Eris, Lilith and Venus: Return of the Goddess

By Len Wallick

…most of us believe that the essence of the Good is love and freedom so that the Good cannot impose itself by force without ceasing to be good.”
-W.H. Auden

There is a stellium congregating in Aries. Jupiter and Mercury, Uranus and now the Sun are in the house, but it is not theirs. Eris, the outcast woman of ancient mythology, has a brand new bag. Eris has been in Aries for a long time but we were not aware of it until recently. That awareness has coincided with the advent of a new, feminine challenge to the established order. This challenge is fueled by the advent of a new sense of identity; a sense that has not been given to but arisen within the consciousness of countless people all over the world, all at the same time.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Aries is now the house of Eris as much as it is of the traditional ruler, Mars. Eris is longer the outsider. This planet orbiting our Sun from the edge of the Kuiper Belt, out beyond Neptune, has extended the boundaries of the solar system to include itself as an insider that is also on the expanding edge of discovery: the discovery of new identities that actually fit who and where we are now.

Tomorrow, Eris gets backup when the mean lunar apogee joins the party in Aries. This is a hypothetical point. It represents what the current, averaged-out location of the Moon’s furthest distance from the Earth would be if Luna were there now. In astrology, this point is commonly referred to as Black Moon Lilith.

Lilith is named after another outcast woman in the tradition of western civilization. Supposedly the original wife, she had the courage and self-respect to assert that love imposed by force is not love at all. Imagine that. The patriarchal deity couldn’t imagine that at all, nor tolerate it. She was banished to the outermost orbit of the undeniable feminine. She was left without extension or form, retaining only a name as an ostensible lesson to any woman who would challenge the power structure. What the established order did not consider is that one day the name Lilith would cease to be a shame and become a badge.

As that badge takes its moral authority to Aries, Venus continues to boldly go as before. In its last days in Aquarius, Venus is entering a sextile aspect with the Galactic Core, which is in late Sagittarius. The feminine personal planet is exchanging nourishment and support with the core of our galaxy. It is a symbol of the Divine Feminine doing its best to re-establish contact between our collective human interface and a central, unifying consciousness with which we have lost touch.

Currently, the single distinguishing characteristic of the established order worldwide is that it is patrilinear. It is dominated by the masculine and driven by a distorted masculine imperative towards domination. Imposing its way under the guise of guidance and protection, it punishes those who question, challenge or resist. Look around you. From Wisconsin to Libya, this is the underlying trend.

Any time this power structure has succumbed to the impotence of its inauthenticity, most recently in Japan, a pattern has emerged. Recovery from disaster and resistance to bankrupt authority have come as if from a common source. These actions share an origin guided by values long diminished and denigrated. Nourishment, tolerance, inclusiveness, cooperation and altruism are not the values of conquest and dominion. They are an expression of the divine feminine. They have not arisen through charismatic, patriarchal leadership. They have sprung from inside the afflicted who have repeatedly joined together with nothing to work with but each other.

Just days ago, the Galactic Core and the mean lunar apogee (Black Moon Lilith) were part of a grand mutable cross that included the Full Moon. There were those who were of a mind to consider that arrangement unstable. One now has grounds to differ. It was only a representation of how the established order has degraded to the point of instability. From the perspective of the returning feminine it was a dynamic that has already developed into a promise of renewal. A new day is on the way; the return of the Goddess is at hand. The Divine Feminine is coming to save our butts.

Offered In Service

31 thoughts on “Eris, Lilith and Venus: Return of the Goddess”

  1. Awesome posts! What a topic for the vernal equinox! Eco, bk, so much insight and more to see! If you didn’t post your insights I might miss seeing it when it is happening. Thanks thanks thanks. And to you, Len Warmest Best.

  2. Hey guys, Amy asked me to post this…she can’t post to the blog at the moment. xxChelsea

    Black Moon Lilith

    The outcast woman sits alone in a room full of friends and family-

    The outcast woman exhausted from the prospect of unity or wholeness shared with a partner, succumbs to loneliness-

    Intellect, full heart nor beauty come to her aid, although they are present-

    She has no option but to become comfortable with being alone, for no choice was offered-

    Finding comfort in effortless gestures of help and kindness to others- that
    will have to suffice for now-

    Until the time her cup runneth over, not knowing how or when it happened- Only the hope that it will-

    The outcast woman sits alone, and waits-

  3. “(in the form of the maleness and/or her sexuality)”

    = symbolically: the joining of the male and female aspects.

    When the two meet, it IS powerful, but we continue to pray for peaceful unity and not explosive war.

    The empowering motif of the “Return of the Goddess” allows (thank you Len!) the deep consideration of the positive outcome over the feared and reactive one.

