Tuesday Astrology: Eros trine Sappho

Dear Friend and Reader:

We are now five days away from the Full Moon in Cancer. Luna is now in Taurus and has just passed a conjunction with Vesta, which may serve to create a sweet resonance of creativity in the air, or a touch of selfless service. Now that Jupiter has entered Aquarius, creative energy is closer within everyone’s reach: Jupiter being creative and Aquarius being the sign of the people. Today we can enjoy some minor planet play as Eros in Sagittarius is trine Sappho in Leo. Both of these minor planets will get extensive coverage in Next World Stories as we go world hopping through the asteroids.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

In the mythical tradition, Eros is counted among the primeval gods, meaning he is even older than Zeus. He was, along with Gaia, one of the two creation deities. But then he makes a second appearance later on, the one we know about.

As the lord of desire, it was his presence in the cosmos that inspired the energies to mingle and create matter. The Spartans, an ancient race of warriors located in Greece, made sacrifices to Eros before battle. The Spartans were known for their prowess and for their ranks of warrior/lovers which occupied a special, elite place within the army. What better way to inspire a soldier to fight his best than by placing his lover on the battle field with him? Athenians erected (no pun intended?) statues to him in their male-only bath houses. In astrology, Eros symbolizes passion, or, as Martha Lang-Wescott says: joie de vivre or “joy of life.” This is different than Mars-styled passion, which can have a touch of rage or pathos. Eros is like a very hot, fiery Venus. Well, Venus has a touch of pathos as well. Wescott also notes that Eros is physically about the heart: think of it as heart-centered energy, which we usually think of as loving.

Sappho is a historical figure from the island of Lesbos, who gained her fame as a lyrical poet between 630 and 612 BC. Her poems adoring other women have given rise to the term “lesbian,” though her own sexual orientation is up for debate (as is ours). Astrologically speaking, Sapphic energy is the drive to find another to whom you can relate, to seek popularity among peers, or the close bond enjoyed by “kindred spirits.” Put another way, the energy of Sappho is about the intimate kind of equality we enjoy between close friends. Sexuality is ambiguous in this respect, though the power of the bond can be likened to sexual intimacy. Eric says he has seen this asteroid show up prominently in the charts of lesbians, and he uses it for an indication about how they might relate to their lesbianism or their lesbian identity.

Eric also factors this into the delineation of Sappho: She is the first female author, documented by name, that we hear from in Western literature. There is no figure in the history of Western literature whose signed work predates that of Sappho. And what she offered were loving, admiring commentaries on other women, particularly younger ones — something that has, unfortunately, not transposed into postmodern times (where the dominant energy seems to be resentment and jealousy). This fact points to something at the core of the female psyche, at least in our society. There are other points that speak to this “core” female dimension, which we will cover another time, one of which is the asteroid Lilith (which seems to dominate today).

Notably, it was one of the highest planets in the chart of the World Trade Center attack, suggesting its ability to bring people together — which that event did, for a while.

Both of these asteroids are involved in a fire trine, Sagittarius to Leo. The element fire is the passions. This particular aspect seems to speak of enthusiasm regarding those people you are closest to. Jupiter’s ingress into Aquarius (along with a bunch of other planets gathering in that sign for one of the most spectacular shows of the centry, which we will get to this week) lends a bit of energy to this transit as well. I would say that with these aspects taking place, the difference between brother, lover, friend or enemy blurs as we begin to recognize the same qualities that reside in us also exist in them.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone got along like that?

Merry Met,
Genevieve Salerno

10 thoughts on “Tuesday Astrology: Eros trine Sappho”

  1. gen, thanks for the intro to Sapho and a new understanding of platonic love. We are in a time of change.

    I have some notes from my locale today . There seems to have been an acceleration of information downloading. Alot of dreaming awareness in the night. And it has not been restful. As more people change, I imagine it will continue to accelerate. I think this is difficult for some of the young ones. A sister who serves as a school nurse reports alot of stomach aches. They are not digesting. I do believe that is a virgo energy thing about not being able to process. Or a guilt energy. A young virgo moon would get horrendous stomach aches at times. The reason was usually found when her mother went to parent teacher conferences and found out she never got the note of misconduct sent home.

    These kids are already on process overload with the communication devices. A teen’s mother reported today that her daughter did not want to go to sleep because she did not want to dream. Her mother told her that dreaming was okay. She would be okay. She said she just didn’t want any more information. Her neck glands are swollen. Kinduv related to the hearing shutting down. Her mother massaged her back and neck and head for over half an hour to move her into rest.

    I feel like these kids need us now, to know that we are there and to let them talk and sort it out. Or maybe just to let them know what they are feeling is okay. We have life experience to draw from to help them.

    As far as Eros and war, I do have a concern over the military recruitment in the schools. I do not like war mixed in with sexual discovery. I believe we would have a more peaceful society if we honored their development process. I don’t think there is anything wrong with a peaceful revolution. I think there is confusion with the excitement about the new president, a sense of patriotism, military obligation, and the hormones. Pamphlets are showing up in homes. It is manipulative to an end and not at all platonic.

