Michael Jackson Dies

The eternal tragedy that was Michael Jackson ended today when the performer died of cardiac arrest at age 50. TMZ reports that, “Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We’re told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

Michael Jackson as a child.
Michael Jackson as a child.

“A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived.

“Once at the hospital, the staff tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive.”

Jackson, a Virgo, died during his Chiron return. He has also had many aspects from Saturn, including a conjunction to his Sun/Pluto setup in Virgo, and a long opposition to his 12th house Pisces Moon.

It is that 12th house Moon that has been the essence of what we think of when we think of Jacko: someone who is larger than life, with half his world invested in pure fantasy — but what a fantasy it could be. Remember this video? It’s the perfect illustration of a 12th house Pisces Moon, representing an alternate reality.

Other particularly powerful aspects that define this time in his life include Eris transiting his 1st house, making a conjunction to his south node and Black Moon. [1992 QB1 is right there, I am adding as an afterthought…QB1 being the outer planet version of Vesta, but focused not on holding space and inner core fire at the center, but also on the processes of death, birth and orgasm. She is the Thresholder. Vesta lights the way for her arrival.]

Though often subjected to ridicule, and often deserving it, Jackson did not have an easy life; his chart is a profound study in the intersection between astonishing talent and the devastating loss or lack of self-esteem that characterizes so many great artists. He was indeed one of the great performers of our era of history, though his attempt to define himself is also something that is distinctly postmodern. Jackson in a sense went from an organic virtuoso to a monster created based on the distorted image he had of himself in our image-driven society.

Much of his crisis surrounded the fact that he was black, who transformed himself into a pseudo-Caucasian. I am sure this is a profound story told in the minor planets, some kind of racial dynamic — which would be indicated in the sky as a factor of Aquarius: the sign of many things racial. In a sense he tried to cross the black/white barrier by becoming white; which parallels many other personal choices that would have seemed incredulous just a few decades ago.

24 thoughts on “Michael Jackson Dies”

  1. “Lift your head up high
    And scream out to the world
    I know I am someone
    And let the truth unfurl
    No one can hurt you now
    Because you know what’s true
    Yes, I believe in me
    So you believe in you
    Help me sing it, ma ma se,
    Ma ma sa, ma ma coo sa
    Ma ma se, ma ma sa,
    Ma ma coo sa …”



  2. i hadn’t paid much attention to him in the last so many years, mostly because i don’t think he was really here, blessed heart’s been a shell for a while it seems. but billie jean brings back some old school memories of creating (awesome) dance routines with girlfriends, back when M(edia-crity) tv actually played MUSIC videos (what a concept that was), and the man still resembled a human just trying to bee.

  3. Mystes:

    Got to see if you can do some video of the event.

    There will be a similar tribute at the Embarcadero this weekend. Town is going a little nuts because its also Pride Weekend as well.

    Its weird in the Bay Area as always.

  4. We (Austin, TX) are going to have a City-wide Thriller Tribute on Sunday. The plan is to gather at the Capital in our best Zombie threads and Thrill while lipsynching (okay, you can sing if you want) MJ’s iconic tune, which will be blasting over the PA system.

    Would I kid you about a thing like this? I will try to take pics.

    Keepin’ it Weird in the A-town.


  5. I’d say he died of a broken heart.

    Based on what I’ve heard of “the real Michael” from people (notably Howard Bloom) who were close to him before and during his initial rise to superstardom, he only ever wanted to bring to the world an almost magical sense of delight and gleeful wonder, which he could do through his incredible music and simply astounding performances.

    When his handlers and entourage started convincing him he wasn’t good enough as he was — saying that he needed to be more “sensational” and come up with new and ever-stranger razzle-dazzle gimmicky flimflam all the time to regain attention and maintain media-relevance — that’s when he started transmogrifying into “Jacko”, and that’s what actually caused us to lose interest. His own loss of faith in himself, and in his own talent as sufficient in itself to keep holding our interest and inspire our wonder and delight, became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    And that’s when his heart started breaking, when we fell out of love with him, because he just wasn’t himself anymore.

