In this corner…the Joe and D’oh Show

Dear Friend and Reader:

IN LOS ANGELES, there is a cultural phenomenon started in downtown’sВ Mayan Club called Lucha Vavoom.

Produced as a cabaret of Mexican wrestlers, midgets and strippers, it is a cult phenomenon attracting LA club scene singles, wrestling aficionados, the LA punk scene andВ the ubiquitous college crowd. Once advertised, Lucha Vavoom tickets fly out the box office.

Audiences are drawn to the fighting tactics ranging from the typical WWF matches you see on tv — chair on the head here, full body slam there, from female mud-wrestling to scatalogical attack using your own shit to repel and humiliate your opponent. Between bouts there are beautiful female bodies in sexual display.

Sex and violence. What more distraction could you ever possibly want?

Which leads me to tonight’s Vice-Presidential debate.

In this corner, you have Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the neocon wet-dream vice-presidential candidate for the Republican Party. She appeals to evangelicals.В She appeals to post-pubescent right wing boy-men. She’s the MILF. She’s Caribou Barbie. She’s the “pitbull” of Wasilla, Alaska with lipstick. She reads loads and loads of papers. All of them. Ask Katie Couric.


In the few short weeks that Hurricane Sarah has been in the public eye (notВ shuttled to an undisclosed locationВ like Cheney’s compound), she has managed to claim Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were government entities (they’re private companies),В that Russia routinely flies over Alaskan airspace (refuted by NORAD), and she seems to have trouble naming a Supreme Court case outside of Roe v. Wade.

Then, in the other corner, there’s Senator Joe Biden of Delaware.

For the news media, the blogosphere, in Washington circles and throughout the country, tonight’s debate has the same Lucha Vavoom appeal of watching something you know is really tasteless and awful but you can’t bear to look away. В 

It’s a freak show that happens to star a sitting U.S. Senator and a normal mainstream news commentator.В In a perfect world, a debate between these twoВ opponents would only beВ plausible in a film script by the Coen Brothers.В  But tonight we’re dealing with the highest end of distraction politics by the party that brought us 9-11, duct tape to prevent biochemical attack and Paulson’s Wall Street Bailout.В So anything goes.В В 

NowВ with everything that’s been said about Sarah Palin, the last thing we should do is underestimate her and her debate coaches. Yes, I could very well be saying this with a smirk, but this is the McCain campaign’s last chance to show just how competent a decision-maker John McCain is in this regard.В She is trained in the Republican attack dog mechanism of avoidance to direct questions. These tactics are theВ one-set play for when you get in trouble. They are:

  1. Repeat back some of the words in the question to establish that you’re “answering” it;
  2. Parry by steering the frame of your answer toward a talking point that bears some relation to the subject of the question;
  3. Spray some transitional buzzwords that help you segue from what you were asked to what you have prepared to say, and;
  4. Deliver the focus group-tested answer you originally planned, even if it’s kind of a non-sequitur.
  5. UPDATE: Credit goes to kagro x from the excellent Daily Kos diary posted on these tactics which can be read in full here.

In her short time on the public stage, Palin has shown herself to be a candidateВ whose credentials and responsesВ leave the most jaded mainstream political press corps aghast. Maybe that’s good, because they are sure calling her on it.

Even with his own embarassing gaffes — referring to the market crash in 1929, Joe Biden said “Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed…” (FDR wasn’t president then, and television wasn’t around) — Biden has an impressive record of accomplishment and the trust of his constituentsВ in his state and in the bigger world. I have every reason to believe Joe will cope well having a co-starring role inВ tonight’s circusВ and well afterwards. His reputation will not be tarnished by participating in what one could call a “wrestling cabaret.”

Your astrological weather report for tonight’s debate comes from Planet Waves’ own Genevieve Salerno, who says:

There is a grand trine between the rising sign Taurus, Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Virgo, all within the 14th or so degree of those signs. The economy is going to be a hot topic tonight. You’re going to have a side striving to reintegrate more conventional methods of control to basically make sure there is no change at all, while another side will probably prefer to talk about all the mistakes that have been made.

I’m not too sure anything stellar as far as ingenuity is going to come up. I say this because Taurus will be rising, and Saturn is trining that in Virgo. Jupiter in Capricron is like a really fat guy wearing a corset screaming “I can’t breathe!” so I’m not sure anyone will be addressing that, though that might come out as blaming greed on Wall Street…

Also, Chiron is conjoined with the North node in Aquarius. I would suggest this denotes a personal struggle within to do what is right for oneself instead of vying for the popularity and approval of the masses. Venus has just sunk below the descendant line, and the Moon is next to follow it. They are both in Scorpio: watch out for people trying to personify the warrior of light in the fight against evil.

If you’re interested in the astrology for tonight’s debaters, our friend Nancy SommersВ at Starlight NewsВ providesВ interesting aspects as well.

