Police clear Zuccotti Park

New York City police this morning evicted the Occupy Wall Street movement from Zuccotti Park in a surprise raid. The operation was timed for 1 am and by most accounts was running a little late; I have cast the chart for 1:05 am. [Note — a state judge has ruled that the Occupy movement as the right to take the park back after the cleaning is complete, and that the neither the city nor the company that owns the park has the right to evict them again. Another hearing, presumably an appeal, is scheduled for 11:30 am in New York City.]

Chart for police clearing Zuccotti Park in New York City, two months into the Occupy Wall Street movement. Note 12+ Gemini on the top of the chart, and 12+ Sagittarius on the bottom of the chart -- those are all over the history of New York City.

Summing up this chart: it looks like the self-undoing of the New York City government, in particular Mayor Bloomberg. His Honor and his police commissioners have given many gifts to the Occupy movement, starting with the pepper spray incident that got the whole thing into the news, and then the arrests of 700 people who were trapped on the Brooklyn Bridge on Oct. 1. If you’re not from New York City, I can tell you that we play by different rules from the rest of the country. The people of the city are extremely tolerant to diversity, disruption and constant change; and culture itself has momentum that cannot easily be altered by external forces.

When evaluating a chart, I check two things first: the position of the Moon, and the angles — and in this chart they are loaded. By ‘angles’ I mean the mundane angles: the ascendant (rising sign) and its opposite point; and the midheaven (topmost dark line) and its opposite point, abbreviated from Latin as the IC (bottom dark line). All are interesting here; there are planets clustered around them — and the Moon in Cancer is directly in the game, aspecting Mercury, Venus, Pholus and Ixion. That illustrates the adjustment to the ‘home’ space of the chart, but also the extent of public interest that will be generated by what has happened today.

But there is something even more stunning about this chart, which involves a little-known historical fact. Look at the way that 12 Gemini is on the midheaven and 12 Sagittarius is on the IC. These mundane angles — remember that term — are the most sensitive lines in the chart. They are like the fingers that reach into consciousness and draw in energy, events, themes — and which also reach across time and space.

Gemini to Sagittarius at 12+ degrees is the Sept. 11 axis — the exact location of the Saturn-Pluto opposition from August 2001 that set off the Sept. 11 incident, clearly the worst day in New York City history. But it goes deeper: that Saturn-Pluto opposition was aspecting Pluto in the historical charts of New York City — in the chart for Manhattan, Pluto is right there in late Gemini, and in the chart for Metropolitan New York City in 1898 (the modern city as we know it today, including the outer boroughs) Pluto is right in mid-Gemini. So we get three historical iterations of Pluto, plus Saturn, showing up in this chart. (Notably, when Peter Stuyvesant surrendered New York City to the Brits in 1664, there was a Saturn-Pluto opposition from Sagittarius to Gemini; this aspect happens about once every 40 years and again was THE aspect that defines the Sept. 11 incident.)

Summing this up — New York City is extremely sensitive to historical events that reach across Gemini-Sagittarius, and that is what shows up in this morning’s chart — as if the city’s nonexistent Office of the Astro-Historian had planned the raid carefully.

Let’s go back to the Moon. One way we know this story is not over is that the Moon is in mid-Cancer, about to make many aspects. Occupy Wall Street has temporarily moved house to Foley Square.

Arrested in this morning’s raid was Ydanis Rodriguez, a member of the New York City Council. I know Ydanis personally from the City University of New York occupation and shutdown of 1991 — he is the real deal.

21 thoughts on “Police clear Zuccotti Park”

  1. len — not sure if amy has an “informant,” but it would not surprise me if they’re given every protester there the number to a direct hotline. or heck, maybe even her home phone 😉

  2. And where was Pluto when George Grenville pulled his boner? Where it is now. Let’s get Eric on Olberman’s show so he can help a nationwide audience see the connection from the perspective of astrology. That would be a precipitating event. No way the 1% can censor the sky.

