By Len Wallick
Soon after making ingress to Leo yesterday, Venus formed a trine aspect (120 degree angle of contact) to Uranus on the Aries Point. Today, Venus forms the same aspect with Jupiter, which is in the second degree of Aries, still within a degree of exact conjunction with Uranus. These two occurrences may be taken as one. They may also be taken as positive. If there is anything to synchronicity, Venus may be indicating that solutions are at hand where the personal becomes political.
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Let’s start off with a closer look at the trine, the planets involved, then move on to examine a few other concurrent and applying aspects that would flesh things out a bit.
One of the principles that organizes and distinguishes the twelve signs are the four elements of western antiquity. Earth, air, fire and water. Twelve divided by four leaves a remainder of three. So there are three signs for each element. On the wheel of the zodiac, signs of the same element are equidistant, separated by 120 degrees. Three times 120 equals 360, the number of degrees in a circle. Try it yourself. Find a depiction of the zodiac, pick any point in any sign, count 120 degrees in either direction and you will find yourself in the same degree of a sign of the same element.
Since the time of Ptolemy (an ancient politician and mathematician who systematized astrology), and probably before, trines have been considered supportive, accepting and natural. Easy is another word. As a matter of fact if there can be a negative side to this aspect it is that it offers no tension or resistance from which development or growth can be derived. In other words, a trine can make you flabby.
Venus and Jupiter are both visible to the unaided eye and thus an integral part of ancient astrology. As such, both planets have a long and well developed evolution of their interpretation. They are known as the greater (Jupiter) and lesser (Venus) benefics. In other words they are synonymous with good stuff.
So far, so good. Trines positive. Venus and Jupiter positive.
Uranus, is a bit of a ringer. The first planet discovered by science (March 13, 1781), it does not have a long tradition of astrological evaluation and consensus. We first became conscious of it in the period of time between the American and French revolutions, and that’s a synchronicity of its association with upheaval and advancement. Other insights can be gained from a quick look at its discovery chart.
When Uranus was discovered it was in the twenty-fifth degree of Gemini, opposed to Mars (23+ degrees Sagittarius) and its conjunction with Saturn (19+ degrees Sag). The Sun was splitting the difference at 23+ degrees Pisces, forming a t-square. That’s a lot of tension between Uranus, the established order (Saturn), its muscle (Mars) and their relationship to the attachments of the individual (Sun). The ascendant was in Scorpio with the waxing Moon rising, just a few arc minutes below the horizon. That’s implies some emotional uncertainty.
Taken together the cited aspects imply that we don’t really know how to take Uranus. It’s like the edgy feeling of dealing with a person when you don’t know if they are joking or being serious. This is especially true when you consider that we are mere infants in dealing with its energetics because it has been around the Sun (and hence the zodiac) less than three times since we became aware of it.
But maybe that’s just the dynamic a stable old benefic trine needs. An impetus to build on the positive by advancing with innovation. An imperative to take a chance on evolution. An encouragement towards synthesis. Yes, this fire trine between Venus and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction does imply a solution, but not one that’s on the shelf. Rather one that is integral with the formulation of an entirely new paradigm that is appropriate to our situation now.
And what would that entail? Let’s take a look at what another major player in the Uranus discovery chart is doing today. Mars, is in Virgo, a mutable earth sign. Today it is in an exact trine of its own, with Pluto in Capricorn. It is also applying to conjoin the asteroid Vesta.
Mars in Virgo is anything but apathetic. That’s encouraging when so many among us are intimidated to the point of surrender when faced with the seemingly intractable problems that are presented to us in both the personal and public spheres. The context of a mutable earth sign encourages the fiery energy of Mars to focus on the practical while allowing it to also multitask. Pluto in Capricorn tells us it’s time for a reconfiguration of that which we had taken for granted and become attached to. It’s disquieting but also irresistible. There is a feeling of necessity that paradoxically brings up resistance. It is an imperative towards faith that metamorphosis in the dark is necessary if we hope to see the light again with new eyes.
