The Return to the Primal Scene

Dear Friend and Reader:

I was talking to a Leo reader recently who said she didn’t grasp her July horoscope. This, after years of it fitting perfectly for her, as she described her experience. Because the July horoscope was an interpretation of the total solar eclipse happening on Tuesday, I was curious and took yet another look at this eclipse, this time from the viewpoint of Leo, very close to where the eclipse occurs.

Photo by Eric Francis for Book of Blue.
Photo by Eric Francis for Book of Blue.

I’ve said a few times, to friends and in writing, that this is one of the most challenging eclipses I’ve ever worked with, that is, the interpretation of it. I would estimate that I’ve covered about 70 eclipses in my career, and this one stands out. A few weeks ago, I was corresponding with my collaborator Tracy at and she handed me one of her one-line gems when I asked her take on what it was about. She said, “It looks like mother is not available and father hasn’t shown up yet.”

The eclipse takes place in the last degree of the sign Cancer. That implies that it’s ‘between Cancer and Leo’, in as much as there is any space between signs; it’s at the edge of one concept and at the beginning of another. When you interpret this around the signs, it represents a transition from one phase of life to another; the eclipse falls on the cusp of two solar houses for all of us.

Cancer and Leo are signs in a special category in that neither is ruled by a planet. Both are associated with luminaries — the Moon and the Sun, respectively. Ancient astrology gives them a variety of other distinctions, but they are in a sense the ‘master signs’, in that everyone is so affected by the bodies associated with them. And when an eclipse arrives, no matter where it is, these two signs are involved because the Moon and Sun are involved.

For their part (in mundane and psychological astrology) the Moon and the Sun represent mother and father, as well as the two dominant features of the person. The Moon corresponds to mother, the child-self, the personality, and one’s sense of needs and comfort. The Sun corresponds to father, adult self, the experience expressing the personality, and one’s sense of visible presence and glory. In a world chart like an eclipse, however, separated from the trappings of any one personality, the Sun and Moon can look a lot like mom and dad, and in this chart they do. We need to remember that in many biological and physical senses, we are made of mom and dad. So it follows that the luminaries will represent both facets of our parents and facets of ourselves. There is a very close correspondence in real life.

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Discovering Fire One More Time
By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

Carpe diem – seize the day. I proposed that a while back, a call to action that encourages us to put timidity aside, sends us forward in search of adventure and success and progress; a reminder not to waste the moment, when so much can be achieved. As goal setting goes, I’m currently in revisionist mode; everything’s speeded up to the point of absurdity and I’m only seizing about a tenth of what I used to. In this current period of overabundant information, stress and worry, I find the prospect of seizing anything exhausting; maybe it’s just me, but my lethargy is about all that’s keeping me grounded at this point. Sorting out the signals is a full-time job, and you don’t have to seize much to do it; what you need will come to you.

It is helpful in seizing what we will of our day, or let’s call it embracing our experience, to push aside the bullshit — and I mean that literally: ‘bull’ as in imposingly solid and immovable, and ‘shit’ as in excremental leavings, processed and eliminated. For instance, at this writing if you turned on CNN you would find a ‘wise Latina woman’ with a stunning record of achievement being chided like an errant child by a group of partisan old coots that still can’t believe that a historically White, Male and Elitist America is ready to leap into a diverse new century. Sonia Sotomayor, being vetted as a Supreme Court candidate, is patiently holding her own against attacks that cannot be called anything but personal and more than vaguely racist; sexist as well, but covertly, as Republican lawmakers talk down to a woman whom they refuse to acknowledge as their peer and more. They are not attacking so obviously with their ‘legislating from the bench’ rhetoric this go-round; and it would be wise if they didn’t, since their choice of Roberts and Alito has fundamentally moved the court even farther to the Right and is an example of that very behavior they pretend to eschew.