  3. As I have been tutoring my child in American History lately, I can tell you that George Grenville was Prime Minister of Great Britain. He authored the Stamp Act, and other taxes on the colonies, in order to raise revenue for a government that was in bad financial shape due to almost constant warfare.

    Even though the most hated taxes were eventually repealed by Parliament, they left a tax on tea under the Tea Act, just to show the colonists who was boss. WHich is how all that tea ended up in Boston Harbor.

    They thought they were in charge. They thought they held all the power. They thought it would all blow over. They thought they wouldn’t have to change.

    They thought wrong.

  4. From DAILY KOS:

    Special Comment: The Hero Of Occupy, Mike Bloomberg+*
    by Keith Olbermann

    You heard me.

    In any other context, I’d be calling on Michael Bloomberg to resign as Mayor of New York. The ham-handed handling of Occupy Wall Street by Bloomberg and his minions, from its first week to last night, reflects the kind of short-sightedness and ignorance of this country’s laws, history, and principles, that can truly only be offered by a man with an obscenely large amount of money and an obscenely small amount of conscience.

    But history tells us that the dumber The Establishment gets, the more obvious its repression becomes, and the more popular it makes the movements it seeks to crush. In short:

    Democracy has been protected, not merely by the strenuous efforts of those of us who cherish it. But mostly, and most profoundly, by the limitless stupidity of those who would ration it, keep it for themselves and themselves alone — or destroy it.
    My Special Comment tonight on Countdown will trace Bloomberg’s forebears in over-reach and under-thought: everybody from Mayor Daley of Chicago, to Governor Rhodes of Ohio, to Joe McCarthy, and George Grenville.

    If George Grenville doesn’t ring a bell, google him. He had one of the Top 10 Worst Brilliant Ideas in history.

    Anyway, a preview of my call for us to appreciate just what Million-Bucks-A-Minute-Mike has done for the cause:

    Who else but a cliche like Bloomberg could take a protest beginning to grow a little stale around the edges, and vault it back into the headlines, complete with mortifying scenes of police dressed up as storm-troopers, carrying military weapons, using figurative bazookas to kill figurative mosquitoes?

    Who else but an archetype like Bloomberg could claim a group of protestors were making too much noise in a residential area, then choose to try to disperse them by bringing out LRAD Audio Cannons, machines that send painful waves of sound indiscriminately over the very same residential area?

    Who else but a cartoon like Bloomberg could have become rich creating a multi-billion dollar media company, and then authorize illegally preventing reporters from witnessing police actions he claims were utterly legal, and then authorize the arrest of four reporters at a Church?…

    Who else but a hypocrite like Bloomberg could have overridden by backroom-deal with the New York City Council, the results of two separate referendums limiting those in his office to just two terms as Mayor, so he could serve a third term, and then had his police arrest, beat up, and incarcerate, a member of the New York City Council?…

    Michael Bloomberg is the 12th richest man in America, which is a reminder that money can’t buy you love, brains, or foresight.

    And what Bloomberg did last night, and the fact that a new poll shows 58% of those throughout New York state believe protestors not only have the right to protest, but they have the right to stay overnight in the parks of the cities of the state, and the boost his midnight police riot at Zuccotti Park will give Occupy here and elsewhere, is a reminder that at least in this country, we can still take comfort that not everything bears a pricetag, and nothing preserves Democracy better than the stupidity of its opponents.

  5. Len!!

    I kept looking at that 12+ midheaven thinking, I’ve seen this before, I’ve seen this before. Thanks for reminding me where: the USA Sibly chart (the chart for the Declaration of Independence).

    Here is my reading of the Sibly chart from 2010, from the July 2 edition.

    Tech note — the spelling is SIBLY, the chart in this article is not correct. We will fix it soon.


  6. As I listened last evening and again this morning to the reports on the mainstream media of the significant number of #occupy encampments that were being evicted almost simultaneously, I sensed (knew?) that it wasn’t a “co-winky-dink.” Quan “conferenced” with 18 other US cities. Really.

