The Dwarf Planet Docket for 2009

By Philip Sedgwick from Next World Stories, published in January 2009. As part of our annual edition, this article looks at all of 2009 and all of it is relevant for today. Philip Sedgwick is one of the leading minor planet pioneers, one of my most dependable astrology teachers and a longtime friend of Planet Waves.

No doubt the Saturn-Uranus sequence of oppositions and Jupiter conjunctions to Chiron and Neptune shall receive ample play in astrological articles, blogs and lectures. A plethora of promises about changing entrenched doctrines and such shall appear. In the United States it seems perfect that President Obama takes the reigns in the very near future to invoke the planetary promises. There’s a whole world out there, and above, an array of dwarf planets that underscore the more noted trends with exceptional potency. In short, the next three years contain powerful patterns involving classical strong planets and the recently discovered dwarf planets. If humanity plays its collective cards well, 2012 might be a piece of cake, leaving end of the world fear-hype mongers with the egg of the fertile myth of Makemake on their faces. Square one in this progression starts now.

While the Saturn and Uranus patterns represent a template of change, the dwarf planets contribute a deeply rooted substrate that seeks to invoke a series of changes in collective thinking patterns. Without this shift in thinking, those seeking to invoke the potent patterns of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune to the far-reaching, innovative-thinking black holes in Aquarius might go for naught for another decade. So these densely rich, gravitationally succinct dwarf planets enrich our hopes for change that evolves and cannot later be undone and in the next critical era, cannot be missed…especially by those choosing to track.

As January closes, Chiron squares Sedna and days later sextiles Eris, setting the stage for Jupiter’s identical transits in April. Chiron, especially with his proximity to Neptune, favors Sedna with the consciousness of saving the seas, and more specific to Sedna, demands preservation of Arctic and Antarctic regions. A prevailing theme of global restoration commences and on the personal level, Chiron nudges Eris who declares any apple cart of life that prohibits making clear, conscious choices – that would be Sedna’s two cents — be upset and that a person choose a healthy opt-in policy of using all the powers of cognition and physical senses to (re)create a life worth living. Sounds nice, but how?

Let the urgency of change rattle one’s affirmation cage for a spell. On March 6, Venus stations in Aries roughly a half-degree short of an opposition to Haumea and nearly conjunct Eris. Here another level of percolation begins that completes on May 19 and May 28 as Venus directly opposes Haumea and Eris, respectively. The most notable message that can be derived from Haumea is: how do you make the entourage in your life fit? Eris despises exclusion and wants to attend all functions, even those that offer no support to one’s spirit and do not further one’s cause. So, Eris might push her way into venues where she’d be better off not showing up. Haumea insists that one sort out one’s list of usual companions, asking: who drains you, who consumes you or impedes your path? Cut them loose. Reset your energy. Then, pick only soulfully succinct companions and getting on with living a really good life by engaging only in activities that do something for you. Regard your energy as precious — a pattern supported by Lord Pluto as he invokes the messages of many potent pulsars located in early Capricorn.

The uppity, unpredictable and somewhat unnerving Ceres makes two potent trines to Pluto this year. Given her retrogradation, she spends a lingering time in Virgo, a sign to which she has an organic allegiance. The trines of March 14 (Ceres retrograde) and May 10 (Ceres direct) promise times in which one, if aligned with truth, justice and vengeance free, can defeat oppressive adversaries and re-stake one’s claim in life. This pattern, if personally affecting your chart, offers a way to pull off some of the Lilliputian-like tethers of life’s petty tyrants. On a more collective level, arbitrations and judicial actions that benefit the “little people” commence.

April promises the first clear pictures of the shifts. On the 9th, Jupiter from his Aquarian view squares Sedna in Taurus. Personally, it’s about committing to a set of clear, conscious life choices. Globally, courts rule in favor of the seas and efforts to retard climate change actively begin. On the 13th, Jupiter sextiles Eris, the infamous goddess of discord. Jupiter and Eris traditionally operate cooperatively when huge wrongs need to be righted. In the myths, they conspired to reverse the order of the heavens so that political wrongs could be righted. Can the previous US Administration be prosecuted? If legal filings occur now, certainly. Personally, take time out to reset the distinction of where you feel you belong, whether welcome in that place or not. Gravitate in the direction of belonging. Resist the addiction to status, success and fitting into ridiculous clubs.