  4. To read the story below you will have to go to page 4 of Jorge Benitez column dated March 19, 2011. It’s worth it!

  5. Goddess Power. Hillary Clinton, along with Susan Rice and Samantha Power convince the President to intervene in Libya.

    In the Virgo Full Moon chart 3/19, The Moon of course, was opposite the Sun. Juno was opposite Mars and Pallas Athene was sextile Uranus while Ceres was conjunct Neptune.

    Venus in the FM chart was forming a grand trine with the U.S. Sibly chart’s Juno and Mars in air signs and sextiled the U.S. Chiron (and the transiting Eris) and squared the U.S. Vesta.

    Vesta in the FM chart was conjunct the President’s Saturn in Capricorn which trines his natal Vesta in Taurus and also his natal Mars in Virgo (which is conjunct the U.S. Neptune [humanitarian] that squares the U.S. Mars [war])

    Read all about it.

  6. SiS,
    Which is why this is so cool, the return of the Goddess.
    Women, forced to live with half their being in exile, now embrace the full circle including their maleness or power, etc. Men embrace their intuition and feminine. The above and the below. The dark and the light. The joining becomes a dance and not a war.

    This also makes me think of the Sleeping Beauty tale. An element (the thirteenth) was not invited, but she came anyway. (They always do.) The princess and the world, rather than dying, slumbered for a long time until the element (in the form of the maleness and/or her sexuality) that could heal her and the world, reawakened them, transformed.

    I also think of Chiron, the wounded healer, involved in all this.

  7. Yang is always present within Yin
    Yin is always present within Yang
    they cannot be totally separated fr. one another.
    to be “totally male” or “totally female” is simply not possible…..


  8. Be,.. I’m here to break ego’s. Eris in the tenth. The chick knew how too fuck with people..

    ..(on a soul note.. I’m as much a dude as you are.. serious..)

    ..let’s roll the ball, and see what happens.. grinning and shaping the whole scenario from the ‘inside’ ‘out’.



  9. Be, I started typing, got through a few paragraphs, and realised I had more to say than I have energy for.

    Yeti has it straight. ..Although I will say,.. genders are almost indistinguishable to me. Male, Female.. it’s all the same to me.. the mirror on the teeter-totter. (You had my chart before, you know my fire trine.)

    ..People don’t aproach me unless there is a synchronicitous relationship. Period. Whether I realize it or not.

    ..Yeti, ..gently guide those souls to where they need to be. (..those who don’t know better)

    ..and Be, if I ever write that book, I swear I’ll come drink a cup of tea with you..

    Bowing, Love you guys,


  10. Also, Kyla. I read something to that effect recently also…Jahweh’s wife: Asherah, or, translated again, Sophia. Wisdom. Hhhmmmmmmmm…..

  11. Ah Len. You have delivered your most insightful, poetic and inspired line to date:

    “The Divine Feminine is coming to save our butts.”

    Have I told you how much I enjoy you? Thank you.

    I am no longer in the cat-bird seat – for it is me and I have become it.


  12. BK: In my case Eris has been going back and forth on my Descendant for awhile now so it seems all the women who appear in my perception near enough to start up a conversation are strong, creative, courageous and grounded. The shy mouse only passes through my peripheral vision if I notice her at all. The softening of my muscular armor that goes along with the cultivation of a strong root from my martial arts practice means my power is actual, something I can feel while at the same time I can sense more vividly the space and the energy states of people around me. Thus I don’t have to project my power onto others in order to perceive it. So rather than be intimidated because these strong women are stepping on my perception of what a man’s power should be, I can relax and learn from them, and respect them for what they’ve cultivated in themselves.

  13. Oh Len, you really got me this time.

    Just to repeat, again, like a mantra, your beautiful words: “Nourishment, tolerance, inclusiveness, cooperation and altruism” … can it really be time? Finally?

    And yet I still find the celstial energy so distinctly challenging … buzzing … not sleeping … the perigee full moon left me feeling almost pregnant …

    Perhaps it is calling me forth to re-birth myself after all these years. I was raised as the “only son” of a man with five daughters (although one of my sisters co-claims that title), and ended up, as a mother of four, the sole breadwinner with my husband staying home – not a situation I wanted and certainly not for 16 years, but oh well – it happened – economics has this funny way of driving the bus. And my entire working life spent in a male dominated world …

    So roll on the rise of the enlightened feminine wisdom. It’s time, really. I will not turn away. I will keep my eyes open and allow all that has been pushed to the back in me to self-nurture and re-birth itself. And I will keep holding it in awareness – with the help of you all … awake, aware and alive, at last. Thank you Len for your exquisite and evocative writing calling us all to grow up and truly be the one’s we’ve been waiting for.

