Last week, I posted part one of my interview with Prof. Karl Grossman, one of the world’s leading anti-nuclear journalists. This week we have part two, and this happens to be the 24th anniversary of the meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine.

Though this is nearly forgotten, it’s something that we prefer to remember — the technical side of Planet Waves is produced in the Ukraine. Chernobyl was, as well, the incident that focused me on environmental journalism, even though I had no idea how I might do that at the time.
Remember that Chernobyl is not over. It faces a long and uncertain history: we really have no way to tell people in the future how dangerous it is. Maybe there will be a tradition of warning people, but at some point the dangers of radiation might be forgotten, or the temptation of empty land might be too much for nomadic humans to resist.
My conversation with Karl Grossman is intended to establish the history of nuclear power, as well as serve as a warning. In the continuation of this interview, we talk about the economic viability of nuclear power, how we might change the course that the power industry seems to be set upon, and what happened to the plan to make Long Island a “nuclear park.”
For those interested in my prior coverage of the nuclear issue, this article is a good start. This edition of Planet Waves from April 2007 includes an article in Chernobyl (as well as my article on the shootings at Virginia Tech).
Here is your program in the old player, where you’ll find the full archives and a downloadable zip file.
Thanks for tuning in.
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I think the word accident is non-accusatory vernacular. He is being professional and not conspiratorial. Obviously he understands there is a level of intent due to the plant operators’ knowledge of potential problems.
At the risk of being au contrarian and impolite…how can anyone discuss “all things nuclear” and never mention the Israeli STUXNET virus? Even CBS’ 60 Minutes broached the subject on March 4: “Computer virus’s evident success in damaging Iran’s nuclear facility has officials asking if our own infrastructure is safe.”
Professor Grossman repeatedly referred to Fukushima and Chernobyl as “accidents” though there is considerable evidence that Fukushima Daiichi was sabotage–retribution for Japan’s offer to enrich uranium for Iran–and that Japanese officials may be blackmailed even now to keep their mouths shut…or else. Apparently bombs triggered the tsunami and Stuxnet overrode and incapacitated Fukushima Daichi’s elaborate safety systems.
Even the Chernobyl “accident” has recently come under scrutiny as possible sabotage of the Russian Woodpecker over-the-horizon radar system. Its operations were within the nuclear disaster zone. And Chernobyl debilitated the former Soviet Union.
Sorry about that — should be fixed now!
I got the introduction just fine. Time for the interview … I’m getting lots of silence and a ticking time bar to tell me the player is still running.