A Note from Susan Scheck: The Magic is in the Connections

In this next installment of our spring 2013 membership drive (which I described earlier this week), one of our multi-talented editorial assistants, Susan Scheck, says hello. Susan also works with shamanic healing and reiki, and is a holistic health coach. Her previous editorial and writing experience (at SUNY Stony Brook) has been a perfect fit for Planet Waves, and we’re thrilled to have her as one of our newest team members. — efc)

Dear Friend and Reader,

I’m Susan, an editor here at Planet Waves. We’ve never met, yet you’ve seen my work: I edit the horoscopes, some of the blog posts, the Tuesday/Friday editions, the annual and other reports. I handle many daily tasks that you don’t see, but that make your time here smoother and more pleasant.

For a behind-the-scenes person like me, this chance to connect with you is golden — connection being a guiding principle of Planet Waves.

Before I worked here, I read the Planet Waves blog for several years — and it quickly became a key part of my spiritual growth. Eric’s amazing analysis, interpretation, and above all, intuition — grounded in real-world possibility — made him one of my trusted teachers, and helped me envision my own potential.

I bought birthday reports, annuals, spring and midyear reports — and I became a member. This non-astrologer didn’t want to miss a word. Even though I didn’t “speak” the language of astrology, like an expert map reader, Eric suggested places in myself I might want to explore and gave me instructions for getting there.

I know that a lot of you feel the same way, because a few times a week I gather feedback from amazed readers — who frequently write in to tell us they’ve become members because we’ve touched their lives like nothing else has, and they want to say “thank you” by supporting us in a bigger way.

We get no advertising dollars here — we are 100% member-supported — and your active participation is what keeps us growing and thriving. You pay our salaries! You get professional writers and editors, like me — and you get a professional, expert, world-class astrologer in Eric Francis.

With your very affordable membership, you become connected to our team and to other members in our unique Planet Waves community. You’ll have even more of what you’ve come to love about Planet Waves, and we want to meet you.

Love and hugs,
Susan Scheck
Planet Waves editor

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