn: working the laws of (meta)physics

Saturn so often gets a bad rap, but really – what would we do without bones and frames for houses and social infrastructure? The Sun is often praised for illuminating and energizing, but without conduits or channels for energy, how could we focus it enough to harness it? In other words, aspects with Saturn – such as today’s Sun-Saturn trine at 8:12 am EDT – can actually be highly productive, not punishing. This one may even help to counter-balance Jupiter as we adjust to its new multi-flavored incarnation in Gemini (we’ll get back to Jupiter in coming posts).

Simplified chart section showing the Sun in Gemini (yellow circle) trine Saturn retrograde in Libra. Also shown is Venus (blue circle with a cross), still retrograde in Gemini until June 27.
Simplified chart section showing the Sun in Gemini (yellow circle) trine Saturn retrograde in Libra. Also shown is Venus (blue circle with a cross), still retrograde in Gemini until June 27.

I read a comment just recently on a completely unrelated YouTube video that was in response to someone saying that the only way to avoid ‘punishments’ was “to know how to live, what to do, and have the correct beliefs.” The response could also describe a better approach to the idea of a ‘punishing’ Saturn:

“You have to lose the notion of punishment, though. When you ignore gravity, and walk off the top of a two-story building, and bust your ass, you are not experiencing punishment. You are experiencing the consequences of ignoring the laws of physics. Metaphysical law is no different.”

Metaphysical law is no different. All of the planets we work with in astrology could be described the same way: ignore Chiron, you get increasingly bigger reminders of pain you need to heal – not ‘punishment’; ignore Pluto, you find yourself at the mercy of Change with a capital ‘C’, rather than acting as its agent – but it’s not ‘punishment’ Sure, experiences can feel grueling – but that’s not the same as being reprimanded for wrongdoing.

The idea is to work with a planet’s metaphysical gravity as it interacts with other planets and your own chart. It’s no different with Saturn, but we all know it’s often easier to say, ‘work with the energy’ than it is to do so. This, however, looks like one of those moments when it comes pretty naturally. The Sun trine Saturn is said to be marked by well-directed drive and practicality – the sort of combination that means even if you have to work hard for what you get, you’re willing to put in the effort.

It’s an aspect of flow; not a quality Saturn is known for, but that’s okay: the Sun is doing the flowing and Saturn is delineating where it flows to. Having the Sun in Gemini suggests we can entertain a couple ways to express ourselves; Saturn in Libra offers a way to keep both expressions in balance. Putting them together in a trine aspect looks like any work you put in today with regard to conceiving, communicating about and balancing the structure of your relationships will be worthwhile.

Given that the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all aspecting points that often emphasize a sense of psychological wounding or shadow (Psyche and Eris), the ‘airing out’ and practical concentration of effort and energy offered by Sun-Saturn provides a way to keep your relationship focus outward. Especially with Venus still trekking backwards through Gemini, the Sun trine Saturn is a reminder to connect what you learned with the Venus transit (connecting to your inner twin in some way) actively expressed outwardly in your life.

Perhaps take another look at Len’s treatment of Sun-Saturn from yesterday. Check in with where you relationships were in the fall of 2009 compared to now. Have a little conversation with yourself, roll up your sleeves and get working with Saturn’s gravity while it’s still in Libra. What you’ve gained in your relationships may not be ‘reward’ any more than it is ‘punishment’, but it is yours to continue building on today.

11 thoughts on “Sun trine Saturn: working the laws of (meta)physics”

  1. So I really thought about what today’s blog and Len’s article from yesterday meant to me. And with the help of Saturn, Venus and the Sun, I did what I needed to do in 2009. The fear I had about asserting myself in a relationship in 2009 changed to confidence and clarity. Without the PW, I could not have put together all the events leading up to today’s decision to communicate to someone I love what was hidden from me and others. I truly appreciate PW more than words can say.


  2. be
    “…“unusual”. Sun might try to keep it light and airy, typical Gemini, but there could be serious undertones that enhance any suspicions Saturn in Libra might entertain”.
    My dreams, which I mostly don’t remember, have been throwing some strange messages that seem to be about Venus. The people in the dreams are familiar and the dream takes on a theme. There is always a figure that agitates an otherwise normal set of events.
    In one dream, a Libra friend (female) throws a dinner party for all her friends (myself inc) but she sits in a distance, lamenting and dining separately. I notice and wake up.
    In lasts nights dream, another Libra friend (female) creates a scene and makes a standoffish comment during church christening service.
    Another dream follows, my 8 years old nephew a Taurus sun is fraught with anxiety – and we are at a place with thick intertwined reeds when chalice appears made of thorns. I associate the chalice with a celestial womb.

