Take the Sagittarius money and run

Deception Dollar
Deception Dollar issue #5. Learn more at deceptiondollar.com

Dear Friend and Reader:

It’s worth noticing that one last, enormous bailout — $306 billion to Citigroup, nearly half of what we thought the “whole bailout” was — is being to one company on the last day of Pluto in Sagittarius. Notably, it’s also happening the last day of a lunar cycle, with the Moon closing in on the Sun to send Pluto into Capricorn with a 21-gun salute. To emphasize the point, this very day is the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius (marking the exact midpoint between Mercury retrograde phases).

Sagittarius is the sign of expansion. Pluto is the planet of obsession. For the duration of this cycle, we have seen an obsession with expansion. This is yang force — the push — trying to exist or be forced to exist without a counterbalancing retraction (called a recession, in economic terms). It’s like trying to have summer without winter. Even in climates close to the equator, there are significant seasonal changes observable because the climate on the rest of the planet is changing with the seasons.

Note also that we are on the cusp of a Pluto ingress, and the cusp of an historical era between two of the most historical presidencies of the postwar (World War II, that is) era. This feeling of being on the threshold of transition is exactly what a Pluto sign change brings (see post below for additional details on that).

Pluto in Capricorn is going to provide just that sense of boundary and structure that we need. It is the sign associated with a kind of formality, conservatism and adherence to common sense. It’s also the sign of the structure of society, and we are seeing that structure change radically now. For example, we are witnessing the end of capitalism as we thought it was. We are witnessing the end of capitalism as a religion (as it was practiced with Pluto in Sagittarius, and some would say for long before) and entering a new phase where we will be forced to regard the economy as a pragmatic entity.

That is what it’s supposed to be, right?

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

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