Daily Astrology for September 2, 2009

Author’s note: The references to some Eric’s past publications are from my colored memory but i’m sure that the actual articles are readily available on Planer Waves archives.

Primal Scene Revisited / Hypothetical Points in Astrology

It seems that Jack Kerouac’s father made his living as a printer back when each sheet of paper was laid atop the inked type by hand. Jack’s recollection was that his father thus acquired a permanent ink stain on the palm. Kerouac took this as a metaphor, implying that each of us, in the choices, patterns and habits of our lives acquire our own unique and telling stain(s). He advocated that we be aware and choose our stain(s) in a conscious manner. The irony, of course, is poignant.

Some years back Eric provided a cogent rationale for the primacy of eclipses in the hierarchy of astrological events. When one looks at an ephemeris or a series of successive charts, it becomes apparent that pretty much everything is moving. One of the few exceptions to that rule is the occurrence point of an eclipse, creating a fixed, hypothetical point (or “stain” if you will) which will continue to provide aspects to the apparent motion of celestial objects, gradually fading with time until (nearly two decades later) the completion of the eclipse cycle when the lunar nodes (and attending eclipses) return to the scene of the sign.

Today, the North lunar node in Capricorn (another hypothetical point) is opposed to the point where the July 21, 2009 total solar eclipse took place, in the the last half degree of Cancer. The dark Moon, Lilith (yet another hypothetical point) is situated three degrees away, with its shadow energy, also in Capricorn.

The South lunar node conjoins the stain where the Sun and Moon came together and cast a shadow over the earth on a path starting in India, up into China, and out across the Western South Pacific.

Eric commemorated this auspicious event, with what i consider to be a ground breaking article that connected that eclipse with what he called the primal scene. As postulated, that particular conjunction carried the flavor of the moment that launched each of us onto the path into this world. As portrayed, each of us was positioned on the other side observing (with perhaps more awareness than power) as our biological parents acted out (with perhaps more power than awareness) the moment of our conception.

Now as the lunar nodes revisit, this scene is brought forward in a different context, that of our relationships.

One common and understandable pattern of human behavior is to take in our experiences, process them a bit and then project them either onto what appears before us in the present or onto the possibilities of the future. In doing so we can deprive ourselves of being fully present to and alive with the now. We can also end up choking off or shutting out reasonable expectations and choices.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in relationships. If we shape ourselves after what we have witnessed since we were born, imagine how powerful (and hard to get in touch with) is the event that got us here in the first place. If we were ambivalent about that primal scene, might we not make it our own and re-enact it when it’s our turn to have sex, thus depriving us of the opportunity to claim that time for ourselves?

This writer has, frankly, spent several years holding space, sitting out like Coltrane in contemplation of how Eric could so willfully disregard the admonition of his mentor (Jonathan Cainer) that sex has no place in an astrological column. Indeed (and in word), not just disregard, but take it the other way. Now, having ruminated on his characterization of a momentous astrological event followed by having to exercise some creativity of my own, the horizon begins to glow for me.

Just as in the zodiac, everything moves in our lives. People, possessions, seasons, affections, inspirations, all come and go, Some in cycles. Some forever. With the application of practice and work, however, there is the opportunity to make a mark, make our stain of choice, one we can live with as our own. The music of the spheres is there too be heard and each of us can take inspiration in preparing our own improvisation when the time comes for our solo.

8 thoughts on “Daily Astrology for September 2, 2009”

  1. As the years pass by, the tears fall easier. As the tears fall easier, so does the laughter! In the Here, Now, Everything is beautiful… no matter how sad! (And we all feel free to do as we please. No worries, no regret. Understanding that now is the only space we ever inhabit. Understanding that now is a thread that is woven and rewoven unceasingly. Understanding that now is where the smiles and laughter are. Understanding that our love encompasses everyone [no matter what insecurity that person may drop on our spiritual doorstep], and that we, first and foremost, Love Ourselves! Take care of ourselves. Treat ourselves with the respect we care to receive and give to others. First, we get ourselves well,.. then we can play all day long. And others,.? (everyone listening?) Be aware of your personal vitality {that which makes you feel alive} and where you (literally) feel it going. It’s all alchemy, biological alchemy,.. it’s finding the high road (Heh, Heh). ((..it’s the one where you accept your decisions, with peace.)).)

    …you can’t hold on, but you can’t let go!…

  2. My favorite Dylan line (for now):

    I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form.
    “Come in,” she said,
    “I’ll give you shelter from the storm.”

  3. Alyson,
    In order to do no harm, i need the help of people like yourself. As long as i have the guidance and support of others my rhythm can be regulated to supplement our transpersonal heartbeat. If i can contribute to the cause off healing during my short service here, my prayers will have been answered. Thank you for your help today.

    From “Hard Rain”, right? That song make me cry every time (`course, every year of attained age makes me more vulnerable to tears anyway). After having acquired wisom from his experience, Mr. Zimmerman added followed up with “Shelter From The Storm” some years later. We can do that for each other. Jere, thank you for your music.

    With Gratitude,
    Len Wallick

  4. Mr. Len,

    I like your words. And I’m glad we talk about deep processes here on Planetwaves. Sometimes we, the people, over analogize, forgetting the primary meaning. And the eclipse season — and the primal scene — were good doorways into reality on that point. Still, it is like two universes swirling, the paradox or dance or conundrum of creation, between the event and our interpretation. Is it maya or is it nirvana? If you are able to do no harm, I think you’ve got the rhythm down. Then maybe you’re reaching into the realm of the healer, maybe. Thanks for reminding us of our universal connection.

    And Crazylove, try discarding the panic and nervousness as you would trash in your bed sheets and solo even if you’re not on stage.



  5. I always dig the music analogies Len. Good call.

    Reminds me of a line in a Dylan tune, “..and I’ll know my song well, before I start singin'”. The way I perceive that in my life is having the vitality to practice, practice, practice, until I crest that now space and embody that song as I wrap and fold and unfold,… and just plain have a beautiful time doing so. The dance of life. (I find it easier to dance when I loosen up and fuse through the stuff.) It’s like a soul orgy.

    All smiles,


  6. Hi crazylove – good question. Some decades back, before i was heading off to my first gig with a band my best friend, CW, advised me “Be humble in the face of the music, be confident in the face of the audience.”. That has has helped get me through every “solo” (including my tenure here this week) ever since.

    In Loving Service,
    Len Wallick

  7. Hey Len, Well said. Understood. But how to handle the panic and nervousness before the solo? I like holding space but when it comes to my turn, I look for a place to hide.

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