    Ultimately, his is a drama about self-esteem: the heights you can reach and the gifts you can bring the world if only you believe that you, yourself alone and the talents you naturally have, are sufficient and good enough on your own merits, and the depths to which you can fall when you start questioning if that alone is ever good enough.

  6. Hi there, there was a fleeting mention of the small ‘child molestation’ thing…like i said to my daughter today “i like his music, but not his morals” – can we all please get real here…and please don’t say it wasn’t proven, cause with all that money and corruption, there was still the smoke thing…and ‘where there is smoke…’ i did love his music and grew up on it and understand all his childhood traumas blah blah blah…i would never worship someone that has hurt a child – very simple actually!!!

  7. one of my favorite authors writes,

    can’t log, in to comment

    But I am so sad, not because he died
    But because his life was not happier.

    In his public life, he represented a truly rare conjunction
    of art/talent AND discipline
    and the result was simply,

    I am sad, because I am asking myself the question, as a mother of a last degree Leo, with a boatload of planets in Virgo
    and that BIG fat 12 house moon in Pisces, conj Saturn, no less

    How is a very private person supposed to
    When they are so obviously brilliant and the whole damn world agrees the moment they set foot on a stage…
    and they STILL convince manage to convince THEMSELVES
    they are never quite good ENOUGH??

    Insight appreciated.
    and Rest in Peace, Michael.
    Thank you.

  8. What astrological aspect explains death of 2 celebrities (FF & MJ) in one day just few hours apart ???
    Anything in common between the two peoples’ transits or is it just a coincidence ??

  9. Time to jump in here, because there was many a party where we had our turn to show out to “You Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin”. Ironically that happened as recently as last night at a theater party.

    Something about his voice, the production and the showmanship – he was an incredible presence on stage and video. I remember watching a documentary in the 1990’s about his life, just before the babies and the controversies over child molestation. Gregory Peck was interviewed in the documentary and in that sonorous voice he said, “the French have a term for someone like Michael Jackson – its called “Sacred Monster”. My guess is that its a creature terrible to witness, yet sublime to experience.

    Makes me think of that early 1990’s artwork by Jeff Koons – the lifesize pieta of Michael Jackson and the monkey. An iconic Sacred Monster.

  10. Speaking of dead celebrities – today a Fed Ex arrived at my studio, containing the collection of CDs and DVDs that I acquired while I was in Europe for a few years. This was a stuffed flight bag in a box, complete with a backup of all my early digital photos, or most of them, anyway.

    Out of the box came Nirvana Unplugged on MTV. What an absolutely awesome performance…unedited…all the small talk and crosstalk and wiseacre comments…and a full-throttle performance, with the Meat Puppets.


  11. I grew up in a black neighborhood, till I was nine. This was in the late 60s and early 70s. My best friend was a kid named Eric Walker, a little older than me…Michael Jackson was revered.

  12. I still have my “ABC 123” record cut from the back of a box of cereal — remember when they did that?
    (Snagged one with the “Banana Splits” theme song on it too! They were fun, but then, they weren’t MICHAEL.)

  13. Belle,

    Your words are poetry; well spoken.

    As much as he was a “star” he “should” have been sheltered. Delicate, sensitive creative – and used; willingly — this was all he knew.

  14. That’s a wonderful picture of Michael as a child Eric – thank you.

    I am just a year younger than he was (his birthdate was August 29, 1958), turning 50 in Sept. this year and I LOVED listening to the Jackson Five and Michael especially as I was growing up. They were my band (my sister had David Cassidy and the Osmonds) He was a gorgeous child with a wonderful voice and abundant magical talent. The song “Ben” had me in tears many times, as I felt he was singing it to me.

    I felt an affinity with him and empathized with the suffering he endured from his father and family that seemed to mess up his life and happiness. His heart suffered and today it gave up.