  14. In the interest of credit where it is due, i want to thank Amanda Painter and Fe Bongolan, without whom today’s blog would have been somewhat of a mess.

  15. Thank you Burning River. It’s a holy moment, isn’t it? I agree, nourishment which comes from understanding is essential (as opposed to appeasement – feed the baby if it’s crying, even though it may not actually be hungry. Better to try and understand what the baby’s “saying”). There’s always another way to look at something, isn’t there? Someone else’s view to be taken into account – an acknowledgement of the wounds they carry, or of what they’re trying to say or do – always another perspective. And if love exists (and it usually exists – but buried under many layers of insecurity) – slowly, slowly, awakening, trust-building, consensus…until finally – finally – contact.

  16. It feels to me (has always felt) that a fully opened woman is altogether so passionate and fierce that she is intimidating to a weakling-male (unless she is his mother and he is still a babe, in which case he will be in the greatest suckle of her protection). She requires the right to roar and only the company of the fully realized male will make her soften by earning her softness, make her laugh by delighting her, make her love by arousing her.

    She is The Lion Queen.

    Not one to anger or put in a zoo or tie a pink bow around her neck and lead her around like a pet.

    I remember once being at a gathering in a huge circle of women who all sang their own songs around the circle. I was struck by how passive the vast majority of the songs were. Perhaps I am a rebel, but my own songs were fierce and funny and strong and needed desperately to be so if I was going to participate honestly to express my femininity. And someone in that circle needed to offer that up.

    I am a full range being.

    Likewise, in so many women’s art shows, participants might have gotten the same community approval by wearing a hat and carrying a pie rather than exploring the creative opportunity to express their deep feminine nature. And too often, when they did dare, instead they only dug down as far as their anger and mistook that for their essence. It has been that buried, although, thankfully, it has survived and learned the magic ways of being/seeming invisible.

    Should the Divine Feminine come back from the shadowland, womankind and mankind will be like the last card seen in the most recent tarot post, tall and royal and full.

    A great post, Len. Thanks. A view that opens the shadows and plucks out jewels.

  17. Interesting side dish….. yesterday there were some articles saying that Biblical scholars have “discovered” that “God” (meaning Jehovah or Yaweh) had a wife, named Asherah.


    I like this trend very much. Thank you, Len, for revealing some of the structure of this Divine Female emergence.

  18. Jere, I can see why you were Babuska’s favorite. Thanks for the picture of young Jere, and whatever feminine energy (not necessarily Eris’s) responsiveness you are aware of is re-assuring. Tell us more, please!

    You too paul hill!

  19. WOW Len. To me this morning each of your words is golden. Thank you thank you for more info about Eris and Lilith (the name of another of my grand daughters). The reality of the imbalance that patriarchy has created on the planet (imbalance is such a mild descriptor but I do not have eloquence this morning, just a strong desire to support your outpourings to us so that there will be more and more…) the imbalance that vilifies (out of fear) anything “not on its side” puts men at such a disadvantage of even thinking about the “yin” in themselves. There is no greater insult to a boy/man than to be called a girl, sissy, pussy all those terms relating to the “weak/feminine.” And on and on as men are alienated further and further from an inborn part of themselves.

    Thank you she, be, Paul, Indrani, jere for your comments. supporting this emerging consciousness that Eric and Len are so passionately and intelligently understanding and presenting to all of their readers. It has taken courage for Eris and Lilith to just remain…and continue to be true to themselves and to not go away. They and all who have kept their spark alive for all to see….that just won’t go away have had courage. And over and over again and now, today again, after the “yang” has done it’s all, in She/They come, the outcast and the accepted Goddesses with “Nourishment, tolerance, inclusiveness, cooperation and altruism.” Wow! what awesome descriptors of the Yin.

    But this time not into the hidden, indistnict realm of Pisces are they gathering, but into Aries (thank you Venus for joining them). We have been true to ourselves, and now, world, you are going to see us…see us for what we truly are: whole humans.

  20. Wow, some seriously good discussion on the boards today – it’s getting serious now, isn’t it? Feels like “crunch time”. And not a moment too soon…

  21. ..Now that I re-read that I have to say I was the only kid allowed into the kitchen, ’cause it was where I wanted to be.. (and I kinda was my Babuska’s favorite, I was the only one who looked like her).


  22. Be, I really do have to bake on that question.. but off the cuff I had a few things run through my mind.

    When I was a child, at the massive russian family gatherings, I always found myself in the kitchen cooking with the women (when I wasn’t out being generally aggressive with my best friend cousin, Will. He came out to California for the holidays from Dobbs Ferry New York, I Love that cat). I remember noting the brazen, egotistical, pomp that spewed forth from the males as they stood around (sports on the tube in the background) yelling over each other regarding politics, and generally doing jack-shit to get the feast going. I had derision toward them. I felt they treated the women, and the children as servants.. (and my ego was too big to tolerate that bullshit).

