Astrology Today: Oracle for Saturday, June 1, 2013

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Taurus weekly for August 5, 2011

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

With knowledge comes responsibility — that’s why so many people walk around acting like they know nothing. With values comes the desire to make conscious choices, which is why so many people deny that anything in particular is important to them. You seem to be aware of something that’s evoking a deep sense of commitment to yourself; that in turn may be the source of some conflict. You want this particular condition to be resolved; you don’t want any new information delaying that. I suggest you cut this whole discussion short and commit yourself to knowing the truth, and by that I mean the truth about yourself. Set aside what you may perceive as inaccessible because it exists outside of you. Self-knowledge is available; indeed, it’s inevitable. As you gather that knowledge, it will become increasingly compelling.

Note, The Oracle is a random selection from the Eric Francis horoscope archives. Each day we publish one entry from among the 10,000 in our database. It’s a little slice of horoscope history — but chosen by our Oracle program, which always speaks to the present moment. New horoscopes are published each Friday plus twice a month in Planet Waves subscriber edition and Planet Waves Light.

10 thoughts on “Astrology Today: Oracle for Saturday, June 1, 2013”

  1. Sarah, I’ve never heard this one! I love this singer. Glad you enjoyed it, and thank you so much.

  2. Dearest Daniel, thank you so much for sharing that gorgeous song! I have heard some Ray LaMontagne before, but have never heard that song. I have a lovely evening planned with wine, reading, and now some beautiful music. (I just bought the album from iTunes. I have heard “You Are the Best Thing” before. It’s lovely too.) Wishing you a wonderful evening as well!

  3. Ohmigod, thank you Daniel! I shouldn’t have had to enter Alto-cinque into Google Translate, but am glad I did. I’m pleased my words have touched you both!

  4. Thank you, sweet Sarah!

    Such a beautiful name – same as my daughter’s! I struggled long and hard to choose her name, wanting it just right.

  5. To live a full and authentic life, it takes being willing to be involved. With Life. With yourself. And being willing to commit. To Life. To yourself. To have the courage of your own convictions. To be your own hero or heroine.

    What keeps some from doing this is fear. Fear of standing outside the pack. Fear of not being understood by the pack. We are not born, however as part of a pack, well, unless one of a twin or triplet! We are born alone, with our own unique starprint, which we are meant to express to the world.

    We are all individual expressions of the wondrous diversity of man and woman kind. Why create fearfulness within ourselves, and each other, when we could be joyfully reveling in our own, and each others’, greatness?

    “I suggest you cut this whole discussion short and commit yourself to knowing the truth, and by that I mean the truth about yourself.”

    That’s the thing about discovering one’s Truth. There is such a chord of resonance, that it can’t be ignored. One feels Truth deep inside, there is no doubt. Once found, one *must* live one’s Truth, one *is* compelled. To ignore it, out of fear or any reason, is to deny one’s Truth, to deny one’s soul.

    It may require courage. It certainly requires self-acceptance. But the Gift it bestows is that delicious feeling of being true to yourself. Of not being lost. Alone, on an island, one would still not feel lost.

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