Actually, what worries me is not what cringe-producingВ moment PalinВ will inevitablyВ produceВ nor howВ Biden responds or is not allowed to. What worries me is McCain.

If we can bear to watch US election politics’ equivalent to Lucha Vavoom tonight, let’s remind ourselves that the unwritten story on Sarah Palin is still what’s at the top of that ticket. From McCain’s doomed charge on a white horse to bail America out of the Wall Street crisis last week, to tonight’s debate between Caribou Barbie and one of the most trusted US Senators in the realm of foreign policy, we’re bearing witness to the freak show of McCain’s judgment.

As we have learned the last eight years, and even these last eight days, the one who distracts the most has the most to hide and to lose.

Yours & truly,

Fe Bongolan

24 thoughts on “In this corner…the Joe and D’oh Show”

  1. Eric:

    That reverberated! She’s another George W. Bush, a puppet for the behind the scenes power, they like em “stone stupid”. McCain is already shadowy…Charon is waiting…perhaps his job is to simply live long enough to get elected and then Palin can be the new Bush.

    McCain doesn’t look or feel right, there is something hidden, dark, creepy going on there…who is behind the scenes?

  2. “She is not the vice presidential candidate – she is the presidential candidate.”

    For the military industrial complex. Makes sense if they see no going back with the country already roiled over the economy, and prepping the troops for civil unrest in October.

  3. She is NOT a small player. She is the KEY player, in the chess game we can see. She might not be, were McCain not terminally ill. The guy has had cancer at least four times and he’s 72. She is not the vice presidential candidate – she is the presidential candidate.

  4. McCain wants to keep the “titalating” chat going while he lurks under the radar hiding his record. War in Iraq?? oh, please. Let’s talk about her sleeping habits or her daughter’s sexual foibles. Throw the vagina-american to the masses, they will devour her as sport. Who cares??

  5. you should be able to search Palin in this blog’s search engine…or look for the newest Book of Blue, where I have her posed in The Mirror. just kidding. but that would be fun.

  6. thanks Fe, where is the information being collated? I have a vague memory of eric posting something about it a while ago but was traveling then and not really paying attention

  7. Oh jeez, now I’m stuck with the image of Sarah’s new ‘astrological’ lipgloss.

    Target practice, E. Pit bulls aren’t known for their kissing.

  8. infini:

    Brad Blog may also be a good place to dig. He does alot of voter fraud and election – stealing info on his site.


    I spoke to a friend of mine in DC about the Palin phenomenon. He’s a political consultant. He said point blank:

    “The woman is stone stupid. She takes pride in being stone stupid. And furthermore, she has a complete lack of SHAME for being so stone stupid.”

  9. I had a small epiphany last night when seeing her on Teevee.
    She reminded me of someone.
    That woman I knew was completely unable to grasp that other people were thinking differently than her. If confronted with thoughts that she could not grasp, she looked at the other like at a child, while she herself was the child. Criticism was simply was not heard, it rolled off her, there was nothing in her that critical thinking could attach itself to.
    It’s a little like the small child who does not understand irony or sarcasm. Like Palin, my acquaintance always had this freshness about her, because nothing ever got to her.

    She lived in a total conviction that her world view was right and the other, who displayed a more complicated view of things, was in a very subtle way looked upon as a poor child. The person I knew was also imbued with a belief that she is the best, in all things – like a child would believe, but with no obvious display of childish behaviour. There was also a christian background, and a set of beliefs that were never scrutinized; she never knew doubt.

    I wonder if Palin feels she is chosen by God. What else would explain the gall this woman has, feeling qualified to be VP ?

  10. talking about a takeover, what’s the current news on the hunt for possible hints that they might just decide to cancel the election this year? I recall reading about it somewhere which wasn’t a tinfoil hat site

  11. Professor E. Francis:

    Do you mean Lord Paul Hindenburg was to the Weimar Republic what Sarah Palin is to the Republican Party? A tool for a militaristic fascist takeover?

  12. The new, improved Dan Quayle.

    I admit to having erotic fantasies about her, but only when I’m looking at her face.

    I also think she’s about the most dangerous person since Lord Hindenburg.

  13. GSEs (Government Sponsored Enterprises) — that’s what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were/are, NOT private companies. They are a special brand of animal that enjoyed GUARANTEES BY THE GOVERNMENT … clearly Sarah Palin had been coached to get this close to the truth. there are enough bloopers out there by her to include this half-truth.

    Sarah Palin is a train wreck and who can look away, anything ANYTHING!! but dealing with the fiasco that is our economy. Isn’t she just the perfect metaphor for the republican party, possibly our entire system of government. She may just bring us all down with her and who wants to miss that!! Reality TV rules!!

  14. infini:

    If I have to drag every last college kid sleeping in their beds late morning Tuesday 11/4 to vote, I will. If I have to drive senior citizens with catheters to the polling place, I will.

    My heart can’t take much more rage against these motherfuckers.

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