Sense of the Season — Sun Trine Saturn

The Gemini Sun makes its last trine aspect to retrograde Saturn on Wednesday. That air trine will be an occasion to begin contemplating Saturn’s long tour of Libra, which will come to a close in the first week of October. Saturn first entered cardinal Libra at the end of October 2009. That ingress was in many ways the beginning of the astrology peaking now. By the same token, Saturn’s tenure in Libra has been the symbolic beginning of what you are now becoming, an agent defining not only yourself but the world by the limits encountered in your relationships.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The life experience most often associated with Saturn is that of limits. Limits are not a bad thing. Along with your choices, the limits you encounter in relationship to your environment define who and what you are, shaping your identity and informing you of your purpose.

You are here for a reason. The sooner you determine that reason, the sooner you can go about fulfilling your purpose. The sooner you can begin fulfilling your purpose the better you will feel about yourself and your place in the world. That’s what it means to work with Saturn as its expression of limits is defined by the sign it occupies. We are fortunate that recent years have found Saturn in Libra because that symbolically availed all of us equally with a fresh start at determining our purpose, all at the same time.

When the Sun enters Libra, it is a new season. That’s what defines Libra as one of the four cardinal signs. Specifically it is a new season that begins with an equinox, a period of equal day and night for every being on Earth, all at the same time. Every other object that enters and moves through Libra emulates the Sun. So it is that Saturn’s archetype of limits has been expressed through a theme that combines renewal, equality and reciprocity for most of the the last three years. If you consider what was beginning for you and your relationships around Halloween of 2009 and compare it to what you and your relationships have become, you will get an idea of how well you have worked with Saturn’s new season so far and what you need to do to fulfill your purpose. That’s the opportunity represented by the Sun’s air trine to Saturn on Wednesday.

Air, along with fire, earth and water, is one of the four elements of ancient natural science. Each of those four elements contributes to the identity of three out of the 12 astrological signs. Hence the geometric relationship between signs that share the same element is called a trine, derived from the word three and the shape of an equilateral triangle. Trines represent flow because energy of any kind is best transmitted through a single element. Gemini and Libra are both air signs.

Your own tangible experience of the Sun is as the source of daylight. Daylight is best transmitted through the air. In astrology, the Sun symbolizes consciousness, revealing and illuminating that upon which it shines. It stands to reason, then, that the symbolic Sun’s light would flow very well from one air sign to another, clearly illuminating any other object to which it forms a trine aspect. An air trine of the Sun to Saturn is thus an opportunity to get a sense of how the season of limits encountered through relationships have shaped you thus far.

It’s easy to get caught up in the enormity of recent and impending astrological events. Astonishing eclipses, rare transits, unlikely occultations and intimidating aspects abound. It’s also easy to feel overwhelmed by the events in the world that correspond to the intimidating aspects. Everywhere you look the world you were born into and conditioned to live in appears to be coming apart and collapsing into uncertainty. While nobody is recommending that you ignore history being made, you must first attend to your own developments if you are to avoid getting swept away and lost without a chance to find and fulfill your purpose, and make a conscious contribution to that history in the making.

That’s the reason for you to take some time this week and get a sense of your own season, your own own development and your own identity as it is being defined so that you can make the adjustments that circumstances allow and work with your limits to participate in defining not only your place in the world but what the would can be.

Offered In Service   

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

7 thoughts on “Sense of the Season — Sun Trine Saturn”

  1. My experience is that mine and no one else that I can convey in my articles on my blog. Saturn arrived on my Mercury/Sun opposite Moon Wow and not the trine to the Sun in the sky just delay the bulldozer that turned into a great springboard over the years. If Saturn there as should invent it. Why fear the inevitable? When magic he was diverted by the luminary of the Neptune illusion in trine to Saturn in the fall of 2012. And why it is sometimes risky s “attach a past gone as our theme of birth.” Sometimes it to create mountains of anxiety to avoid finally the worst and the best live that even you have not imagined, it’s beautiful life, it is in happens sometimes miraculously
    It is paradise on Earth but as he had become in mind, imagine to transcend what should not be but how to avoid it…

    Saturn is in my view very powerful master of the MC and in conjunction in Capricorn, Saturnienne magic can operate within the limits of time and at an advanced age, the youth is not the friend of Saturn in mythology would have devoured the own children. It is in old age that Saturn becomes itself a child without knowing if he would eat a turn… mystery….

