Sun opposite the Great Attractor

Good morning…I’m on horoscope detail today, and soon to be prepping Planet Waves Astrology News for tonight. So look for me later, when things have settled a bit: but I will say this. Today the Sun makes its annual opposition to the Great Attractor. That is one of two points that makes Sagittarius what it is, something deep and cosmic and far out — and this is reflected in the human realm as the sign Gemini. With the sign of the twins, we see the dualistic nature of humans, who can love themselves one day and hate themselves the next; who can be ‘soulful’ and ‘egotistical’ and moreover not notice the difference; who can have two opinions at once and feel two ways about each of them; who can lead ‘two lives’, and so on and on. The Great Attractor is a poliarizing influence, but its paradox is that it’s dragging a million galaxies toward it at the rate 24 million miles a day (that’s correct — we travel 24 million miles a day, chasing a point in the middle of Sagittarius, with the entire local group of galaxies sweeping through deep space in tandem). It’s a fixed point located at 14 Sagittarius 02; it’s the largest, most distant, most prodigious object used in astrology or known to astronomy; and it’s funny how rarely you hear about it. Phil Sedgwick is the truly pioneering astrologer who handed us this point and a clear delineation. (It’s a lot easier to work with than the Galactic Center, despite the GC being local and a little runt compared to the GA; but note they are two different points, separated by about 13 degrees of space and zillions of light years of distance.) Here is my standard article on the Great Attractor, published shortly after the 9/11 incident.

2 thoughts on “Sun opposite the Great Attractor”

  1. Hi Eric,
    I wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Lemonade Award. Please go to my website and check out my post dated May 31. Love all the information on the Great Attractor, as it is my Sun. Had a fight with my best friend yesterday and found out she has some strong negative feelings about me that I never knew! Guess it was due to that polarizing effect of the Great Attractor.

  2. No wonder we can’t seem to “get away from” living in a world of (whose very language at the core depends upon) opposites/opposition.

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