With fanfare, Chiron in Pisces

First, here is your Wednesday audio report — a brief overview of aspects up to the April 28th Full Moon. Note that in the start of the audio I overstate when Chiron was last in Pisces — not for the entire Sixties but rather through early 1969. And please don’t miss the Madame Arcati interview with Eric Fwaaancis below.

Chiron ingressed Pisces yesterday morning and it has surely made a show of things. I am going to count back to the recent Aries New Moon as marking the immediate vicinity of the ingress — that was last week, with Chiron on the edge, in transition out of Aquarius. We experienced a volcanic eruption at Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland, Goldman Sachs is being sued by the feds for baby fraud, and then air traffic throughout northern Europe got scrambled by the volcanic dust cloud. For nearly a week, airports across Europe were closed and the skies were silent: an astonishing event here in the modern world, and due to a natural phenomenon.

Note that there were four trigger-type events in a small zone — a New Moon (conjunct an outer planet that I love, 1992 QB1), a chunk of an asteroid coming into the atmosphere over the American Midwest, Mercury stationing retrograde a few days later, and then Chiron walking into Pisces. When you get a confluence of events like that, it’s fair to wonder what’s really behind things, and one answer of course is that everything is working together. If you’ve been studying or even following astrology longer than two weeks, you see that the events tend to cluster up and catapult everything forward at once in a lovely swirl of chaos.

Then you can look within the cluster for the events involving slow-moving points and attribute some extra history-making power to them. Chiron changing signs would count. Chiron itself is the planet most associated with whole-systems thinking. So, too, is the imaginary Aquarius-Pisces line. You can look at both the Goldman Sachs scandal or a little volcano taking global air travel out of whack as examples of whole-system events. A relatively small thing is revealed as being part of something much larger.

Let’s see what happens with the Wall Street robber barons. They are small potatoes compared to the planet itself — and we have seen how little it takes to really make a difference under the canopy of our little atmosphere, here on our small world.

All hail Chiron in Pisces!

7 thoughts on “With fanfare, Chiron in Pisces”

  1. On to gentler times lads…. http://historicaltrekking.com/forums/

    I like the gardening forum, 18th century style. Learn how to make an axe or a knife, and make bullets too. Most of the people who write in have been practicing their crafts since the 60s. No moaning and groaning about plastic here either, and no wares from Cracker Barrel.

  2. Eric, that’s a great interview with Madame Arcati. I now know a little more of what makes you tick and how you came to be writing and creating PlanetWaves.

    I envy you your back porch’s vista of nature that sounds perfect for some soul restoration (more uplifting than say……a view of Russia)

  3. Thank you for all the stunning Chiron in pisces info and inspiration..

    As a Chiron Pisces natal person back in November 1977 – I was just a month short of my 10th birthday and attending the Palomar Mountain school on Mount Palomar.
    The white 2 room school house had kindergarten – 8th grade students just a stones throw from the observatory where my mother worked and where many of my friends parents worked as Astronomers, scientists, and staff members- my mother was a lead chef at ” the monastary” where the visiting astronomers lived.
    That day in 1977 – we were hearded up to the observatory to see Chiron- there were maybe 8 of us kids who got to look through the telescope at the new discovery.
    Interestingly enough I have become an herbalist, artist, ecologist, shamanic teacher and crazy dreamer -much beautiful chiron influence… Hail Chiron

  4. Fe,
    Thank you for plunging back into your service to Planet Waves so soon after your return from vacation. You are appreciated. We are grateful. Pleased to know you are having fun, yet.

    Thank you for the concise, grounded and perceptive synopsis.

  5. OK, so my Aquarian sun is squaring the Taurus Sun AND Merc retro, Chiron in Pisces is conjunct my ascendant, Venus will be square my ascendant, opposing my natal Venus and conjunct my natal Gemini Moon.

    So, this explains:

    1) My increasingly shortened temper;
    2) Driving need to take real good care of my physical body;
    3) Vibrant awakening of second chakra;
    4) Need to fully express physical self – brighter colors, urge to dance;
    5) A serious desire to blow off anything serious.

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