    I am heartbroken to see Michael Jackson go – his music will live forever in my heart.

    ef replies Anatoly has been doing my photo research lately and I do think he’s brilliant

  15. Me’n’Michael.

    Michael was the same age as my classmates and myself growing up in “MoTown”. EVERYONE identified with him (if you were “whitey” like me, you learned that many classmates would ask, “who do you like better? Jackson Five or The Osmonds?” The ANSWER (to not get beat up) was: “The Osmonds? Oh, they just COPIED the Jackson Five!!!”

    It’s been a ride, Me’n’Michael.

    I thank God/dess for the Ride I have yet to go. Sad to see the Michael-Icon go – but it’s been sadder watching him — and watching him grow old.


  16. Well forget the natal Pisces moon problem with Uranus. . . it had already happened. Just found Michaels chart and he was born August 5, 1958 at 10 AM. I guessed August 6.

  17. Also, forgot to note that natal Uranus, which is conjunct natal Venus in Michael’s brith chart would also have been where the moon is located in the death chart.

  18. He WAS here wasn’t he Shanna! Eric you know your readers! Am not sure . . was he 50 years old last year? CNBC’s Keith O. said a few minutes ago that he celebrated his 50th birthday earlier this year. Assume he meant last fall (’08) so it was transiting Saturn squaring his natal Saturn at 19+ Sagittarius. Also his Pisces Moon (12 house) had Uranus (and Juno) conjunct with Uranus going rx July 1, so pretty potent. In the death chart, would the Moon represent his public/fans? His natal Venus would be conjunct that spot if born in 1958.

    His natal north node was conjunct his natal Jupiter in Libra, which shouldn’t surprise anyone, adds to that “larger than life” quality Eric spoke of. Also, that conjunction is trine to the present day Aquarius conjunction between Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. In addition, his natal rx Mercury was opposite the Aquarian trio. Natal Pluto was trine transiting Pluto, if his birthday was in 1958.

  19. The only person that really knows about MJ is MJ, the media have spent years joking about him, making him the bad guy and generally judging him because he chose to not fit the conventions of society and lead a more eccentric life. The guy was a genius and all geniuses are on the edge of madness, like him or not, he was at the end of the day pure talent.

    A tragic sudden end to a to a whirlwind of a life


  20. Selena Quintenilla was also raised JW. Most people assume she was Catholic, but in fact her family refused a blood transfusion (per JW doctrine), and she died of her very treatable gunshot wound. To this day if you’re driving down a Houston highway you’ll see at least three or four pickup trucks with Elvis, the Virgin Mary of Guadelupe and Selena (in that order) spray painted on a side panel or back window. She was/is an icon of Tejano culture. She was only 23.

    I still find it all very disturbing.

  21. This is a person who was deeplt affected by the J Dub movement (Jehovah’s Witnesses). Cheers to the First Amendment, but I have spent some time around this religion and it is strange. And it is friendly neither to sex, nor to astrology.

  22. Thanks, Eric. Wasn’t fan of the gloved one and had no interest in the sideshow/freakshow he generated, but did appreciate his talent. Had to come straight here to see what you had to say. And you were here to say something! Thanks, always, for your work.

  23. Whew – here’s what i see on the death chart for 12:26 PM in LA: rising: Late Virgo, descending: late Pisces, MC: late Gemini, IC: late Sag – in other words – almost exactly conjunct the Aries points. Leo Moon aspecting Saturn (30 degrees of seperation), Mercury (60 degrees of seperation), Mars/Venus (90 degree square). Mars/Venus, Moon and Pluto looks like a yod to me. Mars/Venus in 8th house (whoa).
    Sun/Vesta still functionally opposed to Pluto (so some t-square stuff going on there). The returned Chion (part of the triple conjunction) 30 degrees seperate from Uranus on the descendant. – gotta think, that’s a lot. A lot of people (Aries) touched and thrown off by this surprise (Uranus on descendant). Sexual identity issues (Moon squaring Venus/Mars, yodding Pluto) somehow contributing to or precipitating. Chiron return – issues came up that needed to be dealt with but this conflicted with and were exacerbated by lifestyle or life circumstances.

    Len W

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