Astrology Today: The Oracle for Sunday, May 2, 2010

Today’s Oracle takes us back to the Taurus weekly of August 19, 2008

The Oracle.

Once again, you have the idea you want to take a chance, and the feeling that it’s necessary to do so. You are making the commitment to yourself. I suggest you be explicitly clear about what that commitment is, in words and in feelings. Despite your deepening understanding of yourself, there seems to be an obstacle in the way. Is it a physical obstruction, or is it an idea? Is one mocking the other? I suggest you consider the conceptual level first. It is the easiest to work with and the one most likely to contain both the problem and the solution. If astrology means anything, the real issue involves faith. You seem to be stuck on the idea that the mighty cosmos is inert or unresponsive when it comes to providing you with what you need. I do know this feeling and I know how annoying it is.

(The Daily Oracle is a random selection from one of 10,000 Eric Francis horoscopes. New horoscopes by Eric are published weekly plus twice a month in Planet Waves Astrology News and Planet Waves Light. The Oracle itself is a divination tool available to subscribers to either of these services.)

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