Venus square Saturn; Mercury (s/r) Sextile Eris

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’m back in the Omega cafe and have a few minutes to do a Monday entry.

We concluded today’s session with a review of Betty Dodson‘s chart, by popular request to cover a sexual topic in astrology. Betty’s horoscope is an amazing thing — one of those charts that teaches you astrology as much as it reveals something about her. Actually it reveals plenty about both.

Eric Francis

Speaking of Betty, I believe we are preparing a new article by her, released last week on the occasion of the warm-up for her 79th birthday. It’s called “Fucking Like a Feminist,” and it will be a page one feature for all readers.

Betty turns 79 Aug. 24 and she is planning her 80th year as her 80th birthday celebration. We will be participating. Besides adoring her, I am gaining an understanding of Betty as one of the most progressive contributors to feminism, sexuality and culture of our era. You don’t hear about these people on CNN too often, it’s true. So you need use your shortwave radio known as the Internet.

Today, Mercury stations retrograde, making a number of aspects while it does so; the first in an exact sextile to Eris. This is a dialog with all the aspects of the feminine that are cast off, ignored, dispossessed, disrespected: the whore, the witch, the spinster; the unwanted woman in any form, and she takes many forms. Mercury, slow and powerful in the sky, is encouraging us to take part in a real dialog with her, if we find her willing to talk.

Mercury’s station is also trine Chiron, which is an invitation to have those discussions that will facilitate healing. Talking is not everything, but if we use conversation to take us to a deeper level of emotional contact, it is more than words — it’s action.

Venus in Gemini is square Saturn in Virgo. This is potentially an image of alienation, if we take it the wrong way. It’s almost surely a turning point in the emotional tenor of our relationships, or a relationship. Turning point does not mean a reversal; it means a shift of direction, a change of trajectory. Mercury stationing is a reminder to internalize this energy: that is, to take it to the level of an inner dialog seeking an inner commitment or at least understanding.

But that Mercury retrograde is also a comment about internalizing something, absorbing or integrating the many events that have unfolded during the recent passage of time. Obviously, we don’t spend a lot of time contemplating our lives, and when we do, it’s often riddled with anxiety. I know how this feels, having wasted perhaps half of my lifetime-so-far allocation of mental energy on worry and fear. Enough is enough…

Neptune also stations today, adding to the inner intrigue. This is a rich moment, and it has a slow motion quality.

With love from Omega Institute,

Eric Francis

Monday 26 May 2008

Venus (1+ Gemini) semisquare Vesta (16+ Aries)
Amor (10+ Taurus) sesquiquadrate Juno (25+ Sagittarius Rx)
Apollo (1+ Leo) sextile M87 (1+ Libra)
Eros (15+ Gemini) quincunx Psyche (15+ Scorpio Rx)
Mercury (21+ Gemini) square Uranus (22+ Pisces) – Near Miss Only
Mars (9+ Leo) square Hidalgo (9+ Scorpio Rx)
Mercury (21+ Gemini) sextile Eris (21+ Aries) – Near Miss Only
Mercury stations retrograde (21+ Gemini)
Hidalgo (9+ Scorpio Rx) septile Pluto (0+ Capricorn Rx)
Neptune stations retrograde (24+ Aquarius)
Venus (2+ Gemini) square Saturn (2+ Virgo)
Ceres (23+ Gemini) sextile 1992 QB1 (23+ Aries)
Eros (16+ Gemini) quintile Orcus (28+ Leo)

Today’s Oracle: Mar 23, 2007 – PISCES – Weekly

You are born under a water sign, but I assure you that the true nature of Pisces is about fire. Your sensitivity may mask your underlying impetuous nature; your willingness to come last for long periods of time conceals your knowledge that you will someday be able to take leadership. The lesson for Pisces more than all the other signs is about learning to take care of yourself so you can take care of the world — in that order. This would be a mere concept for anyone less concerned about the world, but now is the time to experiment, if you even vaguely suspect it’s true.

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