    (Even #occupy Detroit was scheduled to be evicted today due to an expired permit, but got a one day reprieve from the Detroit City Council.)

    Excluding the press, establishing a “media blackout”…because Zucotti Park is like a “crime scene” or “casualty scene”? Really. (Ah, yes, thanks be for cell phone cameras, social networks and the rest to keep this revolution revolving.)

    Are these events the last gasps of delusion from Neptune as it slip/slides toward the anaretic degree of Aquarius and soon into Pisces?

    As an aside to the Daily Kos report, I was under the impression that Zucotti Park, although privately owned, is a dedicated public park/space.

    Thanks, be, for the astrological reassurance that “the spirit will continue no matter what comes.” ‘Tis interesting times.


  7. Eric: Thank you for the report and the cogent connection to the history of NYC. The Gemini to Sagittarius axis on the chart you generously provided for this morning’s incident in Zuccotti Park also has a very close correspondence to the ascendant-descendant of both the USA Sibley chart and the Scorpionic America chart.

    Fe: Many thanks to you as well for passing on the Oakland mayor’s casual mention. The apparent collusion and coordination of police actions between major cities ironically provides the Occupy Movement with free publicity and the potential grounds for legal action in federal court (unless city governments are exempt from statutes prohibiting interstate conspiracy).

    be: Thank you. Once again your erudition opens the doors of perception wider and takes us deeper.

    Amanda: Special thanks to you for the phone numbers and the link to demnow. The fact that Amy Team was on the spot is no surprise but it does make one wonder if she has a well placed informant.


    Embattled Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, speaking in an interview with the BBC (excerpted on The Takeaway radio program–audio of Quan starts at the 5:30 mark), casually mentioned that she was on a conference call with leaders of 18 US cities shortly before a wave of raids broke up Occupy Wall Street encampments across the country. “I was recently on a conference call with 18 cities across the country who had the same situation. . . .”
    Mayor Quan then rambles about how she “spoke with protestors in my city” who professed an interest in “separating from anarchists,” implying that her police action was helping this somehow.

    Interestingly, Quan then essentially advocates that occupiers move to private spaces, and specifically cites Zuccotti Park as an example:

    In New York City, it’s interesting that the Wall Street movement is actually on a private park, so they’re not, again, in the public domain, and they’re not infringing on the public’s right to use a public park.

    Many witnesses to the wave of government crackdowns on numerous #occupy encampments have been wondering aloud if the rapid succession was more than a coincidence; Jean Quan’s casual remark seems to clearly imply that it was.

  9. Saturn (restriction) opposite Black Moon Lilith & QB1 (threshold) ?

    Cancer Moon conjunct Askalaphus (whistleblower) trine Atlantis (technology)?

    Mercury conjunct Pholus square Ceres (where’s my baby?) on the desc.?

  10. News Reporters Say Police Denied Access to Protest Site
    New York Times blogger

    11:42 a.m. | Updated As New York City police cleared the Occupy Wall Street campsite in Zuccotti Park early Tuesday morning, many journalists were blocked from observing and interviewing protesters. Some called it a “media blackout” and said in interviews that they believed that the police efforts were a deliberate attempt to tamp down coverage of the operation.

    The city blog Gothamist put it this way: “The NYPD Didn’t Want You To See Occupy Wall Street Get Evicted.”

    As a result, much of the early video of the police operation was from the vantage point of the protesters. Videos that were live-streamed on the Web and uploaded to YouTube were picked up by television networks and broadcast on Tuesday morning.

    At a news conference after the park was cleared Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg defended the police behavior, saying that the media was kept away “to prevent a situation from getting worse and to protect members of the press.”

    Some members of the media said they were shoved by the police. As the police approached the park they did not distinguish between protesters and members of the press, said Lindsey Christ, a reporter for NY1, a local cable news channel. “Those 20 minutes were some of the scariest of my life,” she said.

