As We Are Tested — First Quarter Moon

The Moon reaches first quarter phase from late Pisces at 12:19 am EST Thursday, symbolizing a time of inner trial even as we are tested by external events. It will be the midpoint between the last New Moon of a season now departing, and the first Full Moon of a season about to begin.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It will also be a square aspect from the Sun to the Moon, the first of the lunar cycle, when we are at pains to wonder whether we can emulate Luna by becoming more luminous in the week to come.

The week just past concluded with unspeakable loss at a vulnerable time. It is as if everybody on Earth is being compelled to share simultaneous grief. The question now is what common and concurrent sorrow will do to those of us who remain to pick up the pieces.

The Sagittarius Sun will conjoin with an asteroid named after the ancient goddess Isis as it squares the Pisces Moon later this week. Central to the myth of Isis is a tale of how she was compelled to overcome sorrow and pick up the pieces so that life could go on.

As it has reached us, the story relates the murder of Osiris, brother and spouse to Isis. Following his death, Osiris was dismembered, and his body parts were scattered far and wide. Isis set out, even as she grieved, to recover and reassemble the body of her beloved so that they could conceive their son, Horus.

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