Mars and May place two subtle speed bumps on consciousness highways. The first occurs on the 11th when Mars opposes the Hawaiian named dwarf planet, Haumea. This is a cut and run mentality. When others impede your efforts and drain your resources, cut the umbilical, clear your space and move on. It’s the simplest way over a speed bump. Come the 20th, any of these transactions not clearly completed, draws the attention of Mars, a mythic companion of Eris, in longitudinal alignment with the purposely-disruptive goddess. Those still clinging and not letting go get kicked out of the cosmic clubhouse. That might mean you if you clutch things that do you no good whatsoever.

The 22nd of May brings some soothing to the Mars process as Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune clear energetic wounds. Funny how it is with Jupiter; though he exaggerates, extends and hyperbolizes everything, he works exceedingly well with Ceres, Chiron, Pluto and Eris. Those claiming to be Jupiter-savvy, benefit from any of the Jupiter-centaur/dwarf planet patterns.

The fight city hall and win pattern, both on personal fronts and for overturning failing laws and regulations, comes to a tidy head on June 28 as Ceres and Saturn conjoin in Virgo. If you want to take on your company’s restrictive policies, city ordinances, state or federal law or declare your involved citizenship on the planet, this is the plum time ready for picking.

Ceres, still in Virgo, opposes Makemake on July 19, two days before Jupiter retrogrades back into conjunction with Chiron. Ceres, with her mythologically noted sensitivity to agriculture and its ability to feed or starve the planet asks, “Holy Crap! How are we going to feed all these people?” Hold that thought. More later.

On Aug. 15th Jupiter squares Sedna and sextiles Eris one very busy work day for the Jovian Lord. Again we have global change agendas both environmentally and politically. Expect adjustments here. If the new Secretary of the Interior does uphold the mandatory muster, see ya. Violations of ecological law come to light with prosecution likely. Personally, the agenda of make good choices and lighten your load by reducing nonsense repeats as a powerful planetary demand.

The pesky little Ceres aligns with the Haumea of Hawaii on Sept. 8th. Expect Hawaii to offer up global healing agendas. Individually, the cosmic question asks if you know who you feel you need to defend and support and while being a good planet Earth boy scout urges you to help only individuals who intend to cross the street across the street.

Perhaps the most globally important issue affecting humankind, previously under valued as a priority, surfaces as Saturn in Virgo aligns with Makemake of Rapa Nui. This bird man deity of Easter Island points out what inhabitants of that island lived with as stark reality. There is only so much land to grow crops, so many fish and animals to eat and look at all these people. Forward thinkers and Earth engineers announce startling statistics about the planet’s ability to support those already on it. The harsh message comes out: If people do not cease the breeding frenzy there will need to be some regulatory process for bearing children. Please, let’s not invoke the “God must thin the herd” card. The truth is Earth’s ability to support its inhabitants sags to the breaking point. “Stop your breeding ways people,” screams Saturn. As a bumper sticker recently pointed out: If you can’t feed �em, don’t breed �em,” Makemake offers.

Three days after the Saturn-Makemake alignment Ceres oppose Eris. It is very likely that some food-related crisis sharpens the Saturn-Makemake message. The good news is these patterns invoke a “citizen’s of a concern planet” response. Saturn’s clock is ticking. Did we catch it in time? How much longer can we over-fish the wild populations? Can we safely engineer food? Is corn syrup entirely altered? Can the buffalo roam on farms where the deer and antelope used to play? Food, water and people projections must start making sense in some sort of balance.

2009 finishes with one last Jupiter to Eris and Sedna pattern early in December. Next year at this time, we’ll feel heaps better about what we’ve done in the past year and we’ll also realize that no one can afford to take their eyes off the road of personal evolution and planetary progress.

As this year just started completes, the nauseatingly touted 2012 is but two years away. We have three years to get clear, alert and become impeccable players with the transits of the powerful dwarf planets. The stage is set. 2010 is Makemake’s year as Uranus and Jupiter oppose him cracking open the cosmic eggs of Easter Island with new cosmic codes. Beyond that Saturn aligns with Haumea and opposes Eris. And then Haumea and Eris commence a lengthy tango through an opposition. The urgency is that of make or break aspects. Perhaps that’s why the rendering of Easter Island’s planet-sake tells us all to make-make good with the dwarf planets. Good transits come in small planets. This year we’ve got a docket to prove it.

1 thought on “The Dwarf Planet Docket for 2009”

  1. Another great one.

    Amongst other things, it left me thinking about Hawaii, agriculture threats there brought to my awareness by PBS, and of course, my Cere(u)s concern about gms, and biodiversity.

    The seamier details I do not mention, but take to heart and to interest.

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