  2. Ah… I wasn’t aware of any uppity whitegirl tone, V., my apologies. I am focused on accepting the sorry state of things, letting them be: anger and craving and violence and manipulation are evidently the unchanging grids on this planet, and I trying, really *trying* to BE with that fact. Talking with you about these energetics is a way of hearing with what I imagine to be the contours of your mind… does that make sense?

  3. I think it had to do with your honey baby reference. It suggested dominant theory. But it still doesn’t make me want to have lust or anger with you. Side note: Was it honey that flowed from the rock? How sweet has the price at the pump been? Either which way not worth the war.

  4. I feel no less passion yielding the sword pulled from the stone than I did in the lust and anger. It is embodiment of bliss? And when swords are lifted and crossed, that is sublime. The glory of the blazing fire of hearts melts all consciousness of the physical taking me to another place. Like I always say I don’t need to get on an airplane to take a trip.

    I really don’t want to argue about who has a better take on passion. It’s another journey of discovery and as long as we’re on it, it’s cool. I don’t think we’ll find the third and final answer on this one. I sure hope not. I’d be in an eternal state of yawn.

  5. V says: “I’ve known lust and anger and it makes sexual intercourse a great sport. While it does knock alot of dirt loose and leave one devoid of the energy to do anything else, eventually it wears out. One can only repeat a pattern so many times. Yawn! There’s gotta be something better.”

    Honeybaby… go a little deeper. Go to the push of anger and the pull of lust. To the pure dynamic of them. Watch what abides between. Yes, bliss is in there, but go below that. You’re right on beam when you say ‘south of creativity.’ Good move!

    We are surrounded by this shit. Surrounded. Even way away, in retreat, in the monastery, on the mountaintop, you can still hear humanity churning through it. So one finds a way to work *with* the given material. And the material is certainly hatred and craving here.

    But you are *still* all love, all the time. Work that paradox.


  6. I’ve known lust and anger and it makes sexual intercourse a great sport. While it does knock alot of dirt loose and leave one devoid of the energy to do anything else, eventually it wears out. One can only repeat a pattern so many times. Yawn! There’s gotta be something better.

    I think (and that is a think) the spirituality comes one chakra south of creativity. That’s where we ground. It’s the sword in the stone.

    And if my Mother withheld my sustenance at the breast, I’d fight to get it. It probably is as simple as replacing one fulfillment with another at a very vulnerable time when we cry out for safety and warmth. We are what we eat? or We are what is shoved down our throats?

  7. So… do I get this right? the patron deity of War was Eros? Wow. If so, that is beyond brilliant.

    I vaguely remember being initially shocked by the Spartan’s adoration of Artemis Orthia (the Huntress who *never* misses), since I associated her with childbirth. But there’s an odd intelligence to the whole thing.

    Lust/Anger. I tell you, they are oxygen and coal of spiritual development. As harsh as that city/state was, I see the Spartans as a point in a continuum that *maybe* (big maybe) was necessary to later development of Consciousness. Which is to say, compassion.

    It’s a big puzzle, and we who are here, the products of 5,000 years of Father-Right, have to put it together, or humanity is soon to be a handful of glowing dust. I kid you not.

  8. **Mystes**
    Yes, the Spartans do not go down in history as the warmest parents. They have a reputation for coldness and cruelty which has survived even to this day. Harsh upbringing and complete downplay of wealth translated to incredible feats of valor on the battlefield. Their choice of patron god is quite interesting if you think about it. What does the shaft of a spear remind you of?

    The way they stripped their citizens of individuality also reminds me of Eros. The mingling of energy while lovemaking is a like fusion. A famous quote from Sparta that has come down to us reads, “Spartan, it is better to come home on your shield than without it.” In other words, you’re better off dying than throwing your shield away and running from battle. That doesn’t leave much room for choice or individuality, does it?


  9. Gen… Thanks for the brilliant reading on the day’s energies. One small thought: the thing about the Spartans is that in order to deepen and radicalize that warrior/partner love, they began by removing male children from the breast at 6 weeks. SIX weeks! This was to ‘strengthen’ them it is said, and I believe it worked in the same way that putting a 3 year old child in a monastery radicalizes the Tulku (discovered incarnate lama) process.

    Both perform a very deep, very sublimated violence on the personality – which is then vectored into a particular institution.

    The info you have provided (and other, dawning ideas about the empty-mother aspect in the Middle-East) feels just about right as we veer into a Cancer moon. The only woman to effectively challenge the religious institutions in Tibet was a Cancer, btw. While ‘insecurity’ seems to be the label on this sign, the contents can be oddly courageous.

    I’m holding a certain hope out for the loosening Jup-in-Aquarius effect. If all goes well, that mother/lover-courage will start to apply to places where it is most needed.

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