    Things are not light as they appear on the surface. Your comments confirm my feelings

    (I have a grand water trine Sun 11th-Saturn 3rd-Jupiter 7th. I noted you called Saturn a social climber. I agree, esp with my trine…I work hard. I also Thank my lucky stars Plu/Ur in Virgo 9th oppose Saturn)

  3. Really appreciate your keeping me in balance through these waves, PW. Like a kid at the shore for the first time, the waves can be larger than I am able to withstand, but with a little guidance I learn to hold my own.
    I’ve a long building – like a long slow climb up the mountain – to learning how to release while at the same time ‘holding on’. Feels a little JupiterSaturn-ian to me. Merc seems to be giving “it” the substance of ideas if not words – road worthy words. Mountain climbing worthy words.
    Ok then. Back to my notebooks/notes/writing – with a little painting thrown in for the ride.
    Thank you PW.

  4. Thank you, Planet Waves Daily Astrology for encouraging us to have an open mind as regards to cause and effect. And, yes, continue building – thanks for that as well.

  5. Yes. Any actions, words, deeds, thoughts that unclench the man-made (Christian) punitive sin paradigm from it’s stranglehold on the collective unconscious has a lot of traction in this transformative world moment. [The Metaphysical] is Love.

  6. Patty and paola got me to thinking more about Saturn’s part of the trine which led to more thinking about what the Sun’s experience in Gemini might be at this point. We might forget on our own (speaking for myself only) the wincing effect Saturn can have, such as ending things and callous ladder-climbing. No hard feelings as he, Saturn forges ahead with his plans. Looking deeper into what Sun could be newly conscious of we see that not only did Jupiter lumber into Gemini drawing all the attention to himself (Hey I’m here, let the party begin!) on Monday, but at the same time Gemini’s ruler Mercury was squaring Uranus and opposing Pluto. This would indeed make the air more rare in Gemini, and for that matter in Virgo. Suddenly, Gemini isn’t so local anymore. Were not talking the neighborhood gossip; we are thinking bigger now, and even universal imperatives have pushed aside the usual chit-chat associated with a Gemini Run. Sun now has more serious issues to share with Saturn. Big time issues that demand attention, even right-now attention, which surely must be part of the dialogue he has going with Saturn.

    Perhaps security might become front and center, even with the Sun. ( I personally am calling the A/C man to check out my air conditioner today). Yeah, this might be a good time to check in with the neighbors too. Is everybody’s smoke detector have fresh batteries? Any break-ins reported or unsolicited calls from high-powered sales people lately? Mercury crossing the path between the dueling Pluto and Uranus could mean enlightment, or, for Saturn anyway, a caution to be wary of anything “unusual”. Sun might try to keep it light and airy, typical Gemini, but there could be serious undertones that enhance any suspicions Saturn in Libra might entertain. It could go either way so don’t let it catch you off guard is what I’m thinking. There’s a New Moon in Gemini coming next week and by then Mercury will be sextile Vesta in Taurus and Mars in Virgo, although he will square Saturn. Still, that should settle things down a lot, don’t you think?

  7. oh, my!!

    taking the “continue building” and the metaphysical imperatives of the astrology viz saturn and weaving in a little blast from the back of my mind regarding the orchid theif, and those orchids that grow without benefit of soil or water — air keeps them alive and happy. yes, be, thank you. not everyone in my family got the scorpio moon memo about connecting (perhaps) as deeply as I might have wanted, but there is another way to build and I’m happy to meet them where they are — aloft!

    thank you all,


  8. My ex boyfriend got married. He just told me (“You are one of the first ones to know!” – he said, well, wrote, all excited). Totally out of the blue, it’s a closing of a closing.

    Well, after some integration… it’s a huge opening.

  9. ditto that Be. I was just thinking about the group I just left (former employment) and just friended 3 people from there on facebook. The entire employment was spent under saturn in libra. Now that saturn is moving into my first house, I sort of wakened to the fact that people in general are living for themselves. We live selfishly – the people in that group certainly live selfishly as it is an every man for himself environment. We don’t REALLY care if someone else is happy or comfortable with us as long as we get our promotions and paychecks (that was how they acted), but in the end, we realize that what we needed was the relationships. I was going to work for a couple of months to buy some things for my house, and ended up staying 2 1/2 years. It was painful, because I was on the receiving end of conditions that I probably inflicted on others during my regular career. I really never gave it any thought, because all those years I was just trying to do my job and get through the long days. It makes you short with people who fall short or make mistakes. Must be the reason for saturn returns. ha. Perspective.

  10. Well now, PlanetWaves, there’s a thought. “Continue building”.

    Something about Gemini that has stayed with me from the git-go was in reference to my Gemini nadir. The roots of a tree are like the nadir of a birthchart. Gemini’s roots don’t go deep but there are many and they are spread out; nearer to the surface. It’s the same with relationships. Not all relationships can or should be deep. I don’t want to call them superficial, although some of them will be. We all have relationships that don’t plumb the depths of our soul but they do keep us reliably informed and in touch. Like the roots of a tree though, they must be nurtured and respected to be kept alive. Perhaps today would be good for getting in touch with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers who maybe don’t know your innermost secrets but they do have that special value of keeping you in the loop. Building trust and rapport in relationships, all kinds of relationships, is on-going. Water those shallow roots too and see if they don’t reward you with balance and stability in your life.

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