In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the ongoing series of aspects involving the centaur planet Nessus. The next one up is Mercury conjunct Nessus on Saturday, so this is an invitation to keep the conversation going — or to get one started. On Friday, Venus and Mars change signs, which sets up the background of the conjunction — there is a palpable shift in the energy happening.
In this edition, I play a segment of Amy Goodman’s interview with Mariel Hemingway and Barbara Kopple, talking about their new film, Running from Crazy. This is about the suicides, substance abuse and sexual abuse in the Hemingway family. Here is Mariel’s chart. Note that she is having a Nessus square and also has just had her Chiron return. I explain these transits in the program.
I also reference several articles, including Tools for the Frontier from the Daily Astrology series, an article by Amanda last week about a Nessus-like dream, and an oldie called How to Be Your Own Lover, which I read from.
Our musical guest is John Yaschur, a Planet Waves reader.
Here is your program in the Old Player. Note, you can download a compressed file of the program on the Old Player page, which also includes a full archive of Planet Waves FM going back to 2010. More recent programs are collected in the category listing at the top of the blog frame.
With love,
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It was interesting to see her chart.I thought she would have more major planets in the 4th,8th and 12th houses.Interesting to see Neptune on the ascendant.I always thought Mariel had a Piscean vibe about her,especially when she was younger.She seemed so shy as a kid—
Thanks Eric. I too, am undergoing a Nessus square at this time (which of course means all those objects moving through AQ are taking their turns at the square as well.)
Your story about the masturbation workshop/shutdown-of-discussion really hit home. I’m too often in social situations where the conversation makes a point of never touching anything that is, well, genuine. It’s all “real”, but not “genuine” as in having actually to do with the individual who is speaking rather than having to do with stuff that happens to them. (and generally just “speaking” not communication on that two-way, multi-way level which includes actually listening.) Anyway, thanks — I appreciate the opportunity to be more watchful of this and therefore mindful to remain in “genuine” territory.
Poor, poor Margaux Hemingway – what a terrible thing she had to face.
“It’s a nice feeling that we are all in this together somehow”. Yeah, Marymack ((()))
And I feel lucky that the healing work I’m doing on myself is also benefiting some of my family too.
Nessus is such a key for me … as it transits my sun presently … it happens that I had this cardinal square missing a point in Taurus until I located Nessus there years later. Yes, I am feeling it all and I thank you for the help along this journey. It does feel like a rebirth.
Met Mariel years ago, she lived not far from me in Topanga Cyn … she was so genuine, everyday gal nextdoor. For me, after all these years I’d have said she put out such a nice Taurus vibe … then I check the chart you provide, Eric, and her Taurus points ontop of my natal Nessus. It’s a nice feeling that we are all in this together somehow.
Bless ya’ll for helping me through,
These are the same people who did not accept that Margaux had killed herself, even with six predecessors who had done so.
snazzy PW FM banner! i love it.
and glad you were able to use the Mariel Hemingway interview. i look forward to listening later & checking out her chart.
btw, i have not done extensive research on the subject of sexual abuse in the Hemingway household, and it sounded from the interview like you have to see the documentary to know where Mariel goes with it. but this is what is on Margaux’s wiki page (Margaux was one of Mariel’s older siblings, and a famous model, who died/committed suicide by drug overdose):
“In the 1990s, [Margaux] Hemingway went forward with allegations that her godfather had molested her as a child; her father, Jack, and stepmother, Angela, resented the allegations and stopped speaking to her. Angela told People magazine, “Jack and I did not talk to her for two years. She constantly lies. The whole family won’t have anything to do with her. She’s nothing but an angry woman.”
Thanks for another knockout edition, dear Eric. I loved the Reich, etc at the end – so inspiring. Was a real treat for me too, and taught me a lot, as I was born in ’61, so have many things in common with MH, such as the Nessus square, Chiron return, Scorpio rising/Neptune. And I too grew up in a family where there were several (attempted) suicides plus sexual abuse. I also had the issue of being the one everyone wanted me to be – and always used to end up with women ‘friends’ who became dependent and dumped all their shit on me, till I learned to spot them a mile off and run in the other direction. I’m having a kind of rebirth too, though a pretty messy and painful one. I loved the John Yaschur song, such a lovely voice and guitar, so full of ‘heart’.