    I’ve always related to the feminine.. as well as the masculine.. it’s been a bit confusing..

    I’ll go back to my chart and stare at Lilith for a while.. and see if I can’t come up with a more cogitative response to your question.


  23. How do men experience Eris Len? How do you and Eric and Jere and the other male commenters here at PW feel her energy or is it something that is projected onto the women in your lives? I mean, for us, the female side of the species, it is usually rather defiant, sometimes causing trouble (consciously or unconsciously) to get attention for their causes and principles. Sometimes it is just plain courage.

    For that matter, have any or all of the newly awakened energies of the feminine, along with Venus and the Moon, made you more aware of latent emotions or gifts within your being, and do they improve your sense of balance of self? If we are to achieve (restore?) balance of yin and yang, is it just a matter of increasing the yang in women and reducing it in men, or is it a blending of the two extremes. . a blurring of the two ends of the spectrum so only the center can be focused on. Will there ever come a time when we need to be totally “male” or totally “female” again?

    Once again, thank you for the big picture and an understanding of what is happening to all of us on this planet.

  24. Morning Len…………..

    It feels as though we have stepped through the looking glass….to the brave new world…..this last weekend! Where the veil finally became so thin that at last there opened up a path to the future.

    Eris indeed is at the centre of this identity re-structure! I checked back on Gaddafi….

    40 years of patriarchal shenanigans…….subjugation of humanity…..the woman as repressed workhorse………moon/eris in Aries 7th trine pluto/chiron in leo 11th……. saturn/uranus sextile both in geminii 9th………….

    delusional archetypes from a 1st house neptune/quaoar trine mercury/lilith/sun MC

    coincides with neptunes 40 year orbit inside and outside return of pluto perfectly…..

    this guy could effectivley strategise the subjugation of the planet……and very nearly did!!

    then I found this……….

    Ring any bells…………….jewish mother………..rogue mossad agent……..

    It feels like the world has accepted that you cannot remain pacifist……….or intellectually discoursive….. in the face of a rabid dog….you have to shoot it………..!

    But let us pray that we have the sensibilities to put in place an infrastructure that removes the despotic……………….allows democracy to evolve………..and lets women rightly take their place.

    It is a sad irony that the last 40 years of African evolution have been so effectively and profoundly affected by yet another man with a Reichian mother complex 6 concrete bunkers deep…..

    big love for the renaissance….!!

    paul hill

  25. Well, what is not to like in this fan-tabulous post this morning, Len! You, who express your inner goddess on a daily basis in the most wondrous ways possible and help us believe that everything that expresses the divine feminine – “Nourishment, tolerance, inclusiveness, cooperation and altruism” now has a her rightful seat at the table.

    So let’s sit, break bread and enjoy some drinks getting to know each other from the inside out, for we have something vital to say and it’s time you listen to us world, if you know what’s best for you…..;-)

  26. Your post begs me to ask several questions:

    1. Is there a tie to the seven makor chakras? I would expect a correlation to the fourth.

    2. How does this relate to the Yin/Yang energy?

    3. Is there al left-brain, right-brain reference for this happening? It seems that to be effective this energy would have to strike or cause a balance.

    4. How does this relate to the Christ consciousness?

  27. Thanks for your discussion on Lilith. That’s a beautiful story, and it’s high time she was celebrated and restored to her rightful place in the Universe. Love has been described as “the unstoppable force” – the push for creativity and goodness, and like any natural force, especially an “unstoppable” one, it cannot be contained, just as you can’t contain the wind – you can “capture” a bit of air in a bottle, but air in a bottle is not the wind.

    Love is that pure essence of ourselves which bubbles forth when nurtured, and that’s when we choose to share it. But it’s ours alone to share and cannot be “taken” by force, any more than we ourselves can be “taken” by force. We can be captured, we can be imprisioned, we can even be tortured and killed, but our essence is untouchable – we might call it our ‘spirit’, and it is ours and ours alone – to share with others if and when we choose.

    Thanks again for a beautiful story Len. I’ve been engaged in battle. I’ve fought the world (past and present) and won myself (and who knows what else?), and I’m exhausted (aren’t we all). Your story is like a little ball of warmth that radiates within reminding me that when I wake up, it will be Me that wakes up, and doesn’t matter what happens, that love of My Self that I have fought so hard to hold onto (warts and all!) – that’ll be there, because as the song says, “you can’t touch this…” Maybe that’s what Lilith meant.



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