In sum, the earth trine between the ancient and modern dispositors of Scorpio is compelling us to get down to business, but not business as usual. It is the business of mustering the courage of our life force and combine it with a utilitarian ethic to get on with the transformations necessary if life itself is to be sustained in a new form.
What will that look like for each of us? Mars’ applying conjunction to Vesta implies that there will need to be some sacrifice. Not for its own sake, but for the sake of service towards the flame of life that we all share. Its a flame which re-directs the energy of Mars from personal to common advancement, and directs us back to the fire trine that we started with today. This trine is an ancient beneficence re-booted by modern innovations — innovations which reform the confluence of the personal and political. This takes us to the impending Cancer solstice, Capricorn lunar eclipse and the grand cardinal cross towards which today is another step in awareness.
Offered In Service
Carrie. Very sad to hear that is your perception, your experience, and as it seems, now, your belief.
Good one about trines making us flabby. I remember reading somewhere that people with Grand Trines in their charts have it too easy; they never develop the compassion that people who struggle have. I have found this to be so true in my life; people I have met that either have a Grand trine or several trines in their charts lacked compassion for their fellow human beings to the point that they are blind to the suffering of others or they actually think the suffering is the sufferer’s fault.
These are the people that believe “you make your own luck” and they cannot see that this is one of the Big Lies we in the USA (especially here) are brought up with.
zk..glad to be of service.
you may enjoy this one from awhile back – it came as encouragement a few years ago and is another version of “we just need to learn to see” where we are now:
I was in the midst of a large community gathering. It was as though at a farm, the buildings or barns spread all around encircling the people. I take this to be symbolic of an agriculture-based mentality or the “gathering” of the tribe.
Firestorm was brewing and began to engulf us…..but “magically” some of us could now see that indeed there was a growing stream of water not only cooling those who would dip their hands into it, but leading us to a new place – again through double doors (they’re always double-doors), these doors were not easy to see through, I could only see that the water led through them and the choice was to sucumb to the raging fire or pass through.
Many perished, more for fear of where the water led, as though it were more evil than the fire storm that was incinerating all around us.
I felt no fear, this was not a nightmare – but the first night the dream ended there – as though a choice had been presented although in daylight I had no consciousness of a pending choice.
The dream picked up again another night – and this time I went through the doors, but could not perceive anything about me.
It was some time before I again dreamed, and this time I realized that I was indeed in a new place, it was just going to take some time and effort to be able to see – to perceive all that was new, fresh around me. (Yes, it was beautiful! But I was given only a glimpse of a portion of all of it.)
I believe we have been – or have the opportunity to be in – that “new place” for some time now.
And the tools? Same thing. I have used images of tool-box for a long time – just had to realize that it’s not empty – all the tools I need are right at my finger tips – I only need to perceive the question and the answer will be present as it were. But we all know that.
xo and thanks for the compliment; I like my dreams too! 😀
Hazel, thank you for the encouragement and glad I am not alone- I like it!
Awordedgewise- magnificent dream! And what a crystal memory you have…..
That image will stay with me….the glass door right behind me 🙂
Ha! Morgana yes, sun cancer 11th, moon scorpio 4th, saturn pisces 8th (chiron in pisces in that house too, the little bleeder). Believe me, never mind the flab, I can make water look too dry…I don’t leave footprints, I leave tiny puddles…
Loves, x.
Such a good way to explain a trine. With a grand trine in water, I could be as fat as butter, but I also have the t-square from hell to spur me on…
Yes, very accurate… “fat as butter,” love that. I also have a water grand trine – Pallas 1st Cancer/Neptune 5th Scorpio/Chiron 9th Pisces. Saturn is usually hanging out somewhere convenient for giving me a kick in the ass.
“It feels like I/we are going somewhere, marching somewhere for a gatehring but I/we don’t have any tools”
I had a dream last night which summed up with my being locked in a cell, no escape, no reason for being there but lies. The jailkeeper (not the one who perpetrated my lock-up) quietly let me know I could leave through a door left unlocked. I immediately questioned the appropriateness of doing so – as I knew that I had done no wrong and therefore would be freed by waiting things out and suffering due-process. He indicated that my dependance on ‘due-process’ to reveal the truth was fool-hardy and again indicated that there was a way out should I only look. I turned around to see that the wall being me was a glass door – and that the lock was not only unlatched, but the door already partly ajar. The door led to a large warehouse or airplane hanger – mostly empty but people moving about in the distance who seemed to have no clue I was about to “make my escape”.