    Ms. Christ said that police officers took a New York Post reporter standing near her and “threw him in a choke-hold.”

    That reporter and two photographers with him declined to speak on the record because they are freelance workers and lack some of the job protections of full-time employees. But as they sipped coffee on Tuesday morning in Foley Square, where some of the protesters had regrouped, they expressed surprise at the extent of what they described as police suppression of the press.

    A freelance journalist working for NPR, Julie Walker, was briefly detained during the operation. Others wrote on Twitter that they came close to being arrested.

    Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman, said he saw “nobody” who was manhandled.

    He said reporters were allowed on the borders of Zuccotti Park, but not in its interior. That was for safety, he said, comparing it to the way the police set up a perimeter for the press around crime scenes and calamitous events.

    “They were told we were going to start making arrests and they left the interior of the park and if you see from the coverage, everyone got their shot,” he said, referring to video and photographs shown online and on television. “So I don’t think that was an issue. If you see from the coverage people got their shot.”

    Andrew Katz, a journalism student at Columbia University who was writing for the Web site The Brooklyn Ink, said that the police “wouldn’t let us get anywhere near Zuccotti.”

    Mr. Katz said that at the corner of Broadway and Fulton Street, three blocks from the park, some police officers told him to stand on the sidewalk while others told him to stand on the street. “I was shoved by police on the sidewalk and then off the sidewalk,” he said. “Where was I supposed to go? It led to confusion among the press.”

    Rosie Gray, a writer for The Village Voice, recounted telling a police officer, “I’m press!” She said the officer responded, “Not tonight.”

    The reporters, police and protesters were all brought together at least once, though — Ms. Christ observed members of all three groups “waiting quietly in line for the bathroom at Starbucks” around 7 a.m.

    Later in the morning, even when there were media reports that Zuccotti Park was reopening, reporters had a hard time getting access to the area. Debra Alfarone, a reporter at WPIX, the CW affiliate in New York City, wrote on Twitter around 8:45 a.m., “And we got kicked out of #zuccottipark again.”

  11. oh, and Occupy Together has posted some phone numbers to FB, in case anyone is interested:

    NYPD 1st Precinct: 212-334-0611
    Mayor: 212-639-9675
    NYPD: 646-610-5000

  12. yes bkoehler — that the south and north node are right on that MC/IC axis, within 2+ degrees, was the first thing i noticed. definitely seems to emphasize the karmic implications of the NYC charts and the sense we have that the OWS mission has some higher vibration.

  13. It is fascinating that a connection to the 9-11 chart is being echoed in this chart Eric. Thanks for reporting your find. The fact that the north and south nodes are also so close to the MH and IC seems to be reminding us that this movement is a manifestation of our country’s evolutionary and spiritual growth.

    The birth of the Occupy movement chart that came a week before the Fall Equinox holds a similar yod formation to that later chart; this represents the drive of the demonstrations I think. At the time of the equinox the Moon Mars conjunction in early Leo acted as the agent for the yod’s energy expression of the Pluto in Cap sextile to Chiron in Pisces. A week earlier, Mars was still at 29+ Cancer, quincunx Neptune in Aquarius, the traveling companion of Chiron, denoting the lack of specifics the press and the DC crowd deemed necessary to legitimatize its purpose. Still, the yod was tight enough for government work, and it is well understood that Cancer is not known for it’s direct approach.

    As the Fall Equinox influence begins to wain and with still over a month to go before the Winter Solstice arrives, it is heartening to see in the November 25 eclipse chart that reinforcements are coming for the Occupy troops. Venus will conjunct the Galactic Core as she sextiles Neptune (and Chiron), reinforcing the original equinox sextile of Pluto and Chiron, and, absent any Leo replacement, the Sagittarius Sun-Moon trine Aries Uranus will provide fiery support for the historical Equinox and Occupy charts’ Mars. It’s a tag-team effort it seems but the spirit will continue no matter what comes.

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