There has always been bullshit in the American dialogue; some of our dearest mythologies are as dead and petrified as dinosaur dung. Impassioned flag wavers were not among those many of us who questioned the “land of the free and the home of the brave” meme during the first part of this century; who looked on in dismay as the Gunslinger Philosophy became not only justified but romanticized to the strains of the Star Spangled Banner. Our little guru, George Bush, succeeded where so many before him had failed; he broke us, inside and out, exposing decades of underlying rot and even now those who refuse to fault him want to return the nation to the downward spiral that brought us here. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty much disgusted that these unhappy people want me to be as miserable as they are because they’ve determined it “the American Way.”

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Planet Waves Daily

Coming Up in Daily Astrology and Adventure

What Goes Up, Must Come Down...

It seems like they just got it up there, and officials at NASA are already planning to send the International Space Station hurtling into the Pacific Ocean in just seven years.

Planet Waves
The international space station, as seen from the space shuttle Discovery. The station is scheduled to be completed next year, then returned to Earth in 2016. Photo: NASA.

According to a Washington Post article, the lack of a long-term budget plan to keep the space station operational means that in early 2016 it will be “de-orbited,” which is apparently scientist speak for “made to fall from the sky and land in the ocean.”

At first glance the logic seems counter-intuitive. The space station has already cost the United States and the other participating nations around $100 billion and provided a unique platform for any number of scientific experiments. The recently added Japanese module, for example, has a “front porch” that allows for experiments in the vacuum of space.

Furthermore, the International Space Station has an unusually high-profile relationship with Earthbound fans of space exploration, in no small part because it can be seen with the naked eye as a bright spot passing through the night sky. Surely it’s got a value that extends past 2016?

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 17, 2009, #775 – BY PRIYA KALE

For more daily Astrology, Horoscopes and information on Private Consultations please visit

Planet Waves

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Consider this time an unveiling of your true being. As you begin to see yourself in a whole new light it may feel like a part of you is dying and perhaps it is. But be courageous and honest with yourself as you dive to discover who you are at the bottom of it all. You may worry how this will affect a deeply personal or financial relationship. But any fear of judgment is likely in your head and your cue to speak honestly in a spirit of building trust. You are awakening to a greater truth that can no longer be denied. Be guided by your imagination, an open mind and you are likely to be led straight to the heart of a gold mine of unexplored potential — you.

The Planet Waves Midyear Horoscope Edition by Eric Francis is ready. Here is product and signup information. And we’ve reduced the price of Next World Stories, which is now just $24.95 for all 12 signs.

Planet Waves

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Open your heart and mind to a gentle Universe beckoning you to explore the unknown. Rather than any physical space this is about you feeling at home in this world regardless of where you are. If home is where the heart is, yours seems to be calling you beyond your comfort zone. Have faith in your own dedication to a mission as you turn a corner within a financial or intimate situation. You may fear falling into an abyss but your ability to face your fears is a tale of courage for a world starved for truth. Be bold and honest, as you dive into a divine mystery. You will find it only swirls you right back up to the top, unveiling to you your rightful place in the world.

The Planet Waves Midyear Horoscope Edition by Eric Francis is ready. Here is product and signup information. And we’ve reduced the price of Next World Stories, which is now just $24.95 for all 12 signs.

Planet Waves

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
You are now rediscovering the depth of your being in a profound way. You’ve had to go deeper below your surface emotions within a sexual, creative or emotional situation but your journey has led you to pearls of truth that may have even surprised you. As a Pisces you are a sensitive creature and often need to keep a close watch on your heart to avoid people taking advantage of your niceness. But a close personal partnership or financial situation requires you to resolve any sense of limitation or judgment you feel coming from partners. Follow the feeling in your heart and soul and allow yourself to be led by passion. Your courage to live the dream daily, being true to yourself is the gift you give the world.


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10 thoughts on “The Return to the Primal Scene”

  1. aquarius40, as a side note, I read all the signs and try to ingest the interpretations according to house concepts (in my natal, which I’ve been staring at for years..).