    Thank you Len 🙂

  2. Len,

    Using the consciousness of the Gemini Sun in flowing trine to Saturn’s focus (a form of limits) in Libra on relationships and purpose, “through a theme that combines renewal, equality and reciprocity”. Saturn in Libra has been the time of my second Saturn return. I like the connection of the second Saturn return in Libra and autumn as a new season for my life. I like that it’s autumn with an equinox, a time of balance and equality. I like that autumn is a time to harvest what was previously planted. Such encouraging words to review the last two and half years. Now, to keep that Gemini Sun lighting the way when Saturn is in Scorpio and ultimately conjunct my Scorpio Sun, and opposite my Gemini MC.

    Thank you, thank you, Len for the neatly wrapped gift of your eloquent prose that has such meaning.


  3. Thank you Len, this is a wonderful, strong compass for me.
    “Hence the geometric relationship between signs that share the same element is called a trine, derived from the word three and the shape of an equilateral triangle. Trines represent flow because energy of any kind is best transmitted through a single element. Gemini and Libra are both air signs.”
    Our beautiful crop circle makers (appearing out of thin air) left us a wondrous image of the triple goddess divine conception:

  4. Hi Len,

    Do we all have a love-hate relationship with Saturn? Surely, I’m not alone when rebuked by the Universe for not staying inside the metaphorical (or metaphysical) white line. I chafe at the bit demanding that I have my rights, and snarl and growl when it turns out I don’t. On the other hand, it can’t be denied that security – in all its forms – can be very comforting. Recognition and reward for a job well done is also salve for the weary soul who gives his all for a cause.

    Still though, it is really the reward of maturity; becoming a responsible anything. . . parent, employee, citizen. . that is the real balm for a hard-working Saturn. No trophies needed thank you, just the deep understanding that you have become a grownup can bring tears of gratitude for even being able to stay the course. In these times of “overwhelming events in the world”, your point about making a contribution, a “concious” contribution, relies heavily on one’s being well grounded. If the Sun’s trine to Saturn is to be a Report Card of sorts, it should be duly note that ‘staying the course’ was achieved with flying colors by one Len Wallick through his ever perfect and dependable weekly offerings. Job well done sir.

  5. Thanks Len, as always, for amazing nourishing words. I’m Libra rising btw, and so, looking back on the past 3 years, it’s hard to know the difference between its influence on my 1st (Libra rising) or 12th (Scorpio Sun) house. Sometimes it felt like bouncing from one to the other. But when I finally got settled into my new home, living on my own, etc. (dot dot dot), In Oct 2009, I found myself one evening in the corner on the floor in a lot of emotional pain. I had a vision of an old metal box in my solar plexus locked. I didn’t have a key either. I actually said out loud “I can’t heal this on my own, I need help.” That’s when I started Reiki with an amazing master. Slowly we started to open that box, and taking myself apart piece by piece, looking closely, reevaluating, eliminating, and refurbishing and reenergizing – that was Saturn’s energy, and still is. This transit was/is setting off my natal planets big time too. Pluto/Uranus in Lib, Mars in Aries, Venus in Cap, Sat in Cancer.

  6. Thank you Len, for what seems to be ‘part two’ in the messages received today, confirming ‘part one.’ I received hexagram Chieh/Limitation this morning…’voluntarily chosen limits empower your growth’. These two messages indeed support one another in such a positive and powerful way. You obviously have quite a psychic propeller on that cosmic helicopter of yours!

    My thanks.

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