Here it is: the last Planet Waves subscriber issue of the 13th baktun of the Mayan calendar! In this issue, Eric considers this past week through the long lens of Mayan daykeeping, accompanied as this week has been by a new sense of the interrelatedness within society and a keener consideration of cause and effect. This issue also contains Eric’s January monthly horoscopes to help you get 2013 (and the next baktun) off to a great start, plus astro-news briefs from this special week.
You can read the entire issue by purchasing it individually here. Or try us out for a little longer with a one-month free trial subscription here.
Remember: if you take advantage of any of our subscription options now, you will be eligible for a steep pre-order discount on LISTEN: the 2013 annual.
Eric –
Over the years I’ve become so accustomed to the excellence of your work that I no longer comment on that quality here. I don’t take it for granted in the sense that I don’t think it’s a big deal, but in that I know every week- and every year – without fail I can look forward to lessons in my inbox that are so insightful, and so clearly and thoughtfully laid out that they are like breathing. Often it’s about validation; I read, and think “oh, good, I’m attuned, it makes sense I’m thinking/feeling/experiencing this right now.” Your horoscopes are incredibly useful in terms of how I experience the people in my life, too; they help make me a better listener. But the horoscopes I don’t get right off the bat are the ones that wind up being the *most* meaningful when I go back to re-examine them. I’ve long since learned it’s not that you might be “off” one week, it’s that you pinpoint things I don’t yet realize I’m working on, and in fact you’re ahead of the curve. It’s those “aha!” moments that I find the most valuable of all.
This issue? High art.
Endless thanks for your exceptional work, dedication and generosity.
Mayan Specialist Dr.Nikolai Grube, University Bonn, gave recently a talk at a German University, “the end of Maya Calendar is actually a couple of days later, around the 24.”, he says. So, no relaxing yet :-).
“Then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked on 60 Minutes whether the resulting loss of 500,000 Iraqi children on her watch was worth it, and she said that it was.”
“It involves seeing the ‘unintentional conspiracy’ of the society in which we live.”
This “unintentional conspiracy” is a society which has been taking decades to work on themselves; me, me, me. Children, as needy and non-contributors to family wages, have been left at the bottom of the list. Is it any wonder Albright said that? I have been saying we don’t value children and by connection the people who care for them in our society. The focus on patriarchal values without balancing the matriarchal values has this species in imbalance. Perhaps “the shift” will change that but it won’t happen overnight. The last gasp of the dying old, white, male hegemony won’t be pretty or easy. I hope we don’t get dragged down too much with it.
One of my favorite quotes as seen on FB today was this:
In response to NRA’s suggestion that ‘the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.’
“Can’t wait for the NRA’s new anti-rape campaign where everyone gets a penis.”
— Erin Gloria Ryan
Excellent work Eric, your conclusions resonate strongly in me. Perhaps 12.21.12 is about unmasking the conspiracy behind the nuts and bolts insanity of our culture, so that we can really move out of this era into a more enlightened set of relationships.