Mercury Storm, and Makemake

Dear Friend and Reader:

Thursday is the third night of the Moon, which is still in Pisces and about to make conjunctions to Uranus and Venus. The waxing crescent and Venus may be visible at sunset for the first time if skies are clear. Judging from the astrology charts, it looks like the Sun is sufficiently far from Venus to be able to see this, though it may be faint.

Mercury is in storm phase, just four days from stationing direct on Sunday. What that means is that the retrograde is nearly over, and Mercury is in a sensitive point of changing directions; and with that, commitments can change, the truth can come out, agreements can find a new place, and we can start to see where we agree or don’t agree — and do something about it.

This is not the time to mess with your computer or take apart the engine on your car. I suggest waiting even to make even simple change, and that if you do a backup, that you really know what you’re doing. Just about everything that caused a disaster during Mercury retrograde could have waited a couple of days or weeks. And yes, the chances are, it would have been less complex, cheaper and gone better.

The Sun is conjunct the Mean Node in Aquarius. Were we looking at the chart with no context, the proximity of the Sun to one of the lunar nodes, and the waxing Moon, would be telling us that there was just an eclipse, and that we are in the fortnight between eclipses. We are in the pattern-making phase right now, where we establish the trends that we want to continue for the next five to six months, till the eclipses of midsummer.

Small gestures count for a lot; movement in the direction of what you want or need counts; and letting go of patterns that don’t work perhaps counts for most. I’m aware of the potential frustration here as we navigate at times through what seems like a sea of unconscious material, and also substantial worldly chaos.

Venus and Mars are making aspects to the dwarf planet Makemake. A dwarf planet is something in the category of Pluto, that is, in Pluto’s size range. Dwarf planets can come from many types of minor planets. One used to be considered an asteroid, for example. Pluto used to be considered a planet. There are currently five of them designated (Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris). We last covered Makemake in this edition. I am gradually tuning into this planet, which is beyond Neptune with a 310 year orbit. The intuitive key phrase that came to me recently is the mystery of how things came to be the way they are.

We certainly do have something to wonder about here, where Venus and Mars are concerned. Venus represents women, but also what we cherish (that is, value), and the way that we love and need to be loved. Mars represents the acquisition of what we want, as well as direct desire. Both of these are under a lot of stress right now; both are almost entirely corrupted energies. When you consider what we say is important to us as a society, or to ourselves — then how little we value it (or the struggle we face along the way) — you get an idea of the state of Venus. When we consider Mars and notice that this warrior energy is turned to murder in the world, or the depiction of nonstop violence on the cinema or television screen, we have an assessment of what we do with Mars.

Makemake asks us to look at the mystery of how things got to be that way. It was not by accident.

Eric Francis

4 thoughts on “Mercury Storm, and Makemake”

  1. Some lyrics inspired by things I’ve learned reading Planetwaves:

    Ghost Heavens by Ascension Conspiracy

    Ghost Heavens

    electric women
    tunnel vision
    a boy with cable TV
    a piece of my soul
    fell down a hole
    got stuck in a fantasy
    hiding out from the fallout
    of nuclear holocaustic family

    broken heart
    drowned out
    by media shroud

    you can look
    but you can’t touch

    electric porno boys
    world of puppets and toys
    push button
    eye popping
    jaw dropping
    automatic bliss machine
    in control
    a piece of my soul
    fell down a hole
    got stuck in a fantasy
    hiding out from the fallout
    of nuclear holocaustic family

    broken heart
    drowned out
    by media shroud

    you can look
    but you can’t touch
    in the ghost heaven
    of american dreamtime
    a playground for
    disembodied minds

    —Thanks for all your brilliant work Planetwavers. I’ve learned a lot of what I know about sexuality and the way our government works/is broken from this site over the last 10 years. I wanted to share these lyrics because they speak of the poisoned Mars/Venus you wrote about today.

  2. Your daily analysis and interpretation of what’s going on as a reflection of the skies on emotional and other levels since the eclipse has been right on. Even though I experience those changes, fluctuations, this part of life, in some instances your words expressed what is happening far better than I would have been able to verbalize it. Thank you.

  3. E. Timely, as always (which is why we pay you the big bucks, no?). Kashmir, motherland of those naked, dancing female buddhas I hang with, is under siege by the Taliban. An important emanation (a woman who consciously agrees to embody a particular buddhamind) named Shabana was recently dragged into the street and murdered for *dancing* and teaching young women to dance. (There’s more on this via ‘ bonebikini at blogspot ‘ if you care to hum along.)

    While I consider how best meet this challenge, I am headed to my spa to immerse for a few hours in that sensuality so misprized by these Mars-addled idiots. While there, I will ask Makemake to help me see more clearly the roots, the better to trim the branches.

    There’s topiary in this, I feel quite sure. Even underwater.



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