Astrology Today: The Oracle for Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Cancer weekly of May 7, 1999

The Oracle.

With Venus entering your sign, the themes of your life may melt into such lovely subjects as comfort, abundance and soft sensuality. Gifts from the universe are surely possible, most of them of a feminine nature. But the question about Venus in Cancer is, how much of anything do we need to feel secure? To what extent do we need to feel we possess that which gives us happiness? For maximum benefit, I would suggest that the answer be as little as possible. Since there’s nothing, and no one, you can hold for very long, do your holding in the moment it’s really available; not tomorrow, and surely not yesterday.

(The Daily Oracle is a random selection from one of 10,000 Eric Francis horoscopes. New horoscopes by Eric are published weekly plus twice a month in Planet Waves Astrology News and Planet Waves Light. The Oracle itself is a divination tool available to subscribers to either of these services.)

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