Try our weekly and monthly horoscopes for free!

Chelsea Bottinelli, letting it all sink in.

How do you read your horoscope written by Eric Francis, loved by readers and published in magazines around the world since 1995? There’s just one way — subscribe to Planet Waves. Subscriptions also include Eric’s weekly articles, access to the archives and many other features. Visit this link to access your free trial to our premium twice-weekly astrology service. For other subscription options plus audio reports and ebooks, you are invited to visit the Planet Waves Store here.

8 thoughts on “Try our weekly and monthly horoscopes for free!”

  1. Chelsea,

    So cute and happy! No wonder you are the “front” person (or go-to person) for subscriptions! [Note to everyone: she is just as friendly as she looks!] :::smiling:::

  2. Well thanks guys…typical Leo, I sure don’t mind being called cute, and really purr when you think my ideas are worthwhile 🙂

    E–I had heard of this thing they call astrology, but never imagined there was so much too it before I met you. Of course, you’ve taught me so much more than that.

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