Astrology Today: Oracle for Monday, August 20, 2012

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo weekly for June 27, 2003.

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

Think back to the summer of 1999. This was an important time for all of us, but in your life it was a potentially frightening threshold that you knew you had to cross. Now nearly four years have passed. Where there was a great gaping hole in the universe of your soul, something else has arrived. Where there was ignorance and darkness, there is awareness and light. And, presented with a new dimension of the unseen world that’s calling for exploration, you have the gift of being able to feel and see without fear. How exactly did you make this transformation? Now’s a great time to ask yourself.

Note, The Oracle is a random selection from the Eric Francis horoscope archives. Each day we publish one entry from among the 10,000 in our database. It’s a little slice of horoscope history — but chosen by our Oracle program, which always speaks to the present moment. New horoscopes are published each Friday plus twice a month in Planet Waves subscriber edition and Planet Waves Light. And for your 2012 annual reading, you’ll find Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.

2 thoughts on “Astrology Today: Oracle for Monday, August 20, 2012”

  1. Late Summer of 1999 was when I became pregnant with my son.  It was not by choice, a matter of wrong  circumstance and, with a man i knew was completely wrong for me. Which I understood from day one. 1.5 year relationship in was continually leaving him but kept being pulled back-returning.  Rejected marring him (best intuition followed and decision ever made) went on my own for my and son’s sake and turns out my son is the biggest blessing that ever hit my life!  From 1999 very difficult choices were made that became my truest love and direction in life.  

    Four years later is when I started my own business.  Driving force in even considering i could aspire to this? My motivation of head over heels love and devotion to be with my son…I plain hated to leave him even for moment, so created my company that enabled my working from home.  From scratch, no investors, on a wing and a prayer…I went for it, no doubt at all!  

    So how’d I make this transformation–Love and complete blind faith.   Turns out was the most effortless and successful thing I have ever done.

    Thank you oracle for reminding me, after some tough decisions which began about 4 years ago, I now find myself on the brink of a very parallel transformation again today!

  2. Thank you Oracle and PW. This again resonates to all three years for me 1999, 2003 and 2012. I made some poor choices (well, let’s just I didn’t mak eany decision which was the decision) in the earlier years. This reiterates to me that I am exactly where I should be and I doing all that I should.

    It exuberating and a great reminder for a Monday.

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