Caylee Anthony birth data

Natal chart of Caylee Anthony, and progressions for presumed time of death. The data is recorded from a plaque in Caylee's old room that was shown on the wall during a TV interview.

Here is a link to the full sized charts. The source of the data is listed above. I use quotidian secondary progressions, which are secondary progressions that move the ascendant one degree per day, connected to sidereal time. The planets move at the same scale as Naibod secondary (one day per year or 1/365th scale) but in quotidian you get a real ascendant. I have progressed to the presumed day of death. Here are the natal minor planets from Serennu based on this time of birth. These are set up on a 90-degree sort, so that you get all the cardinals by degree order, all the fixed and all the mutables in the order that they appear in their respective quadruplicity. Take a look; you will see the sort begins with the lowest degree cardinal object we have included in the search, which is a big, big galaxy called M87. That is conjunct Sisyphus, which will tell you the story of Caylee’s life without looking any further.

Caylee — we love you, and we’re keeping the Eastern Gate open for you in both directions.

Comments on these charts are welcome. Thank you Ellen for sending in the data.

4 thoughts on “Caylee Anthony birth data”

  1. Thank you Eric. I have no comments to add – only that your writing here has opened yet more paths of clarity esp re my own experiences and how it all relates to all of us all here all together.

  2. JB8

    I think the whole thing turns on the father of the child.

    I think that everyone in the family was an accomplice. Yes, Casey seems totally fragmented.

    And this proves the point, it’s easier to get a fake murder conviction than a real one.

  3. Mr Francis,
    Knowing what you shared about your reaction to everything(?) concerning this case, and the empathy and profound understanding that the natal chart reveals to you..can i ask you this weird question/inquiry? in all honesty, i feel there is something extremely creepy/awful about her mother. my feeling is that, being in a bible belt realm (northern florida) that dad is the father and mother killed the daughter due to being an ‘abomination’ to god and her and whatever else she believes. I get the strong feeling that Caycee (the daughter) is not too far removed from the movie presentation of Sybil – by Sally Field- in that the imaginary job, friends, etc is somehow close to multiple personality. i haven’t watched this on tv too much in all honesty so my inquiry might be so sad/stupid as to not even warrant a resonse from you. but the sexual vibe that she radiates…with no prompting…and the awful mother and dad apperance (scary monsters, in m opinion) seem to scream the following about all this– that the father of this child is crucial to the whole reason for behavior. ..and in all honesty i think it was her dad who was the father..and mommy destroyed that ..because of the biblical proportions to the whole thing…that she brought to the scenario and her understanding of it all…anyway, just because it is important to my own well-being (in some sense) and ego…is there anything to this possible scenario that even rings close to possible? thank you very much for the power of your insight and is very much valued and very much needed.

  4. i can see why those charts broke you down into tears. just wow.

    all that libra in her birth chart… I exist for you, mommy? All that leo-energy opposing Neptune in Aquarius in the progressed chart – Drugs are bad! Don’t do them because they make you a bad person! Drugs make you kill your child, so ban drugs and enforce drug laws! Shame sluts and scare the kids to keep them in line. Leo-aquarius with Neptune in there: ego games and deceptions. And then there’s Pluto and the Part of Fortune together on the galactic center… this whole thing is a message. I see a public slut-shaming (Jamie Leigh Jones’ verdict today a coincidence?), bad-parent finger pointing and well, of course, victim blaming, which is what it is all about. – (Why would you go out in public with a vagina? There are hordes of crazy men out there with penis-weapons that are just dying to rape your shame-hole. Shut it.)

    Fucked up situation, but if we had a) access to education and health care b) reproductive choice including pre and postnatal care and c) child care then maybe none of this ever would have happened. The mother nourishes, and sometimes nourishes by destruction. Shame on Casey? Poor Caylee? No, shame on us for sending the media circus, poor every little girl who isn’t allowed to be a whole person because patriarchy requires gender subjugation.

    thanks again for all your work. you are a beacon.


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