Then of course, I woke up.
If the political continues to be as personal as I’ve been living it – I’m really looking forward to figuring this one out. Setting myself up for Pt. 2 tonight.
Zk – I’m with you – maybe the only tool we’re supposed to be carrying is potential, that and keeping aware.
Thank you. Yes, i do believe a Scorpio Moon is approaching a Pisces Sun. Yes, the role of Saturn in the Uranus and Neptune discovery charts is indeed a telling one.
teleskiqueen, HazelF, be, zk: Thank you for your kind words.
openheart – Thank you for keeping it real.
very awesome, Len.
There seems to be so much exciting astrology happening lately, and sometimes it’s like the most exciting thing that happens for me in a day-is just reading about it!
All the expectation, the ” it is happening NOW” vibe. If someone were to ask me what was going on now, I might say ” oh soooo much, it’s all very exciting…you can feel it in the air!”.
But specifically?
It feels like I/we are going somewhere, marching somewhere for a gatehring but I/we don’t have any tools, any weapons, any gifts, or have any idea what we are supposed to be dealing with once we get ‘there’.
But still, the hair on our backs is raised.
At least this is how I feel. It’s kind of addicting, holding on to all this potential.
So, I keep my eyes open and try to catch the wave and also worry that it will go by without me.
On a side note, are you ready for more awareness of man’s environmental devastation? Here is a link to the trailer for the documentary :”GasLand”, about the impact of natural gas drilling, coming to HBO on June 21st (the solstice), winner of the 2010 Sundance US Documentary of the Year award. I heard an interview yesterday with the filmmaker, Josh Fox, on Rosie O’Donnell’s radio show…..heartbreaking….
“Trines can make you flabby”…YEAH! I practically worshipped my trines in my youth, but now that I’m getting the hang of the squares I realize that trines pretty much suck without some challenges. Mmmmmm…bikes and gongfu really give Sol square Chiron something to chew on.
Hey, isn’t a Scorpio moon waning relative to a Pisces sun? Interesting that Saturn was involved in the discovery charts by conjunction and opposition with Uranus and Neptune. One challenges established order, the other dissolves it.
Thanks once again Len, this sounds like a great day for the President’s speech from the Oval office (an Aries touch I guess since it is the 1st time he will do so).
I especially gravitate to your words, “Pluto in Capricorn tells us it’s time for a reconfiguration of that which we had taken for granted and become attached to.” That could mean a lot of things of course, but in his speech, Pres. Obama could be talking about the Gulf coast and how it is maintained (or not) and how it will be reconfigured.
As you go on to say, “It (the trine between Pluto and Mars) is in the business of mustering the courage of our life force and combine it with a utilitarian ethic to get on with the transformations necessary if life itself is to be sustained in a new form.” You really spell it out here!
As to the approaching conjunction of Mars to Vesta (a vested interest indeed), combined with the trine of Venus to Jupiter and Uranus, the door is wide open for the launch of plans that will lift our spirits (Jupiter) and benefit our values (Venus) of beauty (Venus) and the financial picture (Venus) for the U.S citizens in the Gulf region. Hopefully, it will also be the launch of “revolutionary” change in government systems that have grown corrupt and useless.
Thanks for this surge of hope I’m getting from your words today Len. Must be that Sun in Gemini conjunct Uranus’ “birth” degree. Or in your words referring to that birth chart, “That’s a lot of tension between Uranus, the established order (Saturn), its muscle (Mars) and their relationship to the attachments of the individual (Sun). Indeed! Only this president could match the inspiration of your article today and I bet he does it tonight.
Agree – awesome way with words Len. Such a good way to explain a trine. With a grand trine in water, I could be as fat as butter, but I also have the t-square from hell to spur me on…
Facing hard, indisputable facts here…ready to make the change. With love, H.
“….a trine can make you flabby.”
Awesome way with words.