    Your rising sign, is your ascendant 29 Leo? Not 12th, 1st. Very odd transition though,.. Leo to Virgo is a tangibly manifestible function, if not a radiance from the ether that takes on (transitional?) form..

    I honestly dig ‘scopes (some) for the kick-ass thoughts of the Cat who’s pourin’ their LIFE into the collective vibe!

    When something resonates, explore. Within the framework that is you. (?!The framework is everywhere, all around the chart, many facets to explore..!?)

    Hope that’s a relative statement to make?!


  2. Mornin’ Mysti, good to hear from you. Well – a white lion you say, not a pale tiger. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Windclad brought forth the vision of a figurehead on a ship – one ‘with golden tits’ like the one Larkin describes in Next, Please. Love to you. H’azel.

  3. i want to thank upyonder for correcting my mis-quote (can you tell it took me three tries to get through the Tractatus?) of Wittgenstein. Good catch and i agree the way i mis-quoted it does not make sense. Doh!

    i want to thank patty for being so kind (as upyonder has pointed out, perhaps far too kind).

    Humbled but grateful,
    Len Wallick

  4. ” I have been in the let go, let go place for years now it seems. It has changed nothing externally (it appears), but it has helped me immensely in many other ways. I’ve let go so much I’m surprised I’m not back in diapers.”

    H’azel, welcome back!! Diapers? Oouush! I am thinking the best way to get through this upcoming Eclipse is pretty much windclad, offering a certain readiness to take the energy on directly.

    I keep seeing the image of a white lion associated with this transit. Eye’s mind.


  5. Fantastic work Eric – 5 stars*****!

    Putting the vastness of consciousness into words is talent that few possess.

    Len, I enjoy your insights dear man. Keep it coming.

  6. The Wittgenstein quote is the other way round, and the word consciousness is not in there. It would not make sense.

    “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” (Tractatus).

  7. Dear Eric (and other seekers) –

    Can I ask a question apropos paletiger’s comment (which is excellent)?

    I have Uranus 29 Leo in the 12th
    True Node 18 Leo in the 12th
    AC 29 Leo in the 12 th

    Most of the other planets I have are in Aquarius in the 6th. (Yeah, “weird” really doesn’t begin to cover it…)

    For me, the Aquarius ‘scopes haven’t resonated so much as the Leo. I dunno why; they just haven’t. I kinda feel “something” is coming. What? No idea, but something is coming through the door.

    Can the Leo horoscope have more significance if it’s the Asc. and/or other major planets in a chart but not the Sun?

    As always,



  8. Eric,

    i want to acknowledge, affirm and thank you. For being persistent when you encountered challenge. For being receptive to inspiration when you encountered creative fatigue. For (as i see it) breaking new astrological ground in the perception of things twelfth house.

    Finally, i refer to Wittgenstein’s famous comment that “The limits of my consciousness are the limits of my language”. Usually it is up to the poets to go out to the edge (literally risking their sanity and physical health) in order to extend the limits of language (thereby expanding consciousness for us all). However, in this week’s essay on the solar eclipse you do just that (even down to the title, incorporating the metaphysical, the psychological and the colloquial in six words that are not not commonly used together).

    Gee whiz, man – you did it again.
    Len Wallick

  9. Hi efc et al,

    Funny this, as I’ve been thinking of late that I couldn’t quite relate to my ‘scopes – me a Crab with birthday moments after first eclipse this month. So I started reading Leo too as I have that rising, with Mercury and Venus also in Leo – in the 12th.

    I know something is coming, as there are so many things jammed and stuck in a totally untenable position that they just have to come to an end. I have been in the let go, let go place for years now it seems. It has changed nothing externally (it appears), but it has helped me immensely in many other ways. I’ve let go so much I’m surprised I’m not back in diapers.

    Aye, a lot is flowing through. Giving birth – maybe. Just don’t know out of which end!

    Love to all.

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