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Waterfall at the Grandmother Land on Earth Day 2010. Photo by Eric Francis.
Saturday’s Full Moon in Virgo represents a turning point on many accounts, illustrated mainly because the axis of the Full Moon is square the nodes of the Moon. This is being called a ‘super’ Full Moon because the Moon is at perigee particularly close to the Earth. You can think of this as opposite Black Moon Lilith, the lunar apogee, or you can just think of it as large and close.

The Moon and Sun are also square a point out of a system of astrology we don’t usually use here — that point (a hypothetical, without an actual physical body but with a symbolic and mathematical presence) is called Hades, and it’s in late Gemini. This seems designed to help us become aware of anything that is “unpleasant, useless, antique or deeply buried,” in the words of Arlene Kramer, such as power generation inventions that don’t work and that we don’t need. Similarly in our own lives we might look for defenses, ways of relating to ourselves, ideas or concepts of dualism that no longer serve us.
Hades (not shown in the chart, but at 28+ Gemini) also represents the occult, and the secrets of the atomic world would clearly qualify, making any dark sorcerer proud — except for the fact that no sorcerer likes to see his spell run wild. Still, we need to go deeply into whatever it is that we encounter, make an authentic inquiry and check our basic facts. This is a slow-moving point covering just a degree a year, so it’s going to be hanging around that odd degree that binds together many of the biggest news events of the past decade.
Part of what makes this chart influential is the proximity to the lunar nodes. When the Sun and Moon are conjunct or close to either of the nodes, we usually get an eclipse. When they are square the nodes, there can be a similar sensation. This is an especially close square, coming in at less than one degree away, so this chart indicates both a turning point and an opposition one needs to integrate into one’s psyche in order to proceed with a growth process. That opposition might involve the emotional nature of Pisces and the mental nature of Virgo, an opposition which can cause significant struggle (as if the two have nothing in common).
The nodes themselves align with the Galactic Core — the North Node points right to it. There is an idea that we need to focus on the homing signal represented by the core of the galaxy — that irresistible pull toward the center of consciousness that might be at odds with the normal human experiences of feelings/thoughts and that can seem to exist on a different plane of reality. In fact it can seem so different that we pretend it’s not there, or get entirely distracted in the rest of the sensations we’re feeling. The intensity of this Full Moon suggests that the polarity between the male and female principles (illustrated by the Sun and Moon) becomes so intense that it dawns on the mind that there might be a better way.
This is also an Aries Point event; the Sun and the Moon are both close to Aries and Libra. The Sun is close to an exact conjunction to Uranus in Aries, which it will be through the equinox. This suggests something new; a new idea about oneself (Aries) or about where we fit into the community (Uranus). The world is not always based on the choices we perceived yesterday — often there are other alternatives that we can invoke, though they will take us on a seemingly narrower path.
Hey Eric my Love,
My north node is 27 degrees 59 in gemini. My vertex also conjuncts this at 28 degrees.. and these being 8th house placement.. Is it always catastrophic ..
About one month ago I began having apocalyptic dreams the like of which I haven’t had since I was four or five, and then again at 15 or 16. A week later I was dreaming about family and friends; the dreams were infused with care. A week later I was dreaming about the universe and planets and floating and waking up with a feeling that all was possible.
Then the world went nuclear. First, I was angry. Then I started thinking of the words I would use to write a love poem to the earth. I looked at the natal chart of my children for the first time, and what I saw sent me back to the dreams about the universe. The charts (keeping in mind I still look at pretty pictures and am nowhere near planet placements and whatnot) could not have been a more perfect rendition of my experience of them from conception to birth than if I had described it to the artist.
Tonight I am cleaning. As I will all weekend. It’s going to be a long slog. But I am all out of fear. Next week, the Arctic Ocean. There is no-where more beautiful to be at the beginning of spring. Usually -30C or below. But the sun is bright and big. The people are happy because there is light. And the snow covering the waves, frozen in mid-peak, crunches. It always tells me the world is different everywhere all the time. People in far-northern communities always smile (in public), despite adversity. And they’ have seen and continue to see their share. I always leave grateful for the infusion of silence and smiles.
Time enough for honest anger and action. Time needs to be made, also, for the quiet hush.
Don’t forget to go outside and look at the beautiful, big Moon.
Well, as for me, I’ve been invited to a “girls only” sex-toy party Saturday evening.
As the week-end seemed too empty of events and sources of anxiety, today Europe decided for the military intervention in Lybia. No-fly zone, and any other military intervention that will be necessary, “except territory occupation”.
Gheddafi immediately said that he is stopping all bombings.
Rebels say it is a bluff.
Let’s “fuse” into ourselves and hang on light.
With as much respect as may be due, I can’t get past the page on Noelle’s site that reduces horoscope-writing astrologers to fraudulent racial-type epithets who are conning the world and ruining the rest of astrology with their lies. He has really ramped up that rhetoric since the last time I read, “I would have dinner with a newspaper astrologer but that’s about it.” I get the feeling someone might burn a cross on my lawn. And I have to say that to my perception, that kind of mental process operating is intellectually discrediting.
That said, if someone could show me some (say, two or three) events that line up with these ‘super moons’ I would be grateful. They do seem to be fairly frequent lunations happening several times a year and are part of the natural pattern of New Moons and Full Moons.
This particular event has many marks of distinction all of which put it in the category of an eclipse, perhaps a little more. That it squares the nodes, the GC and that odd little point at 28+ Gemini is quite a lot; that it’s conjunct Hades is really interesting.
And even the most ‘ordinary’ Full Moon near the Aries Point (such as the one connected with the 12.26.04 quake-tsunami) can be rather influential.
The nice part is that this is a Virgo-Pisces event, suggesting that we would be well served to focus on mental-emotional balance.
Richard Nolle told me its been since MAR 21, 1909 (a new moon) since the last vernal equinox SuperMoon square the nodes.