From the Cosmic Confidential Research Department

Editors Note: One of the research methods I’ve used preparing Cosmic Confidential was surveying my readers to ask how they responded to their astrology the past year or so. There were hundreds of detailed responses, which have been sorted by Genevieve Hathaway in Seattle. She has read through all of them, and provided a condensed version that will be included with Cosmic Confidential as a resource area. I asked her what she learned from doing this project the past few weeks, and this is what she wrote to me today. I thought I would share her thoughts with you. You can read the unedited full responses at this link. — efc

Dear Eric:

Hope the holidays are treating you well!! Ready to tackle finding quotes for the transits. Will work on Saturn Return this weekend.

As for what I learned from the signs – it was really insightful to pick out quotes. I learned that there were general themes for each of the signs. Astrology is real!! Well, duh, we already knew that. 😉 It’s just so cool to see astrology in action, bringing each sign it’s own specific adventures and themes and things to work on.

The Aries year seemed a lot about security and companionship and where the professional life intersects the personal life. Where career and relationships meet. There was a lot of discussion of expansion, especially in regards to people’s professional life.

For Pisceans, it was a year of delving into the self; redefining themselves; breaking down the old, outdated self and building a new self; building a foundation of self for the future; loving themselves and putting themselves 1st in their own life. There was also a lot of internal healing, new ways of viewing relationships and letting go of the people that energetically suck them dry. Aquarians’ year was about awareness (not surprising with Chiron there). There was a lot of instability and lack of pattern/routine in life, and people were having to make friends with it. Also more internal questioning and redefining of self.

Sagittarians seem to learn when they changed internally, their external world changed for the better. They learned about good healthy boundaries and establishing healthy friendships without giving all of themselves and the kitchen sink. And to feel secure while doing all of this. They developed a better relationship with themselves and there was lots of references to feeling like a new person. The Scorpio year seemed to be about the relationship between self and the world (and community/tribe) and where and how the two influence each other. There was a lot of mentioning by Scorpios of how much harder this year was for them than for other people (the word struggle was used quite a bit). I wondered if this was a result of their desire for control. They may have greatly resisted and fought the internal changes because they had no control of it before inevitably giving in. There was also a stepping away from the conformity, projection and expectations of their community/tribe and being ok with who they are and that their values differed from the people around them. And the dumping of the values that weren’t theirs, but they had adopted to “fit in.”

Capricorns this year focused on authenticity, truth (theirs and others), and their desire great desire for it. Many of them spent a great deal of time going inward learning about their truth and authenticity. They had to stand in their truth, regardless of their fear or how others reacted. Libras had a year about the past. A year about healing from the past; letting the past break down, be fully finished and fall away.

Virgos seem to have a year that focused on fear and insecurity. Also, a reset or loss or change of identity and dumping parts of their personality/self that wasn’t working. The Leo year seemed to be about seeing oneself as an individual and having to turn inward to grow and solve problems instead of only relying on the external world. Also, where they’re at in life and the growth needed was mirrored through their relationships. The year for Cancers seemed about facing fears and negative thought patterns, overcoming them and finding their inner strength, power and their own sense of worth. Gemini’s learned about trusting others to take responsibility for themselves and trusting others to be there for the Gemini. Having the courage and faith in others to ask for help. And loving people in their lives without trying to fix them. Also, about moving on from the past and the people who aren’t right for them. The Taureans seemed to have a year about creativity, liberation and expansion. There was great optimism and hope in dealing with change and transformation. Also, they turned inward to focus on connecting with and discovering their sense of self.

So that’s what I learned in general from the different signs. Lots of lessons on authenticity, discovering/redefining the self and facing the past.

Will start working on the transits.

Have a great weekend!!

Genevieve Hathaway


4 thoughts on “From the Cosmic Confidential Research Department”

  1. Len – Thank you so much!! It means a lot coming from you. I adore your astrology and find it so insightful!

    Thank you Desiree!

    Victoria – Thanks so much! I’m also a Pisces Sun, Aquarius rising. So I totally understand what you are talking about! 🙂 It’s been a hard, draining last year/two years. But filled with so much growth and change!!

  2. As a Pisces Sun, Aquarius Rising, I whole-heartedly agree with your summary. Just reading the paragraph made me tired! Looking back I can see how much energy I’ve been working with; no wonder I’ve been more slow physically this year. Thanks for your effort!

  3. Genevieve,

    Thank you for your diligence and hard work. Your evocative distillation of such a large volume of material is a singular achievement indicative of a level of intellect with which few are gifted.

    In Awe,

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