Astrology Today: Oracle for Saturday, July 2, 2011

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Gemini weekly of Feb. 12, 1999

The Oracle.

If astrology is any indicator of things, one of the most sure-fire ways for you to find peace, serenity and the ability to make progress in your life is going to be overdosing on beauty for the next week, in your own home, if you can arrange it. Art and music are potent catalysts of consciousness; creating art and music are even more so. Given the meaningful galactic energies being stirred up by the coming solar eclipse in your sympathetic sign Aquarius, the simplest way to put it is that any act of creation is an act of self-creation. Appreciating tone, light, color, form, shape and most of all nuance of emotion are acknowledgements of who you are inside.

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1 thought on “Astrology Today: Oracle for Saturday, July 2, 2011”

  1. “any act of creation is an act of self-creation”.
    I have always felt that any act of creation is an act of creation – powerful.
    But I never realized that it was also an act of *self* creation… hum… food for awareness…
    thank you.
    Beyond question, it is an act of re-alignment with our creative self, real self, God inside, God-like beingness. That’s why it makes us feel so good!

    Sometimes a wall crumbles, a veil falls in life, and then all the ‘usual’ definitions acquire a new meaning and perspective. It’s like this for me right now, and the eclypse seems to have accelerated it. (right on my Venus).

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